@rbrwr It’s all coming back to me now. I installed the latest Twitter app at the time to trigger the web upgrade so I could play with it.
@Jorence Well, it’s a pretty nice day for it. “Might as well,” I thought to myself…
Just nipped out for a 10K jog through Leigh Woods. Slow, but it did involve much uphill climb… runkeeper.com/user/gothick/a…
Iron Age. instagr.am/p/G6Hh3-pCy4/
@MrsVeee Yur. Turns out I’ve been on the new Twitter since December, which is why I didn’t think it was new!
@simondebrux It’s all coming back to me now. They rolled out the web site changes giving priority to people who’d updated their phone app.
@rbrwr Yup, turns out I’ve been on the new Twitter since early December, so it just doesn’t seem very new!
@simondebrux “iPhone, android, and *web* clients”. By which he means the website.
@Cookwitch I’ll probably not get round to learning the new Twitter until the new new Twitter comes out. I’m mostly on Tweetbot or Echofon…
@Cookwitch When did that happen for you? Mine’s been like it since early December, which is why I thought I was behind, rather than ahead…
@simondebrux Aha. So the new Twitter started rolling out on 8 December daringfireball.net/2011/12/new_tw…
Thanks, Bens :) @utterben @BenPark have confirmed that I appear to be on the latest new new new Twitter.
@utterben Aha. Cool. Mine’s been like that for long enough that I can’t remember when it changed. Hrm.
@simondebrux Seeing indications in replies to my question that we are, indeed, on the new Twitter.
@utterben So, presumably this means I *am* on the “new” Twitter? skitch.com/e-gothick/8y52…
@simondebrux I’m guessing we’re the bleeding edge, trailblazing a path through the New Twitter Frontier.
Anyone who’s recently been switched to “new” Twitter — what does it look like? How can you tell?
@simondebrux Does yours look like mine? skitch.com/e-gothick/8y5a…
JohannaJourno1 LOOKING FOR COUPLES WHO MET ON TWITTER! For a paper - small piece with a good fee…get in touch if you can help #journorequest
@simondebrux I’ve been wondering that. Not sure if I’m on new new Twitter or new new new Twitter.