Oh, at last. UK iTunes’ feed of _House_ has been un-bunged. And we’re only a month behind now.
@danielpunkass No problem. Thanks for MarsEdit! I use it a lot, and it saves me much time and frustration.
@danielpunkass Teeny oddity with MarsEdit — can’t “Paste Link” if URL contains an apostrophe (apparently valid unencoded in path…)
@runnerbeany It was necessary, too. I was cringing on his behalf. Most wooden script-reading I’ve heard since Prisoner Cell Block H.
Gawd, that was a painful experience. They’re completely baffled when you go off-script on them.
Phone sales guy from Amnesty doing a very bad job of reading the stuff from his script at me.
@talkie_tim You may well be right. I wasn’t sure at all.
Portway Wolf #graf instagr.am/p/HZGe4CJC4B/
Spiky. @ St Nicholas Market instagr.am/p/HZB_cwJC3Z/
Whoo-hoo! My first #bathhalf donation. Thanks, @guriben! justgiving.com/mattbath2012