MelKirk I paid double for strawberries that didn’t come in a bloody heart shaped box. Give me a break.
@psidnell It’s great. See also: actual brightness, dimmability, X-10 compatibility, no whiney noise. Plus, it cost £1.
@tomasmcguinness 2.2.2. Though I have recently tried and failed to get an update to 2.3. Damn you, Samsung.
@hayles @waiyeehong You can’t send Kleenex anyway! Think of the trees!
@Cookwitch (Or until a good energy-saving bulb is available, whichever comes first.)
@Cookwitch Try your local tiny indie hardware store. Mine seem to have enough stockpiled to last until I retire.
@waiyeehong That must be what’s raising the sea level. Furry bastards.
waiyeehong @gothick somewhere, a polar bear is crying.
Just installed an old-fashioned, tungsten filament, planet-killing light bulb. And I don’t care. #rebel
How did it get to be lunchtime? Gah.
Snappity: Calling to Cancel? #bristol #chilly
@benjohnbarnes *poke*
Oooh. Apple tell me my pre-order of @speechdebelle’s new album is now available for download…