Matt Gibson (@gothick)

Hotwells, Bristol

The below is an off-site archive of all tweets posted by @gothick ever

February 19th, 2012

@jakepjohnson Also, if it helps, I was randomly sitting next to a pro photographer in BTP yesterday, and he recommended

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@jakepjohnson And by “print them yourself”, I mean finding a decent print shop and dealing with them, then sending the results on.

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@jakepjohnson Print them yourself. Getting good photo prints isn’t trivial, best to learn yourself and charge for that experience.

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@KaveyF Well, *I’d* enjoy it. But I’d also enjoy skiing down the subsequent slope on your Google analytics visitor graph.

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@KaveyF Yes, that’s a well-known effect of adding sound to a web page :D

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@KaveyF You should add some sounds so it says “Ackackack” when you load it.

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@R2UK @perrygascoine £2 and a Creme Egg! (PS: How on earth did you end up with a superfluous iPad, Ruth?)

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@dottyteakettle That sounds remarkably like my one (and only) experience with Bikram.

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@shezza_t He was not bearded. And neither, current avatar notwithstanding, am I, at the moment. I suspect arsehole.

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@malvernrunner Generating points is part of my programming as a stealth spambot. Soon I will strip to my bikini and start selling v1agra.

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@malvernrunner I wonder how many we’d see if Twitter *weren’t* doing something about them?

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@siracusa I recommend letting go. Take a deep breath, and delete everything in Downloads.

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@siracusa …and I can’t see any obvious way of setting it from the command line.

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@siracusa Starting to suspect that kMDItemDateAdded is derived/held by Spotlight, and can’t be set as a file attribute.

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@siracusa Hrrm. On the files I’m trying, they have visible kMDItemDateAdded when viewed with mdls, but not with xattr. Different stores?

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@siracusa Yeah, still fiddling here. Who puts a date in a binary plist, damn it?

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@siracusa …though I’m not convinced kMDItemDateAdded actually maps to the Finder’s “Date Added”, if that’s what you’re trying to set.

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@siracusa xattr -wx “`xattr -p FILENAME`” FILENAME

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Oh, yes, by all means, upstairs neighbours, do feel free to start hammering away like that while I am all headachey and grumpy.

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@KellySibson I did not. Went for a long walk instead.

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@nitsohara But that will be redeemed by the £300 in loose change in your pockets. Or is that just a bloke thing?

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@rosamundi @ajjmcd If we make the pre-roll long enough, people might get bored and never drive. Problem solved.

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spyou Why would you set your alarm clock on a Monday? Maybe because you’re a Bristol Freelancer??…

via Twitter Web Client (retweeted on 3:57 PM, Feb 19th, 2012 via Echofon)

@spyou I keep on meaning to drag myself out for this. Kate in Baristas told me I’d probably enjoy it. But. 8AM. Hard sell!

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@MandinaM That is quite possible. I’m sure half the time I don’t remember things because I wasn’t really “there” when they were happening.

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@MandinaM Camera? Diary? Maybe you need a LiveJournal :)

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@MandinaM No, just put some kind of support system in place for remembering things. I use technology to prop up my crap memory :)

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@Phooto @ahnlak Also, credit where it’s due, MS are heading in right direction with IE. IE9 actually renders pretty damn well.

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@Phooto @ahnlak It’s easier to test web stuff in a virtual machine on the same box as the web server, so I use VirtualBox on second monitor.

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@Phooto @ahnlak I actually have it installed on two out the three Macs in the house. The Air is a little small for two OSes.

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@hayles I am significantly less enamoured with the idea of going outdoors now than I was this morning. And the fresh air gave me a headache.

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@kevin Isn’t that a fireplace? I thought they were meant to do that?

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@ahnlak At least my nightmares will all be well-engineered and reassuringly expensive.

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@ahnlak No kittens were harmed by the enhancement of my karma. I did install Windows on a Mac, though; that’s probably worse, karmically.

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If it hadn’t been redeemed slightly by the nice person who served me a macchiato, I might actually consider becoming a hermit.

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Social interactions today: laughed at by carful of dolts, chased down road by shouty beggar, shop girl with awful breath.

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Is that a “thing”? Have I just been insulted? This is why I don’t like going outside.

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Someone in a passing car just hooted at me, made eye-contact, then tapped the bottom of his chin with his finger. His friends laughed.

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I hate anti-piracy pre-rolls. But there may be a place for 30-second reminder, every time you start a car, about USING THE BLOODY INDICATORS

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@thekarleighshow Because cosmetics companies aren’t going to let a footling little thing like perfection get in the way of selling stuff?

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Just passing the zoo. Tempted to wander in and hang out with the monkeys and meerkats for a while.

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@MsLisaRogers That’s normal for me when I’m well.

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I am going for a wander. When I get back, I am going to build a crane.

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Having a very lazy day. May have to wander out for a walk, though.

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@asic69 am now singing that to the tune of “John Kettley is a Weatherman”…

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@hayles Just posted Instagram pic of the Facebook post of the blog announcement of my new tweet. I’ve scheduled it to go out hourly today.

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@EyOki Happy pre-birthday :)

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Lie-in. Toast, eggs, bacon. Coffee. Sunshine. Today is working pretty well so far.

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