Matt Gibson (@gothick)

Hotwells, Bristol

The below is an off-site archive of all tweets posted by @gothick ever

April 2017

When your interest in football extends only as far as making sure it’s safe to step outdoors.

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@CharlieEsq_ Aww. I’m surprised I and my hangover didn’t spot you two. :D

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Further experiments in “excited to have a new blender” week.


KennyHiggs I did 28,000 steps today but 15,000 of them were me trying to avoid someone in Sainsburys.

via Twitter for Android (retweeted on 9:40 PM, Apr 28th, 2017 via Tweetbot for iΟS)

@Kavey Hollandaise is my hands-down favourite. Normally do it by hand, but this thing has a whisk attachment, too. Might try!

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@LeadHyperion Keeping it on the street in BS8 might have something to do with it, but still.

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@LeadHyperion I have six years no claims, and I’m still paying £800. (And it’s not exactly a dragster I’m driving.)

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collectSPACE NASA Apollo to launch as brick model set on June 1:……iQ

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goldenanton Getting ready for open studios

via Twitter for iPhone (retweeted on 1:57 PM, Apr 28th, 2017 via Twitter Web Client)

When you have a new blender and suddenly think about mayonnaise.


pv_reynolds The most British fox ever:

via Twitter for iPad (retweeted on 11:06 AM, Apr 28th, 2017 via Twitter Web Client)

altclassic On this day in 1981, Adam & the Ants released the single “Stand and Deliver” from their third studio album “…Zl

via Twitter for iPhone (retweeted on 11:05 AM, Apr 28th, 2017 via Twitter Web Client)

@AmazonHelp That seems to be the case. The Alexa re-order was with UK.

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Hrm. @AmazonUK have helpfully sent me a $5 voucher for Amazon US because I re-ordered something in the UK from my UK Alexa account.

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Erm. Is “union” not something of a synonym for “gang”?…

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LadPolitics Who’ll win Bristol West?

via Twitter Web Client (retweeted on 5:53 PM, Apr 27th, 2017 via Twitter Web Client)

@claireellent My next job will *have* to involve ferry commuting.

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I think I’d like to be reborn as a Capybara.…

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(Apparently even an advanced neural net throws a wobbly when trying to make me young…)…

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@MarkSkinner_ Oh! Maybe I’ll try there next time. From Hotwells I normally head for Avonmouth because it’s never that busy.

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garethlpowell Another chance to listen to @Paul_Cornell’s radio adaptation of Iain M Banks’ State Of The Art on @BBCiPlayer -…

via Twitter Web Client (retweeted on 2:48 PM, Apr 26th, 2017 via Twitter for iPhone)

caitlinmoran Total sex-talk - @salihughes on stationery. “Fire out a last minute Moonpig” hahaha:…

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@griotspeak @uliwitness I’d like to schedule a Skype call about your uninterestedness.

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Why don’t council tips have a “this is too good to bin but the charity shop is closed/a bastard to park outside/etc.” section?

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neilrich75 @michaellegge @robinince spent an hour making happy Morrissey record covers. More fun than it should be.

via Twitter for iPhone (retweeted on 9:47 AM, Apr 26th, 2017 via Twitter for iPhone)

@benjohnbarnes At least the JWs believe in what they’re selling and aren’t on commission!

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Can you spot the snake hiding in this photo?… via @mashable

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Gah. Door-to-door chuggers. Annoying insincerity, delivered.

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Figuring out which ones have film in. I need to finish some rolls!


paul_haine If you’re ever having a bad day, just watch this video of a man trying to deep-fry gnocchi

via Twitter Web Client (retweeted on 8:28 PM, Apr 24th, 2017 via Twitter Web Client)

NPR Author Robert Pirsig has died at 88. He’s best known for counter-culture book “Zen And The Art Of Motorcycle Maintenance.” Full obit coming.

via TweetDeck (retweeted on 8:26 PM, Apr 24th, 2017 via Twitter Web Client)

@internetofshit @dhh Amazon released Fire TV firmware update that let me listen with AirPods. But… there’s no…7R

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GeorgeCostigan Rita, Sue and Bob Too - the long lost original theatrical trailer.…

via Twitter for iPhone (retweeted on 3:12 PM, Apr 24th, 2017 via Twitter Web Client)

@CharlieEsq_ Did you mean to tweet that as the Shadow Defence Secretary?

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aterkel From WaPo story on the March for Science

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PRIMITIVESband New vid for a new song - THE PRIMITIVES - I’ll Trust The Wind [Official] via @YouTube

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alex4pt he whomsoever that canst draw the motorola from this carriageway shall be kinge of all post brexit englandde

via Twitter Web Client (retweeted on 5:25 PM, Apr 23rd, 2017 via Twitter for iPhone)

I like to imagine all Peggy’s lines being read in the voice of Brando doing Don Corleone.

