jamiesmart Hoping this’ll be the year that Hudson Hawk FINALLY wins something at the Oscars.
@danielpunkass @SasmitoAdibowo Cool, thanks!
@MrJonnyJones Oooh, are they talking about Saab? I might turn the telly on, then.
@ShabbyBean Crunchy dry oddball.
@ShabbyBean If I were a king, I’d have the fool who forgot to buy milk executed.
@rabidbee It’s just possible that you need to get more kip. Unless it was _Moneybox Live_.
@ahcstevens I believe @Phooto is planning on running up and down a touchline :)
(That last RT being the best description of an MRI scan I’ve ever heard :) )
tomroyal Glad that’s done. Like being trapped in an airline overhead locker while someone plays the first bars of Placebo’s Nancy Boy over and over.
@Phooto Cool! Hope you like them. And glad to hear I wasn’t imagining Adidas’s odd sizing.
Waiting for breakfast :) instagr.am/p/HeI7pBpC4w/
You know, I think it might be lunchtime.
@PrisRosen That’s fab!
@andybeebristol @Lillput Sounds good to me.
@rabidbee Oh! Yeah. I’d noticed that was coming up, then promptly forgot.
Hello pretty bridge. instagr.am/p/Hd8ZLbJC3S/
Right. I am off for a nice, short, flat jog in the sunshine. Will make a pleasant change.
@ahnlak @KaveyF @goodshoeday …which reduces the problem quite a lot.
@ahnlak @KaveyF @goodshoeday Which I’d pay, because it kicks ass. But GR is forum, not blog, and we require registration + valid email…
@KaveyF @goodshoeday Or I’ve just been blogging for too long :D
@ahnlak @KaveyF @goodshoeday That’s why I use on the Get Running forums for registration, and it’s worked well so far. #touchwood
@KaveyF @goodshoeday It may simply depend on whether the spambots find you. Luck/chance/links/keyword targetting/whatever.
@KaveyF @goodshoeday @ahnlak There are CAPTCHA comment-guard plugins for WP, too. But I try to avoid CAPTCHA where I can.
@KaveyF @goodshoeday My site got 4,923 real visits that month, if it helps for comparison.
@KaveyF @goodshoeday Yes. Which is why even a 99.97% accuracy rate still sometimes gets me annoyed.
@KaveyF @goodshoeday Here, this should give an indication. skitch.com/e-gothick/8rhn…
@KaveyF @goodshoeday Akismet is pretty good. Hang on a mo.
@ahnlak @KaveyF Yes, it’s called “deliberate linkbait.” Try a “Bearded CAMRA Tossers Know Nothing About Real Beer” article, and see it goes.
@KaveyF So, how many spam comments do you get in a month, say?
@KaveyF Maybe they hate innocuous comments :)
@KaveyF Also, depends why you’re blogging, I guess. Some of my blogs are notes-to-self-that-might-be-helpful-for-others…
@KaveyF Those are the ones of my blogs where I’ve got commenting turned off. The spammers still find them, so all I was getting was spam.
@KaveyF Maybe those people just got more. All it takes is one persistent troll to put people off.
@KaveyF Some people just get tired of the spamming and idiots, and prefer to interact in other ways.
@chris_j_hughes …rather than it all being “iCloudy”. Which is fine until you get on a plane.
@chris_j_hughes Anyway. I have now done a “Restore”, and it’s happier. Though I don’t know how to get my music back on the phone…
@chris_j_hughes I’ve never seen that state before, and I’d have thought an unsuccessful sync wouldn’t have left it like that?
@chris_j_hughes Possibly, but I’d done a full, apparently-successful sync before leaving the house, and this was half an hour later.