Matt Gibson (@gothick)

Hotwells, Bristol

The below is an off-site archive of all tweets posted by @gothick ever

February 17th, 2012

The joy of Windows. It’s been ages since I’ve have to pick carefully through an installer to avoid adding an annoying toolbar to my browser.

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@Easybourne Thank you. It’s successfully installed, in fact, so only three or four days of reboot-update cycles to go before I can use it.

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Disappointed to find out that _Legends of the Fall_ is not a music documentary.

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Psychologically, this is a very hard box for me to check.

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@guriben It is only so I can figure out what hacks to apply to make my websites work in IE. Nothing more.

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PBones I’m kind of worried I’ve offended folks, because no one’s responding to my follow requests on Ping.

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Right then, time to install Windows. This is always a fun job.

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But, let’s face it, rather that than *this*.

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@thesafetybat No, you’ll be wanting polyfilla for that.

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@slicknic I suspect continuous software updates continuously introduces new bugs, but then I’m a cynic…

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@thesafetybat Tried Happinose? I swear by the stuff.

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@BenPark I think you can, but I’m looking for an exceptionally lightweight way. Might write my own app :)

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@slicknic Fab, thanks, will try CamScanner. And yes, see the 3G/WiFi point, but I’d rather it just didn’t crash :)

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Oh, @evernote, does it have to be this way? Related: anyone know lightweight app that just throws a snap into Evernote?

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@MacTimH Mine didn’t. Or are we just talking about marketing stuff?

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@Phooto That’s not going to need much prayer around here, apparently.

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@Phooto No probs. I went running in the muddy woods in normal running shoes on Sunday just so I could see if these were any better :)

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Hrm. Hammering commences from upstairs, just above my head. Think I’m going out for lunch, then…

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@Phooto Look for “trail” running shoes; that’s what these are. Never tried them before; these are a freebie I’m going to review.

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And, with the @getrunningapp forum software upgraded to the latest version, I declare it to be time for lunch.

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@guriben @stillawake @williamoulton @quarsan When series 2 started, you should’ve had new guy move into the flat instead, claiming to be you

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@stillawake @guriben @williamoulton @quarsan I loved _Game On_. Ben Chaplin “overcoming” his phobia briefly to join a band was a great ep.

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@guriben (I just hope I don’t get a load of followers expecting sketch-based tweets, bearing in mind that’s the only one I’ve ever done!)

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