Matt Gibson (@gothick)

Hotwells, Bristol

The below is an off-site archive of all tweets posted by @gothick ever

February 16th, 2012

@GutzyTart That sounds more like a Channel 4 show.

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Oh gawd. One major danger of time-shifted telly: I just saw that fecking M&S X-factor Christmas ad again.

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@hayles On phone, I have the bookmarklet. Got it by syncing from desktop Safari; manual install details here:…

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HeardinLondon Dear @AskLloydsTSB if you send my mum any more threatening letters for unpaid fees, I suspect she’s going to start haunting your branches.

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@hayles You make me so glad I am no longer dependent on buses.

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(That is quite a scary video)

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DrJonRogers Bus driver who knocked cyclist down in Bristol using his bus “as a weapon” has been jailed for 17 months

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Couldn’t resist a quick snap of the Bristol Wheel on the way back through Broadmead. Straight from the camera:

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@stnicksmarket Luckily, I had an appointment to keep at Sourdough, which steered me towards a *slightly* healthier lunch.

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@tomasmcguinness I must be mistaken. I don’t want that at all. Now, where were those droids I was looking for?

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@tomasmcguinness Oh, I’m sure it could. I’m just not sure what’s in it for *me*.

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“all-new features inspired by iPad”? Hrm. If I was that keen on the iPad features, I’d probably have bought an iPad by now.

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@Phooto Oh, I just thought I couldn’t hear you over the tumbleweeds and crickets.

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@Phooto I think you misspelled, “oh, Christ, another fecking inbox to check.”

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Just made my annual pilgrimage to Cabot Circus, where I wander round bemused, wondering if a shop I’d want to go to has opened yet.

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Apple Store staff discretion to my rescue again. Lovely Genius replaced my out-of-warranty MacBook battery for free.

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Oh, it’s *that* photo of mine that’s up in the Galleries. Ta, @danfairs, for reminding me it was there!

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@RamonYouseph Yup :) Sourdough definitely the classier choice all round. :)

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Wait. There’s a chocolate shop next to the sweet shop in @stnicksmarket now? *walks slowly past, breathing slightly hard*

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