@alex__ross Are you sure you’re Terry not just imagining Wogan it? #fnord
Hangin’ out in Baristas.
@ghostfinder Yes. Though there’s an API for grabbing them, so third parties can do it. I view users’ pics using extragr.am
Lunch! Thank you, Nicki. instagr.am/p/HTxnTVpC3m/
Roight. Lunchtime, methinks.
@Mouse_House I’ll try :)
May I rattle my Bath Half collecting tin? I’m running for Bristol Mind. All donations gratefully received! Ta! justgiving.com/mattbath2012
Gosh. It’s really not long until the Bath Half. *gulps*.
@Mouse_House Oh. Well, I wish you a happy birthday, regardless. *mousehug*
@MrGreenGus I miss my boat trips anyway, since they mostly stopped running over winter due to the lack of money :( Roll on tourist season.
@MrGreenGus @wood5y @BristolMayor @bristolpaul We should glaze the harbour. It’s still look pretty, but you could walk across. #mattformayor
Spathe ham! :D questionablecontent.net/index.php
@Sirius7dk No. No, sadly, I haven’t. Maybe I need to shop around more. Good luck finding a laser place!
@Sirius7dk Yur, they were always a bit overly-pro-active with me. But somewhere there’s a happy medium between that and O2 ignoring me.
@Sirius7dk I hate that. Makes me wonder if there’s going to be an annoying salesperson chasing me for ever.