Upgrading the kernel on a server in New York. Wish me luck; that’s a long way to walk if I get it wrong…
@chocablog *cries*
@chocablog I suggest you start by gathering bubble-wrap, stamps and an envelope, and preparing to take down my address.
For one day only: streamable preview of the whole of the Cowboy Junkies’ next album, _The Wilderness_. latentrecordings.com/cowboyjunkies/…
@guriben GRR.
@Mouse_House The play.com CAPTCHA. Sorry, should’ve been a “reply all”, which would’ve been more obvious…
Sitting next to posh schoolkids who are using phrases like “FML” out loud. FML.
Mmm. Genmaicha in BTP, looking out of the upstairs windows on the world. Nice.
I could actually use this invention right now. bit.ly/yqXqDj
Hurrah! I didn’t actually buy a bunch of green sticks the other day. They’re opening. instagr.am/p/HWT8xMJC9p/
@notoriousnicola On a motorway, it’s nearer 70.
@Mouse_House *snigger*