@juskewitch I think you might be about to get a lot of replies about Russian Doll.
@ahnlak I’m told that the proper modern ones are much better, but I know nothing about which technology to look for.
@probablydrunk I’d probably enjoy that, but then I’m something of a chairnoisseur.

@floyduk Just make a program that educates everyone. Shouldn’t take long, right? Here, I made a mock-up. pic.twitter.com/561SPVpqMX
ememess I’m charmed by the SF frisson of this, but there might be some unemployed humans who’d like the job, so they could feed their families. Plus it makes me want to write a melancholy story in the style of Ray Bradbury, from the POV of a robot, called THE LAST MAILMAN. twitter.com/cnni/status/11…
@Lillput *checks watch* Well, *so* far…
Any programming language eventually becomes C++. twitter.com/bdc/status/110…
That hideous thing people keep indiscriminately re-tweeting is going to give me fucking nightmares. What? What’s “Momo”? I was talking about the Daily Mail.

NeerajKA How I sound explaining my job to my aunts and uncles pic.twitter.com/JaBdEhOjoV
strnks Awesome font trolling from the designer. Brilliantly, most of the text on this retrograde Brexit cardboard driving permit is set in the typeface “Avenir” – which, of course, means “Future”… in Frentwitter.com/petersands55/s…bEe7
robmanuel How do you keep position in a book you are reading?

@robmanuel A combination of everything except dog-earing, but mostly bookmarks. pic.twitter.com/AjGjkpYyKg
_pigeons_ I hope the Irish government has kept this on their books - I may have found my post-Brexit escape route….! twitter.com/weirdbristol/s…
Midsummer Night’s Dream excellent last night. But Shakespeare clearly a bit wrong in the head. “Who will not change a raven for a dove?”!? Give me a corvid any day :D
@WeatherGodsApp @decyther @DarkSkyApp Yup! Much healthier now. Thanks :)
adambanksdotcom This really is incredibly ignorant in every way. Lots of teachers are much smarter than this, but the Dunning-Kruger contingent seem to be able to self-select into leadership and communications roles twitter.com/jimwaterson/st…
@decyther @DarkSkyApp Finding the same thing here. @WeatherGodsApp
Really enjoying Midsummer Night’s Dream at @tftheatres. (And today’s February weather oddly appropriate!)
@lagomoof @yahoomail I’m glad I wasn’t alone. No idea why @yahoomail is suddenly talking to me in Ukrainian. (The header/SPF etc. look genuine, and the links all point at Yahoo, so it doesn’t seem to be spam/phishing…)

Golden hour at Ashton Court. #bristol pic.twitter.com/cJQsykZnv0
internetofshit “the sneaker can’t be tightened or properly worn” because there’s a bug in an update
what a time to be alive

xkcdComic .NORM Normal File Format xkcd.com/2116/ m.xkcd.com/2116/ pic.twitter.com/N6psiMYkdP
MartinSFP Pinterest spent ONE HUNDRED AND NINETY MILLION DOLLARS on AWS last year. theinformation.com/articles/as-aw…
@ghostfinder 36 *hours* of flying!? I didn’t realise we were going back to the moon. (I always take a paperback Stephen King as ultimate backup plane entertainment. And painkillers.)
A somewhat unexpected side-effect of the sluggish flow of the M32, presumably. twitter.com/ASPolice/statu…

beardedjourno The lack of apostrophe and errant capitalisation on these windows at Temple Meads is my equivalent of nails scraped down a blackboard. pic.twitter.com/Afs49c7g7L
@hayles I did not know. Must have a shufti.
@Sidragon1 @bitfield Though it taught me to program, the abiding memory of my ZX81 is the time I successfully fixed the shift key by sucking it back out of the membrane using a disassembled spring-and-sucker jumping toy 😂

For some reason, I am reminded of @simonstalenhag. #avonmouth pic.twitter.com/wGbdbxaamX
sprintstar_tech Bristol’s bus services now have a public data API. Here’s an in depth look at that API explaining why busses sometimes don’t appear to turn up in time.
@StevieBuckley Christ. At least MORE TH>N have some vague justification.
@_pigeons_ I will. The black & white was only 200 ISO so I stuck to daylight!
@RobDotHutton @Wonkypolicywonk If it helps, the US unit would be a hemi-demi-semi-Vietnam War.
@robmanuel This is exacerbated by the fact we basically used to drink in different pubs and ignore each other, but Twitter is one giant pub with no bouncers and an amoral landlord.
robmanuel The internet and social media has connected me up with like-minded people and essentially my tribe is “people who think they’re a bit funny”.
Was thinking about that, and how effective it is, and realising it’s done exactly the same for “people who quite like Nazis.”
@kevin_doyle @leviathan @atpfm I just assumed it was John himself glitching. #robotornot
HoneybHighton Advice from HR was not to call this job ‘Witchfinder General’. equatecareerhub.org.uk/job/data-and-v… #datacoven So we didn’t. #wikiwicca #witches #data #history #herstory #Scotland #womeninstem #womenintech #DigitalHumanities

