@Shonette I live alone in a basement. I’m sticking to Lewis and Endeavour; I’m not academic enough to get murdered..twitter.com/i/web/status/8…on

When you’re doing DIY and sharpen a pencil with a knife and briefly feel like a proper grown-up. pic.twitter.com/1MhDqY69Y8

Bordeau Quay were selling hot cross *loaves* at TF market yesterday and now I have a bit of non-buyer’s remorse. pic.twitter.com/vJ8MEezJuN
fogus I’m starting a new series of “live reaction videos” on YouTube showing me reading code that I wrote a year before.
Okay, that’s service. twitter.com/SpotifyCares/s…
@Redveee I spotted it as I drove home over the Plimsoll Bridge then walked back for a photo. We must have crossed over at some point :D
BBCr4today Correcting mistake’s on Bristols streats for 13 year’s bbc.in/2nQxfZI #r4today

Plumage. pic.twitter.com/h7vFCr8iMK

@ToM_BaL No. Quite a biggie! pic.twitter.com/d0aweqYiQ7

The Stockholm locks into Bristol. #igersbristol ift.tt/2osPnKN pic.twitter.com/dG6qQdwD2T
Is there a Spotify playlist for “modern stuff without the fucking autotune turned up to 11”?