Matt Gibson (@gothick)

Hotwells, Bristol

The below is an off-site archive of all tweets posted by @gothick ever

June 2012

Kathy_Craigy By axing Raiders of the Lost Ark, the BBC are basically siding with the Nazis.

via Samsung Mobile (retweeted on 6:36 PM, Jun 30th, 2012 via Echofon)

@sowerbyandluff Tempting meat, veiled with seven different cheeses.

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My worst hangover in years, and the Elastic Compute Cloud goes down. I wondered who was using my surplus processing power.

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@tsunimee That’s my main reason for not doing . Waves of potential guilt pass over me…

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@tsunimee Rain, rain, rain. Just picked the wrong five minutes of the day to spend outside, and got completely soaked. Bah. Also: thanks :D

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mattgemmell Google Play (Android app store) lets devs reply to customer reviews. I don’t want that for iOS.…

via Twitter for Mac (retweeted on 4:03 PM, Jun 30th, 2012 via Echofon)

Considering going Outside.

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@ahnlak That involves going outside. Not ready for that yet.

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@shezza_t Thank you. Another day or so of feeling pathetically sorry for myself should sort me out :)

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Coffee. Berocca. Anadin. Bath running.

via Echofon

ScottFilmCritic A class of 4th graders was asked to write haikus. One child wrote this. It’s a masterpiece. / via @thinkgeek

via Twitter for iPad (retweeted on 9:31 AM, Jun 30th, 2012 via Tweetbot for iOS)

Hangover quite bad. Just had to retreat from kitchen while coffee grinder was running. Also, am still ill.

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@ahnlak No, but the Fleece is significantly lower on Gem this morning.

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@Thehappyfatgirl I am at the Lydia Lunch gig at the Fleece and it makes me very happy :)

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Lydia. Lunch. Raw. Raw something. Raw anything. Raw.

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Also: if you speak to me before next week, sorry I couldn’t hear a word you said.

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Wowzer. _Rock In Your Pocket_ quickly remind me why I utterly love live music. . Lydia Lunch next :D

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At the Fleece. Not many other people here. On the plus side, _Teenage Kicks_ is on the PA and I’m nattering with Big Jeff ;D

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My new glasses definitely don’t work as well as the old ones. *Sigh* Back to the optician next week, methinks.

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Right. I’m off to see Lydia Lunch. Have a nice evening, Twitter.

via Echofon

(*Adds @WilliamShatner to his “internet gossip flirts” list*)

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WilliamShatner Hoping to do a documentary on ST:TNG. I don’t know if you know but there’s a mysterious story that needs to be told and I’d like to tell it.

via Twitter Web Client (retweeted on 7:20 PM, Jun 29th, 2012 via Echofon)

@Mouse_House (And I didn’t even have an environmentalist nagging me back then :D )

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@Mouse_House Best I found was to try them, and get off and push when I ran out of puff. Was surprising how much further I made very day.

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@Mouse_House …but it would probably kill me if I tried it right now. Another few weeks, and hopefully I’ll be a bit less scared of hills.

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@Mouse_House …so that definitely includes an “up” like Marlborough Hill. And short sharp shocks are better than long annoying uphills…

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@Mouse_House I used to ride from Victoria Street up to Redland (Cambridge Park, round the back of the hospital at the top of Whiteladies…)

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@Mouse_House It was only a week or two’s worth of getting off x% of the way up the hill and pushing before I made it to 100% :D

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@Mouse_House I feel your pain. From what I remember, it didn’t take *that* long to get used to hills when I did it before, though.

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@Mouse_House I used to ride up Park Street just so I could go to the shops in Clifton Village on the way home to Hotwells.

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@Mouse_House Probably. I seem to respond quite well to being nagged, all things considered. :D

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@Mouse_House Good news is, aforementioned friend lives on a flat route a few miles away, so that’ll be good practice!