You do see some strange things in Bristol. pic.twitter.com/OZb5xXsB0J

GrumpySkeletor Didn’t capture Castle Grayskull again today. Might just give up and open a fucking vape shop. pic.twitter.com/Ioyzvuj1UW

Got some prints back. Thanks for putting me on to the Cinestill film, @_pigeons_! Leidolf Lordomat/Cinestill BWxx 200 2/2 pic.twitter.com/rphn8BhtWc

Got some prints back. Thanks for putting me on to the Cinestill film, @_pigeons_! Leidolf Lordomat/Cinestill BWxx 200 1/2 pic.twitter.com/1qkthqPyzc
Woah. Nobody told me _Shetland_ was back!

Wow. Just when you thought bacon couldn’t get any more MANLY. pic.twitter.com/rm5hfNiKoF
mrdaveturner Reminder that Dolly Parton wrote Jolene and I Will Always Love You on THE SAME DAY. My most productive 24 hours was when I ate an entire KFC bargain bucket by myself.
@thekarleighshow Pining for the long ad breaks on Sky? 🤣
@dangusset Jump. Jump now.

One way or the other #bristol pic.twitter.com/i4l0CBPbJy
@Suchafuknlady1 @holly I have a somewhat terrifying image of @holly being given away by a telepresence rig in a metal morning suit.

simongerman600 Ildefons Cerdà designed the famous street grid of Barcelona. His tombstone resembles the street layout of his beloved city. I think Cerdà’s final resting place is only topped by Renato Bialetti who had his ashes put into the world famous espresso / moka maker that he invented… pic.twitter.com/M4mpPO8m9B
RWABristol Less than 3 weeks left to see Albert Irvin & Abstract Expressionism. Recommended by The Guardian Guide, The Telegraph & The Independent. Experience art by major abstract expressionist artists including Jackson Pollock, Willem de Kooning & Robert Motherwell buff.ly/2RXAZG6
@Wangleberry @dangusset Hmm. Probably Teenage Jesus and the Jerks. I do love Lydia Lunch, but I imagine there’d be a fair bit of “what the fuck…”
@alicej_t I now realise my preparations for this evening were woeful.
If there’s anyone left to do it, can someone wake me in 2020? I’ll be hiding in a corner with my fingers in my ears singing LALALANOTLISTENINGLALALA twitter.com/PolhomeEditor/…
likecrazypaving I can’t believe my generation grew up with raging crushes on both Mulder AND Scully and nobody did a zine called Putting The Bi In FBI

Not entirely a subtle beast, the #belugaxl. #bristol pic.twitter.com/GM0oQzp8kL
@probablydrunk Well, it’s a great nom de plume. *Starts YouTube channel*
@dangusset Roses are red
CDs are silver
Which has no rhymes
mrjamesob …and makes it Secretary of State for Transport. twitter.com/bbcnews/status…
DonMacAskill I am SO happy to announce that @Flickr login without Yahoo is rolling out! Thanks for your patience and support as we worked hard to build & debug. New login page is up, and members will get to update their logins over the coming weeks. More info: flickr.com/help/forum/en-…

MuseumArchive Music typewriter from 1936 pic.twitter.com/6m4pG0Dscs
@quellist1 But that’s the perfect reaction! Personally, I’m practising saying “please” and “thank you” to Alexa so it’s habitual before the Singularity comes and they start taking offence. Once this lady in a tube is friends with defence satellites I want to be on her good side.
@Bristolvor The number 8? Well, don’t be too hard on them. I waited for one of those once and it took so long to arrive that my debit card had expired and none of my fivers were still legal tender when I got on the bus.
@Bristolvor To be fair, this is Bristol. The bus arriving at all *is* something of a surprise.
@corylus @jukesie There is, though when my parents tried to buy a decent laptop there they were go on the website and order it for delivery to the shop next day, as they keep limited stock of anything but the basics.
ylecun So yes, Bayesian inference and carbon dating tell us that megalithic construction originated in Brittany sometimes between 4700 BCE and 4000 BCE and spread to much of Europe over the next couple of millennia.
Menhirs… pnas.org/content/early/…

Sounds like *just* the feature I’ve been wanting for my… er… spreadsheets. U OK, Microsopic.twitter.com/44YTpSbHnsbHns
@adamgasson WHO WOULDN’T?
Christ, can you keep it down at Ashton Gate? I’m trying to watch Bones over here in Hotwells.
@saltwateritch @jakepjohnson “Poppy With a Hint of Cock”.