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@AlasdairStuart Coolio. Well, another season of _Elementary_ should see me to the end of this man-flu, and then I’ll be there :D

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AlanWattsDaily One of these days I will explore this forest. But then again I may not, for there are places which people should leave alone.

via Twitter for iPhone (retweeted on 10:08 PM, Apr 22nd, 2017 via Twitter Web Client)

@AlasdairStuart Ah. That was next on my list. It’s done a “Breaking Bad” on me where so many people I respect…iG

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Finally caught up on Broadchurch. The plot doesn’t really matter as long as there’s plenty of Miller and Hardy being rude to each other.

via Twitter for iPhone

vornietom The numbers for the Science March seem high but we won’t know until we compare it to the numbers at the placebo march that’s also happening

via Twitter Web Client (retweeted on 8:32 PM, Apr 22nd, 2017 via Twitter for iPhone)

@saltwateritch There should be room to spare for a sleeping bag! At least according to the bastard manufacturers of tents and sleeping bags.

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@MackieGear Hi! A pair of CR4s that I bought in December from Amazon UK just died on me. Who do I contact for warranty replacement, please?

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AlasdairStuart Written by me about last week’s episode and the just staggeringly ill advised joke that opened it.…

via Twitter Web Client (retweeted on 2:15 PM, Apr 22nd, 2017 via Twitter for iPhone)

genuine_eel Ordered some drinks in Shoreditch and they arrived in a steaming suitcase. Literally kill me.

via Twitter for iPhone (retweeted on 9:50 PM, Apr 21st, 2017 via Twitter for iPhone)

@Carin_McLeoud @FozzTexx God yes. And when it’s an Adobe app and the small splash window somehow captures the entire screen. 🔥☠️

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When you’re watching Elementary and Lucy Liu casually wanders in wearing Batman nightwear 🦇 👀

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Hrm. Apparently my Fire TV has a new “cinematic” interface. What’s it going to do? Make my floor sticky and overcharge me for popcorn?

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@Bingo_Little *Beats radio to pieces with scaffold pole*

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Christ. Now the scaffolders are playing Jennifer Rush.

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Obviously, my recovery from this head-cold is being significantly improved by the scaffolding being put up next door all day long.

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iAWriter “Somewhere at Google there is a database containing 25 million books and nobody is allowed to read them.”…

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UrsulaWJ OMG there’s a model of Avon Gorge in a skip outside the Uni of Bristol geography building. Somebody get it quick!

via Twitter for Android (retweeted on 11:02 AM, Apr 21st, 2017 via Twitter for iPhone)

@hondanhon If there’s ever a time, I think it’s now.

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CmonHarris Nobody who works at Birds Eye has ever, *ever* made a fishfinger sandwich.

via Twitter for iPhone (retweeted on 4:03 PM, Apr 20th, 2017 via Twitter for iPhone)

Already bunging a few local politicians in the “mute” bin for a month.

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ImogenRW On a day of general perturbation, I bring you a French bulldog, skateboarding in Clissold Park

via Twitter for iPhone (retweeted on 4:07 PM, Apr 19th, 2017 via Twitter for iPhone)

@_pigeons_ See if you can find one that looks like she’s from a Carry On film.

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GeorgeAylett LibDem leader, Tim Farron, was asked: ‘do you think homosexual sex is a sin’. He avoided the question three times.

via Twitter for iPhone (retweeted on 8:23 PM, Apr 18th, 2017 via Twitter for iPhone)

@antimitch Well, it is unlikely, as I am of course DYING. I will nevertheless attempt to recover from my TERMINAL DEATH.

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@TravisinaB7 @HorizonBlakes7 Ooooooooooh. Terminal. “If this is an example of a man-made planet…” *Sets alarm*

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TravisinaB7 Reminder that our @HorizonBlakes7 online Rewatch of episode C13 - ‘Terminal’ - is tonight at 7.45pm BST……lj

via Twitter Web Client (retweeted on 6:59 PM, Apr 18th, 2017 via Twitter Web Client)

@tithenai I have seen similar oddities in my timeline recently. I am also suspicious. Please report back on these careful researches.

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sonniesedge Six weeks to election. It took me six months to build the BBC’s election site in 2015. Copy and paste like fuck, boyos.

via Twitter for iPad (retweeted on 6:57 PM, Apr 18th, 2017 via Twitter Web Client)

@Kavey I appreciate the anatomical improbability nonetheless.

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@antimitch YES. Only because this isn’t self-inflicted it’s MUCH WORSE.

