Accompaniments. ift.tt/2nLAW1n pic.twitter.com/ni6VZgNxrW
@hayles When I did it regularly it was by bike. Think a road straight over would’ve been fab. But everyone’s going to be confused for a bit.
@hayles …pretty much guaranteed to be total chaos tomorrow I’d think.
@hayles Theoretically it should be great for me, as a Hotweller who tends to want to turn into Baldwin Street. However…
@DarrenHall2015 @bristolpaul @MrGreenGus @bristolgreen @MollyMEP @NSomersetGreen You’re not, by any chance, currently in a non-UK timezone?
A “geezer”, by the way, is an Imperial unit of buffonery equivalent to a baker’s dozen of village idiots, or, in me..twitter.com/i/web/status/8…jN

High tide. pic.twitter.com/3OVKsKljBP
AlasdairStuart Popular opinion: but British genre movies don’t work.
Ben Wheatley: hold my fucking tea. twitter.com/curzonsheffiel…
Nicely done, Lynda. #thearchers