@SimonLandmine Merci.
@ruskin147 How do you even tell, these days?

That’ll do. #cooking pic.twitter.com/maVrij6t8b
@ChuckWendig “There is another theory which states that this has already happened…”
deadprogrammer Best blurb material ever twitter.com/mark_haddon/st…

Okay, now apparently I just bung it in the oven for three hours. Guess I’m eating late today! pic.twitter.com/cIg9URtnVH
@OpinionatedGeek I’m going to keep going with mine for now, but I only have two rooms, so it’s not a massive investment.
@OpinionatedGeek what on earth would make anyone think that was a good idea!?
@OpinionatedGeek …”ask at point of needing permission” model…)
@OpinionatedGeek (The reason I hadn’t been confused by Hue app asking for camera perms is because I’m on iOS, so have always had the…
@OpinionatedGeek Ta!
@OpinionatedGeek Why aren’t I subscribed to your blog? Oh. Do you have an RSS feed?
@OpinionatedGeek @shezza_t *Butts in with raised eyebrow* Sneaky pictures? Huh? (Have recently started down the Hue road.)

acornfriend I just saw these photos of a local farm hosting ‘yoga with baby goats’ pic.twitter.com/0P9n7iZMCK
@hatsandbikes Coolio! Wish I’d kept some of the old notes.

SecretOfManaKid What Americans think British kids are like vs what they’re actually like pic.twitter.com/4XlFwOAn2j
@Bristolvor @GeoffShadbold It’s reminding me more of Knights of God, frankly.