@nickbrompton @Souterain @hayles @stillawake @KellySibson Thanks all. Guess that’s a clear consensus :)
fergieweather Current snow distribution prognosis from UKMO is mapped here, based on latest model analysis: yfrog.com/nz46jtgj
@chris_j_hughes I used to like them, in general. I think exposure to too many motorway services branches has worn me down.
@Cookwitch Twhosts. You are being twaunted.
@hayles First time *ever*. #freebievirgin
Hrm. An agency for a sports retailer wants to send me some running shoes to review (& then keep.) What d’you think, folks?
@MizzWorthy “Why are you failing to entertain me?”
I am, unusually, in a #costa. They are testing the (very loud) fire alarm. I think I prefer it to the musical wallpaper it’s drowning out.
I’m too literal to have signs made. “This garage *isn’t* in constant use. I will, however, still be miffed if you park in front of it.”
I has eated too many porridges. Woe.
O2 The lights are off and the door’s closed - our Business Director Ben Dowd explains why our HQ is empty: j.mp/yME0tk #O2BeReady
G’morning all. I didn’t sleep well last night. An admin, paperwork and tidy-the-flat day beckons.
@RogueAmoeba Excellent! Thanks. Working fine for me now.
DanRebellato FACT: the voice at M&S that says “Cashier No. 10 please” uses the very same intonation as Spike Milligan saying “He’s fallen in the water”.
RT @Catreia: Excellent xkcd strip today :-) especial mention for @floyduk @gothick @KaveyF @jacintuk and others <— :D xkcd.com/1014/
@warrenellis I think I saw them supporting Babyshambles once.