Matt Gibson (@gothick)

Hotwells, Bristol

The below is an off-site archive of all tweets posted by @gothick ever

July 2021

KYPBristol Today a petrol station occupies the site of these grand buildings on Park Row. The taller one with the extravagant glass canopy in this 1910s postcard view is the Princes Theatre. The foremost theatrical venue before the war it was destroyed in the blitz.…

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Carved bone erotic “sculpture”. Yes, all my sculptures came with handles, too……

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My strange project to walk every road within a mile continues sporadically. I have now walked 593.94km and taken more than 5,000 pictures. I mean, it gets me out of the house…

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60sPsychJukebox July 25th 1969 - Neil Young appeared with Crosby, Stills and Nash for the first time when they played at The Fillmore East in New York. Young was initially asked to help out with live material only, but ended up joining the group on and off for the next 30 years.

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@ThereSheRides Hope you remembered to like and subscribe!

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(I’m really hoping his other boat’s called Sea Airer).

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Red filter to monochrome really brings out those cheekbones :D

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RachelLeishman J. Lo and Ben Affleck have gotten together, broken up, had children with other people, got back together, and are now kissing and I have been single through it all

via Twitter for iPhone (retweeted on 10:31 AM, Jul 25th, 2021 via Twitter Web App)

@Peculiar I *still* think it’s a good deal. I suppose I must really like pudding.

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g_gosden Possibly the best Private Eye letter ever.

via Twitter for iPhone (retweeted on 4:49 PM, Jul 24th, 2021 via Twitter Web App)

@Peculiar You’ve managed it many times with me this weekend. Also: I would kill for some cabinet pudding right now. Wish Alma was my landlady.

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@nosugartea @stillawake I did some brief research but failed to find out. I think the images in my head are probably better than whatever the reality is, anyway.

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@stillawake @nosugartea It’s very much the kind of thing you get when someone’s rather hurriedly shoved an old, out-of-copyright text onto the Kindle platform. This is one of the reasons I prefer buying old stuff on actual paper, but I wanted to see if I liked his writing enough first!

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Personally, I always keep my hot whisky-punch on the crazy spider-table. You?

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Ltward2 Bookstore shopkeeps know their audience.

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@jukesie Same, though I’ll admit to being a teensy bit liberal with my definition of “orange squash”.

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@AniST It it possible that you’re developing the superpower of turning into a hedgehog?

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@shezza_t Lovely to see it finished. It’s been ongoing for a while:…

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NanoRaptor Triangular USB connectors were soon abandoned after some users complained of needing to rotate them up to six times before successful insertion.

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Oatmeal R.I.P., Higgins.

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Hotwell House & Colonnade. (British Library Collection Images: Hotwells Parade, 1788, Additional MS 15540, Item f.196)…

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@martr101 @Avon_Stories @BristolFerry The next robot will be designed to search for the scattered fragments of the robot that got sucked into a Brigantia bow thruster…

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@nosugartea @ScorpioSting72 Yes, I do often wonder what this whole weird project I’m doing is *for*; I think this kind of serendipity is a good answer.

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Cool stuff on the harbourside this lunchtime… @Avon_Stories

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@ScorpioSting72 @nosugartea PS: Bought a little history pamphlet from 1977 about the Hot Well the other day and spotted these two pics pre/post-Colonnade.

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ScorpioSting72 @gothick @nosugartea I own a house in The Colonnade and will be framing this!! Amazing.

via Twitter for iPad (retweeted on 8:01 AM, Jul 13th, 2021 via Twitter Web App)

How Does A Carburetor Work? | Transparent Carburetor at 28,546 fps Slow … via @YouTube

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Well, I can’t fault it for accuracy.

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Awww. Lear Siegler ADM-3A? Spent many an hour typing on those. Nice design on the “home” keys—extra-scalloped rather than having the little bumps, from what I…B

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paulrickards Just landed at System Source Computer Museum in Baltimore, MD for the @vcfederation repair workshop. Good to be back! Expect lots of pictures in this thread! 🧵

via Twitter for iPhone (retweeted on 5:11 PM, Jul 10th, 2021 via Twitter Web App)

KYPBristol Cumberland Basin after 1906 (44819/3/165). So much detail to absorb! Bonded Tobacco warehouses, Ashton Swing Bridge, Vauxhall footbridge, the New Cut, a cargo steamer in the Hotwells Dock, G.K. Stothert & Co, Wills Tobacco factory and lookout for the tugs.…

via Twitter Web App (retweeted on 7:42 PM, Jul 6th, 2021 via Twitter Web App)

@dangusset They’re an astounding cast of characters, that’s for sure. And one of the reasons I’m reading this is because there’s a significant Bristol connection… I’m allegedly researching for fiction, but no idea what, if anything, might actually appear.

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@njj4 Okay, just got to the bit in his Wikipedia page where his ex-wife’s sister leaves him in favour of L. Ron Hubbard and I’m starting to see what you mean… 😂

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@njj4 He’s a bit later than I’ve got to so far, but I’ll keep an eye out for him!

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Some of the early 20th century magicians I’m finding out about seem quite sane and wise.

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joshcarlosjosh and now these two remain: holo and peve. but the greatest of these is peve.

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Looks like a retirement home for ex-Liberator crew.…

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The English After Dinner “In 1807 the English of all classes were notorious amongst foreigners for the amount of alcohol they consumed…”

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hinz_tamara “The temperature-sensing pandemic robot is malfunctioning because of climate change” is the most dystopian thing I’ve ever written.…

via Twitter for iPhone (retweeted on 5:17 PM, Jul 4th, 2021 via Twitter Web App)

poppy_northcutt After seeing “Hidden Figures” some think we did these calculations manually. Not so. Not in our head, not by hand, not with a slide rule. We used what were for the time high speed computers. Development on Univac 1108. Then into the IBM 360 at NASA’s Real Time Computer Complex.…

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I wonder if an actual snake owns this 500 Abarth

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FellnAndreas Ah, Beethoven.

via Twitter for iPhone (retweeted on 3:59 PM, Jul 4th, 2021 via Twitter Web App)

Makes you wonder what he’d have made of Carrick House.

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St Andrew-the-Lesser used to stand in the middle. Pevsner said it was “an unforgiveable crime against the architecture of Dowry Square and chapel Row. Of no value either in its own Gothic forms. The spire is particularly nasty.” Harsh.

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I didn’t actually spot this at the time, but by golly I could do with some of *those* right now. Mind you, given the look of the bottle they might well have been one of those Victorian over-the-counter pick-me-ups that turned out to be raw speedballs, or something.

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@martr101 Spot on. It caught my eye as I was nipping into Dreadnought (the refurb is done!)

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@MrGreenGus Heh. It’s in Bristol Brocante on St George’s Road.

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, c. 1905 vs today. “Before” photo from _Hotwells and the City Docks_, ISBN 9781899388288

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yumhoneyblood Another cover is up on my @Bandcamp! This month it’s ‘Just Like Honey’ by JAMC! Only available for 24 HOURS so grab it quick!! 🧚✨I love doing these covers every month thanks to my @Patreon community. Come be a part of our gang!

via Twitter for iPhone (retweeted on 7:06 PM, Jul 2nd, 2021 via Twitter Web App)

Planters of the Terran Federation.

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It does what it says on the hull.

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