@Mouse_House Of course we will, Mouse.
@fmcauley Also, see if you can get the Snapshot feature working in the emulator; bit ropey but if you get it going it’ll speed up the boot.
@fmcauley I’ve been using a relatively cheap, quite good Samsung Galaxy Wi-Fi 5. 5” screen, no phone, Android 2.2.
@hollie_gardner @tsunimee @prettygreentea @ihavemostlybeen Thanks all :)
@stillawake Amazing range. Might watch Léon again soon, just to slightly pop my mind with the difference in his performance.
@jonhickman I’m certain it will. *nods reassuringly*
@jonhickman I think it’s helped. Hard to tell what’s doing what with the cocktail I’ve applied, though. Bah.
Headachey. I applied ibuprofen, codeine, a darkened room and a G&T. Am now headachey and a bit tipsy.
@Lillput @rabidbee I will have to look up which one Mark Strong was. I don’t watch enough films to know actors!
@rabidbee @Lillput I’m just glad it didn’t turn out that some git had bought the rights and then made a film full of explosions.
@rabidbee @Lillput I do still love me some Guinness. And Oldman was definitely channelling him here and there :)
@paulahillier Mmm. I’d go more often if it didn’t take so bloody long to get there.
Just watched _Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy_. Oldman made a very good George Smiley.
DMReporter SNOWMAGGEDDON: Snowpocalyptic snowgasm hits UK causing a snowastrophic chain of snowidents as a snowplosion of snow snows. Snow.
Apparently brand-new, unglazed. #odd @sidewalkfinds instagr.am/p/oUM-J/
Hrm. Nearly 1pm. Might get dressed and actually leave the house in a bit. #sunday
@tsunimee :D
@hayles @BristolBites I thought every day was like that with First?
@BristolBites I’m not, damn it. Want to take snowy photos!
@SiDawson Thanks! Took a few tries. Hard to zoom while shooting and hold the camera straight over a third of a second… :D
Flashing in my lounge. flic.kr/p/boRdLv
“Treacherous”, “crippled”, “chaos”, “extreme”, “blizzard”, “plummet”, “bitter”, “big freeze”. #uksnownewsbingowords