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@johnfbraun Well, they’ve stumped up for whisky and a season of Columbo, but I have to self-fund the sympathy.

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I am a middle-aged man who is mildly ill. I therefore feel worse than anyone else in recorded history. Send sympathy. And Strepsils.

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jonkay01 “NOT ANOTHER ONE!”

Watch Brenda’s reaction when I tell her that the PM wants a General Election. Safe to say, she’…LN

via Media Studio (retweeted on 1:12 PM, Apr 18th, 2017 via Twitter for iPhone)


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@flashboy @adambanksdotcom Are we sure? I’m not entirely convinced it was humans.

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When you wake up with a head cold, it’s hard to imagine your day getting worse. Then your Prime Minister makes an announcement.

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One of my regular cut-throughs. The houses are lovely; shame I didn’t just find a few million quid while rooting…1J

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SaintRPh Burial, cremation, or option 3

via Twitter for iPhone (retweeted on 10:28 AM, Apr 18th, 2017 via Twitter Web Client)

ProfKAArmstrong I realise this is entirely self-interested but if we get an early election can it be after we all get our Brexit books out please?

via Twitter for iPhone (retweeted on 10:26 AM, Apr 18th, 2017 via Tweetbot for iΟS)

@DoodleForFood So, er, what do you need? Some kind of snack?

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Trying _Elementary_. I remain open to the possibility that there’s a better Sherlock Holmes remake than _House_ 😄

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@invalidname It doesn’t look like you’re giving it much of a challenge :D

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@chubbybannister Unless someone has hacked my vocal subsystem and installed a James Earl Jones voice as a prank, I suspect so.

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Pundamentalism “Let them tweet cake.”

- Marie Internette

via Twitter for iPad (retweeted on 5:43 PM, Apr 17th, 2017 via Twitter for iPhone)

JonyIveParody Decorated some Easter eggs today:

via Tweetbot for iΟS (retweeted on 4:13 PM, Apr 17th, 2017 via Tweetbot for iΟS)

@NewYorker @Jeenniebeenie When did Charles become unpopular? I’ll admit I’ve not really been keeping up…

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@chubbybannister I may be too ill to get it. Or perhaps just lacking in context.

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So much of this area near me has the feel of the bits that didn’t make the cut from one of the games in the Myst…LO

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@_pigeons_ I definitely want to do an entire photo set of Entrance Lock/Plimsoll Bridge as if it’s a level of a…oM

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@WEA_E17 @IJMO1 @stellacreasy Bizarrely, this link works if I’m *not* logged into Facebook, but not if I log in.

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Great. Went to one single gathering of erstwhile colleagues and am now ill. Work is bad for you even if you only have contact with carriers.

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RMH40 Seriously though: “a heaping 1/3 cup of almonds”.

via TweetDeck (retweeted on 9:26 PM, Apr 16th, 2017 via Twitter Web Client)

@jonskeet @catherine_mayer I will honestly read the rest, but I think you typo’d “how” for “her” in the first sentence…

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@hayles @waiyeehong Tip, @waiyeehong: leave one end plugged in. It’ll probably reach to the store.

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JPMajor That bright star is actually Earth, seen between Saturn’s A and F rings by on April 13, 2017…889.6…jo

via Twitter Web Client (retweeted on 3:36 PM, Apr 16th, 2017 via Twitter for iPhone)

@psidnell My current basement is just a bit to the right.

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@Joe_363_ You went to North Wales without a coat? If you were an astronaut there’d be a yellow sticky on the…XC

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The Plimsoll Bridge and Cumberland Piazza have always had that “dystopian future” feel for me. TCF appear to have…jc

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MaxTemkin Our 90’s action movie generator is learning

via Twitter Web Client (retweeted on 9:07 PM, Apr 15th, 2017 via Tweetbot for iΟS)

Re-watching Breaking Bad. I can maybe sympathise with the attraction of crystal meth, but chamomile tea with milk and Stevia? Christ, Lydia.

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I’ll admit, it’s probably a bit late at this point to ask your stone carver for the money back, but

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Signage - I feel this sign says quite a lot about its village. -…

via threesixfive

Disgusted to find the secular egg hunt I’d been promised ruined by having the word “Easter” plastered all over it.

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@sometimes_angry @shezza_t Disgraceful. Can’t believe they missed the apostrophe from “dogs’”. 😬

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@meemalee I always have a quiet snigger at the Adult Cereals in Sainsbury’s.

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@porthjess Just checked that exact thing: at home to QPR, 3pm kickoff, so yes, I expect that’ll be it.

