Matt Gibson (@gothick)

Hotwells, Bristol

The below is an off-site archive of all tweets posted by @gothick ever

February 21st, 2012

@codepo8 …but I suppose every language has its idioms that must just be learned.

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@codepo8 As a fairly recent learner of CSS, using IE’s conditional comments makes it more obvious what’s going on, and is easier to Google.

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@Easybourne Given my timeline, I doubt you’re alone. I’ve been watching NCIS repeats, and I feel massively productive in comparison.

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@Dan_Martin You’re expecting them to answer the phone? Never did when I had outrageous council tax cock-ups.

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@opsGordon Ooof. Well, that gets my vote for “least likely thing the final version will end up doing.” Hrm.

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@fritzromanov @Debbiegreeneyes I watched that one live, and I’m *still* cringing.

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@chris_j_hughes You know, I might have guessed that.

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duncangeere Surreal: Kelloggs has made a new cereal called “Totes Amazeballs” for the frontman of the Charlatans:…

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“I challenge you to distinguish a naked prostitute from any other naked woman”. What, they just turn up, naked? Odd.…

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@parryphernalia No. “Windows” includes “win”. Proof by counterexample.

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Installing Windows. Again. I’m so happy.

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@sowerbyandluff This has you guys written all over it. RT @MShapland: Dear Britian. We are a fucked up nation:…

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@MShapland “What’s that, Mr. Monkey? Yes, it probably would be higher if they hadn’t just counted bears.”

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Whenever Windows asks me a security question, I like to say “You bet your *ass* I wish to pro-ceed” as I click “yes”.

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@drewm I lean towards either sox or Permute, depending on how batchy I want to be. (Also, my sources aren’t mp3…)

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@drewm Apologies. Thing I’m using (SoundManager 2) falls back to Flash in FF. Guess I will need those OGGs after all. *rolls up sleeves*.

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@drewm Ah, possibly not. Currently moving a site from handcoded HTML5 to WordPress-with-a-plugin; will have to investigate what it’s doing.

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@drewm My Firefox (10.0.2) seems quite happy to play mp3s. Are you on a pre-emptive strike of some kind, or does it differ by platform?

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@hayles Then slam the frying pan back down on the hob. Job done.

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@hayles Hrm. Pancake/tequila mashup. Could work…

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@hayles Haven’t you forgotten a key ingredient? Where’s the lemon juice, eh?

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@moonbeatle Not only do I do that, I also do not have a baby.

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@hayles ACTUALLOL. I’m not sure I’ve got the hang of Shrove Tuesday, either. Just bought butter and sugar in preparation for pancakefest.

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Goodness, it’s deigned to finally boot up. Well, I’m sorry, Windows, but I’m too busy “self-updating” to type anything now.

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@hayles Of course, you’re going to save them until after Lent, right?

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@R2UK @minibreakmummy I have heard a lot of bad things about eBay being stuffed with scammy buyers when it comes to selling hot tech.

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On the other hand, rather bemused that they’re now playing _Fairytale of New York_. Erm.

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Gusto has much better music than that Costa had the other day. Currently tapping foot to The Hold Steady’s cover of _Crawl Out Your Window_.

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@alfredapp When viewing a Contact in Alfred, is there an easy way to open that Contact in Address Book? Ta!

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@DanRebellato It’s doing them longhand, with its tongue sticking out. It wants you to be proud, daddy.

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@ghostfinder If I’m writing prose or doing complicated programming, I can’t even have music with lyrics playing.

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@hayles But it’s worth it for the (first and) third reply to the article.

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