Snaps from today’s wander. pic.twitter.com/id42qXwJkL
@ismh @MaxTemkin SOUND ENGINEER: No, no, stop it, guys. That wasn’t a count-in. My sequencer drive just has the Click of Death.
Gawd, I thought for a minute they’d made a film of the series Quincy, M.E. twitter.com/NetflixUK/stat…
@toddmotto Ta!
@toddmotto Which one is it? Was going to get the IKEA one but they were out of stock when I went…
Oh, Twitter, how I miss what you used to be. I wonder what the aleph number is for an eternity of Eternal Septembers?
I don’t know if the fault lies with @amazonecho or @SpotifyUK, but rest assured, if I ask you to play music for reading, what I *don’t* want is music from the Reading Festival…

I guess preppers come to the table with all sorts of different belief systems. pic.twitter.com/Zb5BodR9OV
@UrsulaWJ Hah! (Ooh, I actually remembered to set the video for Endeavour, so I’ve got that to look forward to…)
@waiyeehong Well, I hear Top Ten Worst Countdown Shows is on BBC 2 tomorrow…
@waiyeehong Thinking it over, my money might actually be on the Cadbury’s Caramel one with the sexy rabbit. But even with that temptation, I still don’t think I’m actually going to watch the show 😀
@AdamRutherford Yes, but only because it’s on my Big List of Obscure Words that Sometimes Crop Up in the Times Cryptic.
Flake news. twitter.com/adamrutherford…

Vila was my favourite character, and possibly a little too much of an influence on me. pic.twitter.com/vFYa5QfXLf

TravisinaB7 #Blakes7
Happy Birthday, Michael Keating!
Many happy returns from Vila fans across the galaxy!
Photo courtesy of @KochMediaUK pic.twitter.com/rES3HGCS1P

40th Anniversary Anthology of memoirs by fans, lovingly recounting the effect B7 had on their lives. Sale profits going to Alzheimers Research UK.
@HorizonBlakes7 @WhoDaresPublish @birdbonesbook pic.twitter.com/KJMwOIR4VY
@AndyCarolan For a bonus point, use an iPad Pro as an actual drinks tray.
gchaslot YouTube announced they will stop recommending some conspiracy theories such as flat earth.
I worked on the AI that promoted them by the *billions*.
Here is why it’s a historic victory. Thread. 1/
@UrsulaWJ Broken drawband? First minute or two of this will show you roughly where to look. youtu.be/khJn4kd03Kc
@OpinionatedGeek @Pen_gwen Wait until they work out that these are just diversions from the elephants’ tunnelling.
@CharlieVivante Careful. I did that once and I’ve been trying to find a new goal in life ever since.
YourPalFanton Do you remember in Ghostbusters 2 there was that river of slime that fed off of people’s negative emotions?
Anyway, time to check in on Twitter.

@doeeyedlettuce @1Bomboloni See, that looked quite light until I expanded the preview. pic.twitter.com/ktnzVMaWoO
They’re on their way to stand together in packs at the exits of bloody ski-lifts, aren’t they? twitter.com/SirBenfro/stat…
My first thought was that yes, we *should* celebrate the finest medical researcher of the ancient world. I may have been doing too many crosswords. #galentinesday
mathowie last month I set out to mock productivity gurus telling you to wake up at 5am every day to seize the day so I did it myself but accidentally got shit tons of extra work done, ran 44 miles in January, and learned I fucking love quiet early mornings and I’m almost mad about it.

JonCG Limited omniscient third: He felt, perhaps wrongly, that this was amusing. pic.twitter.com/hqSSsIjhNL
@RichardYoung @roryrobertsonn @AskLloydsBank I’m sure people have been more atavistic 😀 Your tweet still comes up high on the CPT CORR ADJ Google search results!
@roryrobertsonn @RichardYoung @AskLloydsBank Putting this out there for the next person who wonders: I had this when I dopily walked away from a cashpoint leaving my money in the slot! The machine sucked it back in and the CPT CORR ADJ was the money being credited back to my account.
@DigitalJonathan @UKLabour That was the only way I found to do it.
LifeCycleUKteam If you have old or unwanted bicycles to donate we will gratefully receive them! Your support for our ‘Bike Back’ project starts with men at HMP Bristol and resonates out into the wider community. Find out more about how you can make a difference here: lifecycleuk.org.uk/bike-recycling twitter.com/NBTSustHealth/…
No, *you* have your exercise bike all set up and ready and are very deliberately ignoring its elephantoid presence in the room by reading Twitter.
@AndyJack15 @beardedjourno Yup. I’ve used them and they were great.
@gholson One of the best things at my last office was that the toilets were all self-contained, large cubicles for one person with own sink, etc. There aren’t quite enough of them, but it was still brilliant.
midsomerplots The local viscount is found sliced paper-thin and published as an avant-garde novel. Suspicion falls on Lower Bucklebury’s chess club, angry that the ghost walk might threaten the closure of Midsomer’s largest artificial ski slope.
@masato_jones It’ll only do that until your phone gets updated with the Disgraced Former Prime Minister Running Through a Field of Wheat emoji.
“This building is not meant for humans… it has robots moving racking on to loading bays, so for firefighters trying to get in that high and to make an effective fire-fighting strategy, it has been very difficult.” bbc.co.uk/news/uk-englan…
@tithenai It’s how I once managed my best-ever Wookiee impersonation.
@RichardFergie @danbarker Remind me to avoid your salad dressings.
@hankgreen Cheeseplant’s House. And “gothick”, funnily enough! 1991. muds.wikia.com/wiki/Cheesepla…
@UrsulaWJ I found that if I pre-make it and leave it in the fridge overnight it comes out really well when microwaved. I use a microwave noodle bowl with handle so I don’t get a burning-hot bowl and there’s only one thing to wash up.
IainRowan An good article, this. I appreciate my view may be biased by my formative years, but I do think that children’s TV during this time was more radical, more brave, and more experimental than since…and importantly, just more weird. twitter.com/mjpcuervo/stat…

