@tweetbot I just got stuck (viewing a user) without the top bar (i.e. with no “back” button.) Bug, or am I missing something? Thanks! (v2.0)
Actually, that’s a brilliant idea from @sowerbyandluff. Commemorative “snow” globes of historic nuclear disaster sites…
@ttscoff Do you have any dashboard widgets that might be trying to do anything with Mail? That can sometimes surprisingly open an app.
@Seej500 Well, if I keep thinking that, I can only be pleasantly surprised.
@PenStar_words “Grrrr.”
@BristolJelly Chocolate? I’m so there.
@g_e_r_b Yes. You’re “right”.
@Seej500 I can’t help but worry that we’re in for a big snow let-down.
Why “do” people “put” random words “in” quotes on “signs”?
Ploughin’ through the emails. #admintime
@amberanima Sadness. Still, don’t know your circumstances, but it’s often better to suspend things voluntarily before they crash and burn.
@RadioKate Snuggle.
@KirstyHigginson Yup. Cuteness is bell-shaped.
Seem to have found myself at the RWA’s papadeli. Mmmmm.
Smiley bike bell. instagr.am/p/GyV7TWJC9n/
@sgtbeefmeat You *left* an Apple Store to do that? :)
@BradleyLaw Well, he’d make quite a rubbish hobbit.
@Dru_Marland Yup! I will be getting my non-slip shoe grips and camera ready tonight, and there’d better be something to go snap tomorrow ;D
@hayles Ta :) Also: hurrah! I have actually blogged more than once this year!
Bloggity: On being productive from home: my Early Morning Call. gothick.org.uk/2012/02/09/ear…
@matthew_roach @ratsass @rabidbee Annoyingly, the best places for low-hassle working Wi-Fi tend to be the bland chain cafés.
@Lithosfear I have already heard great things about it, but I fear I can’t quite justify buying an iPad for it :D
@ratsass @rabidbee I have a degree in computer science and I can’t work Google maps. Not sure whether this says more about me or Google.
@rabidbee @ratsass It’s because putting a pin on a map already feels like editing, so why should I need to enter “edit mode” to do more?
@ratsass @rabidbee Found it! You have to click on “EDIT” at the top of the map info pane first. Non-obvious when it’s scrolled off the top!
@rabidbee @ratsass I *always* have this kind of trouble with Google Maps. Think it’s designed for a different kind of brain than mine. :(
@rabidbee @ratsass I have. It’s on the map. It’s saved there. Honest: skitch.com/e-gothick/8yn4…
@rabidbee @ratsass I may need more help than that. *feels thick* Where do I click? skitch.com/e-gothick/8yn3…
@ratsass Damn it. I hate the Google Maps interface. What’s the twisty thing you have to do to edit marker colour again?
@ratsass @rabidbee @matthew_roach …though Baristas is free and non-annoying, so I’ll add them, at least!
@rabidbee @ratsass @mattMhew_roach I got a 3 MiFi thingy specifically because I was pissed off with crap cafe Wi-Fi, so won’t be much help.
@RamonYouseph Sounds good to me. It’s the one in the outside-but-covered bit of the market, opposite the florist. See you there!
@RamonYouseph 12 is good for me. I tend to head for Baristas or St. Nick’s (esp. Sourdough Cafe) but happy to try somewhere new, too.
@RamonYouseph Wednesday, then, I reckon.
@RamonYouseph Yo. Fancy lunch sometime next week? Looks like I’m free Monday through Thursday at the mo…
Sunshine! #yay

Indicator that you may be wearing the wrong boots for your feet. A sketch by Matt. pic.twitter.com/TUYLU1MG
@chris_j_hughes I’m a latte man too, mostly, but I’m of the strong-dark-roast-punch-through-that-milk school.
Oooh, a new major version of Tweetbot? *cranks download handle faster*