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HighwaysSWEST E/B J18-J17. @DWFireControl still working on lorry. We expect to open lane past scene soon. Pls return to vehicle. Thanks for patience.

via Hootsuite (retweeted on 2:00 PM, Apr 14th, 2017 via Twitter for iPhone)

HighwaysSWEST WESTbound J17-J18. Road reopened after a lorry fire (carrying gas) on the opposite carriageway. Very long delays remain however.

via Hootsuite (retweeted on 2:00 PM, Apr 14th, 2017 via Twitter for iPhone)

eleanorhaswell not what i asked but thank u

via Twitter for iPhone (retweeted on 1:53 PM, Apr 14th, 2017 via Twitter for iPhone)

If you save up your taxi trips and only take one once a year or so, it really does feel like a magical teleport home from the pub.

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reckless This piece by @jjvincent on fooling AI image recognition with “adversarial images” is fascinating.…

via Twitter for Mac (retweeted on 6:07 PM, Apr 12th, 2017 via Twitter Web Client)

@thefionagilmour Used to go downstairs a fair bit, but oddly my last visit was a year ago yesterday!…

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@thefionagilmour I’ve only eaten upstairs once, and that was a Christmas meal, so I can’t really judge it!

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@BonjourBlogger Heh. For the latest one, convincing myself that I’d really manage to take a photo every day for a year ;D

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Lynn_Nothegger The entire nation of UK has to go and have a lie down now. We’ll be right back, Twitter.…

via Twitter for iPhone (retweeted on 4:25 PM, Apr 12th, 2017 via Twitter Web Client)

@ovationchris Did you find your way to The National Museum of Computing? Seem to remember it wasn’t that well signed from BP itself.

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@talkie_tim Typical Friday night for me, right there.

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jakepjohnson Or - OR - I could just leave and never ever come back to your website

via Twitter for iPhone (retweeted on 12:36 PM, Apr 12th, 2017 via Twitter Web Client)

I honestly found it hard to tell if that was the policeman or a particularly paramilitary reptile store owner. I don’t see the police often.

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ASPolice Thought we saw a collapsed male while on patrol in Glos Rd. Rushed to assist. It was just a reptile store owner…Q0

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@ChuckWendig “There is another theory which states that this has already happened…”

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deadprogrammer Best blurb material ever…

via Twitter for iPhone (retweeted on 6:20 PM, Apr 11th, 2017 via Twitter for iPhone)

Okay, now apparently I just bung it in the oven for three hours. Guess I’m eating late today!

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@OpinionatedGeek I’m going to keep going with mine for now, but I only have two rooms, so it’s not a massive investment.

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@OpinionatedGeek what on earth would make anyone think that was a good idea!?

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@OpinionatedGeek …”ask at point of needing permission” model…)

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@OpinionatedGeek (The reason I hadn’t been confused by Hue app asking for camera perms is because I’m on iOS, so have always had the…

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@OpinionatedGeek Why aren’t I subscribed to your blog? Oh. Do you have an RSS feed?

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@OpinionatedGeek @shezza_t *Butts in with raised eyebrow* Sneaky pictures? Huh? (Have recently started down the Hue road.)

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acornfriend I just saw these photos of a local farm hosting ‘yoga with baby goats’

via Twitter for iPhone (retweeted on 10:46 AM, Apr 11th, 2017 via Twitter Web Client)

@hatsandbikes Coolio! Wish I’d kept some of the old notes.

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SecretOfManaKid What Americans think British kids are like vs what they’re actually like

via Twitter for iPhone (retweeted on 9:35 AM, Apr 11th, 2017 via Tweetbot for Mac)

@Bristolvor @GeoffShadbold It’s reminding me more of Knights of God, frankly.

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mrnickharvey Scroll back for a majestic thread of insults, guaranteed to brighten up your day.…

via Twitter for iPhone (retweeted on 10:43 PM, Apr 10th, 2017 via Twitter for iPhone)

gazeeebo64 That Samsung hashtag, , sounds like it kicking off in an east end pub.

via Twitter Web Client (retweeted on 7:37 PM, Apr 10th, 2017 via Tweetbot for iΟS)

@hatsandbikes Ooof. Glad my MOT falls in May; at least there’s a bit of post-Christmas recovery time.

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@benjohnbarnes Could’ve been worse. At least I found a nice new indie place rather than waiting for them to fail an MOT at the main dealer!

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@hatsandbikes This year I was sensible enough to budget for it in advance, at least, so it wasn’t too painful.

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@hatsandbikes If it makes you feel better, that’s less than a single tyre for me, including fitting :(

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It was an easy day, but a pricey one. Two new run-flats and all-round pads and discs for the car.

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BeffernieBlack World homeopathy day today, and I think we can trace the world’s current problems to burying Osama Bin Laden at sea in 2011.

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