@sidewalkfinds Oooh, get you, TV star :)
@ahnlak This is true. And also the reason why the “middle of next week” is surprisingly manager-free.
@ahnlak Assuming it results in enough money, yes. At least it’s fun-frustration, rather than wanting-to-punch-a-manager frustration.
@ahnlak I am, sadly, very unlikely to be bored at any point soon. Frustrated, yes, but lacking in work, no…
@Mouse_House These things are not that obvious. I thought of it because it’s what I use (beside my bedroom cabinet, funnily enough…)
@Mouse_House No problem. The other solution is clunkier, but cheaper and probably still useful in 20 years’ time: maplin.co.uk/1-way-2m-exten…
@Mouse_House This is not an unusual environment for a Mouse, but I imagine it’s not that ergonomic long-term.
@Mouse_House This is the one I got from the Maplin on Gloucester road. maplin.co.uk/usb-2.0-extens…
@Mouse_House Though I just be being cynical.
@ahnlak Sure? I think I prefer your site in pink and orange, now I’ve done it.
@ahnlak Let me just give Alex a bell.
@Mouse_House Because the Mac you must obviously also own will have its USB port right on the desktop where you need it.
@ahnlak *whistles while he edit’s Pete’s site’s overridden CSS directly from the live site* skitch.com/e-gothick/8den…
@ahnlak Yes, dear. But I’m not sure I’d swap it for my current CSS-editing experience. skitch.com/e-gothick/8deb…
@ahnlak Hrm. “Doctor! My foot hurts!” “Have you considered not shooting yourself in it quite so often?”
@ahnlak @davidpatrick Yup, it’s the same in both Chrome and Safari, as that bit’s basically just webkit.
@ahnlak You not got syntax highlighting on what you’re using? My first sanity check is always whether my keywords are the right colo(u)r!
@davidpatrick @ahnlak …Then Develop->Show Web Inspector.
@davidpatrick @ahnlak Safari->Preferences->Advanced->Show Develop menu in menu bar.
@davidpatrick The WebKit Inspector is built right in, and covers quite a lot of it.
@ahnlak Ah, yes. Poor deprived boy. CSSEdit, which is Mac-only. Although these days, I can often just work it out by staring hard.
@Mouse_House Even if they do, a generic USB extension lead would probably be cheaper.
@ahnlak It’s been ages since I’ve used Firebug.
@opsGordon Ta. My only test box at the moment is a white Intel MacBook that’s apparently below the minimum ML spec :(
@opsGordon That seems sadly unlikely. Is Safari still going to at least “discover” RSS feeds? Or has it gone the way of Chrome?
RT @ahnlak: This. theoatmeal.com/comics/game_of… <— So. Sadly. True.
@nineweeks They would have surveyed me, but I was too busy eating pizza and chips to answer the door.
@BlackDogDays You fitted two of them in hand luggage? ;)
@opsGordon Did you ever read feeds in those anyway? NetNewsWire man, myself. I’d guess most people read in Google Reader…
@Jorence The Speaker? Yes, it was a bit odd. I wonder whether there’s a small town called Bristol in his constituency.
@Mouse_House They look lush. #mmmmmm
@stillawake @BlackDogDays @guriben @Kimbled Curry? Yur, sounds like a good idea.
@paul_clarke Wandsworth Prison Cafe & Bar?
@jukesie Thanks!
@boagworld I think it adds charm :)
Hrm. Is there a #WordPress multilingual plugin that’s *not* going to make me swear lots?
@BradleyLaw Also handy for use as a substitute bath while the normal one is being plastered.
@ollieflips “You’re gonna need a bigger… er. Aeropress.”
@BradleyLaw I’m about to try making my first cup of tea in it. If I don’t tweet again, send a burns unit and a SCUBA team.
@boagworld (I’d say it should be id=”shameful”, on the grounds you should only be allowed to do that once per page :D )
I read the source of @boagworld’s site to check out his <li> styling, and found a confessional comment wrapped in <span class=”shameful”> :)
@bexxi Which is what it’s generating, bearing in mind I have nowhere to put it. I need to move house now.
@kayliemansfield I’m not convinced it’s actually a mug. It may be a swimming pool.
@uliwitness Remove the \n from your scanf.

Sport Direct sent me a free mug with my new shorts. I think it’s bigger than my kettle. pic.twitter.com/pFd9NbxY
@cowrin @2MuchApplePie I recommend the creation of Scotland’s largest trampoline, for safety purposes.
@BenPark @jakepjohnson *bwa-ha-ha* *Strokes imaginary fluffy white cat*