blogTO What road rage in #Canada looks like 😂 bit.ly/2t5BmTO pic.twitter.com/v6ENcIEKF9
@ismh I heard the guy making the list had to put them both on the same line because his return key stopped working.

@holly I did eventually wean myself off Bic biros by switching to strong metal pens at work! pic.twitter.com/km4jvF59eo
@drkiki @Dan_Christensen “We’re fine. We’re all fine here, now, thank you. How are you?”

PoliticsJOE_UK Jacob Rees-Mogg has a message for the Common People 🧐 🎩 pic.twitter.com/2iT4936Ujn

CharlieDinkin Omg *toxic positivity* is here and I’m into it. pic.twitter.com/FoCdlbVVJQ
@quellist1 Loving the hat-tips so far, especially Grokville!
@ChuckWendig @ghostfinder I think we need to encourage this event just because Quexit would be such a good Scrabble word.

dont4getthesun ‘The Avon near Bristol’, watercolour by Samuel Jackson (1794-1869) pic.twitter.com/i7rRWeBMRG
ByDonkeys Do any Bristol-based photographers follow us? Want to earn a few quid today? Pls DM us asap (urgent) 👊

mulaney The one, the only, @nlyonne is brilliant in a solid-gold, museum quality show. @RussianDoll is on @netflix now and it’s already legendary. Congraaaaats Nataaaasha. pic.twitter.com/WBPMyHQWDJ

Avon_Stories I loved the mussels growing on things pulled out of the Floating Harbour and left in @theunderfall skips. Walking today with @gothick & @Bingo_Little pic.twitter.com/S00GCFPEAE

DigitalSneeze In case anybody was looking for the best kids’ show ever, The Trap Door is streaming on Prime. pic.twitter.com/A9wDg4Sm7Z
Farlion @gothick @tumblr Hi Matt, I posted a screenshot of your tweet on Google Plus on Jan. 16 und today is was deleted by Google.
Reason: Explicit sexual material. ;)

PadraigBelton Thus @oeufelia: One thing I won’t ever do again is build a snow dalek. I’ve learnt when snowdaleks start to melt they upset the neighbours. pic.twitter.com/CFEVNEv9aX
adriangreetham Mainly Gene at the Pennsylvania Avenue Tanning Salon twitter.com/thehill/status…

Avon_Stories Harbour dusk, with @gothick pic.twitter.com/NFzsJ7EnI8
dnrhds Things the UK can’t deal with:
Two inches of snow
Heat over 25 degrees
KFC running out of chicken
A woman playing The Doctor
Supermarkets closing for Christmas Day
Vegan sausage rolls from Greggs
Things the UK thinks it can deal with:
A World War
A No-Deal Brexit
@laurenlaverne Any chance you can wake up in 2016 and let us have another run-through from there?
RT @PDLComics - A Snail - poorlydrawnlines.com/?p=7091

RichNeville Found something new to say when I leave a room. pic.twitter.com/FzkCVjuQBn
@hayles You can feel the creeping robotic insincerity dripping from every line. Don’t get any on you.
@shezza_t @LeighWoodsNT Thanks!

xkcdComic Sharing Options xkcd.com/2106/ m.xkcd.com/2106/ pic.twitter.com/3JqwR1OMls
greg_jenner What a sad loss, he was a titan of radio comedy
Comedian Jeremy Hardy dies of cancer aged 57 theguardian.com/tv-and-radio/2…

Leigh Woods robin would like you all to know that it’s cold. #bristol @LeighWoodsNT pic.twitter.com/1k4iH0wquM

Said hello to more random strangers in the first hour of today than the whole of Jan :) pic.twitter.com/wyM3f7808w