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@Mouse_House I’ve owned a bike all this time, and it’s mostly been gathering dust. Friend of mine has been (rightfully) nagging me to use it

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Hrm. Probably best not to take web design advice from a website that doesn’t load, right?

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@Mouse_House Nice one, Mouse. I am trying to get out on my bike more, but am also unfit. Hills are my nemeses.

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@stillawake Thank you. This low-grade cold is more annoying than anything else. Just taking the edge off things I should be enjoying :/

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@petedrinks Yes. But I’ve already drunk this one. Damn. I might have to go back to Oddbins tomorrow to get some more to enter :D

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@Sirius7dk They actually have engines in some of them, then?

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Woo! Scored a rare “limited edition” (ahem) Southville Hop without the glass logo :) @BrisBeerFactory @petedrinks

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Ah, a TVR in its natural environment. Up on axle stands surrounded by perplexed mechanic and worried owner.

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@asic69 Not unless her act has changed significantly since the last time I saw her.

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Still feeling ropey. Off to see Lydia Lunch at the Fleece tonight regardless. Might buy beer on the way home to fortify me for the evening.

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@jdfwarrior Aha! Yes, turns out @alfredapp is made unhappy if you try to use it to open a symbolic link that points to *itself*. My bad.

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Hmm. Normally good-as-gold @alfredapp is taking up 2GB of real memory, 9.87GB virtual. Think I may have broken something…

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Brays_Cottage Responsible newsmonger @MailOnline… article on a wedding pie using our picture uncredited. Nice! Do RT

via Twitter for iPhone (retweeted on 2:32 PM, Jun 29th, 2012 via Echofon)

@archidave I dunno. I imagine both at once could be pretty nice.

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@guriben It’s both right and wrong at the same time.

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@liveindetail Only because my arms cover my ears.

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Why is my @lastfm client playing some tracks at the wrong speed? Is John Peel haunting their servers?

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Tweets from @timhayward so far today are reminding me of my worst ever hungover where-am-I hotel morning.

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@ShabbyBean I thought that was just your accent.

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joshuatopolsky My Nexus 7 review. Late, yet early. Enjoy.…

via Twitter for Mac (retweeted on 8:36 AM, Jun 29th, 2012 via Echofon)

Sunshine and scrambled eggs. The morning is going well so far.

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What’s that? @getrunningapp for Android? In the Play Store? Whoo!…

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@parryphernalia It’s okay; I’m drinking a bottle of them right now.

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@parryphernalia Nope. Man Flu. No way I’m running in that humidity when I can’t breathe properly sat down. :(

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@NoWireHangers My boredness was waiting for my app to show up in the Google Play store. Though I did also watch the football.

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@claireellent Figured I should root for Italy in this one :) Seems a good choice so far!

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@archidave I *knew* that would happen, damn it.

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Right. Bored of waiting for Interesting Stuff To Happen. Off to buy wine.

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@xabl Sadly, while I do have some things resembling gin nearby, they probably don’t resemble it enough to be potable.

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There is nothing sufficiently resembling red wine in my immediate vicinity. I should seek to remedy this embarrassing situation.

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@donmcallister @DaveHamilton Yeah, that’s why I just signed up for one, basically. Be interesting to see if it gathers dust or not…

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@OpinionatedGeek Oh, gawd. I’ve, er, heard that Google Apps accounts can be tricky to troubleshoot/use/whatever.

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@OpinionatedGeek Can you head here: then hit Edit next to the email addresses? Is there a Country set?

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@OpinionatedGeek Pounds. Is there a US Play store and a UK one, like with iTunes?

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@OpinionatedGeek “Your order has been placed.” Sorry. Seems happy enough with me. Double-check your Wallet details, maybe?

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@OpinionatedGeek It’s all over the damn place. Now I’ve got three in my cart and I can’t edit it. Grr.

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@OpinionatedGeek I just tried. “We’re sorry, there was an error. Please try again later.” Too much demand for the Nexus?

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@OpinionatedGeek Are you trying from a mobile device? Have vague recollection of first purchase needing to be from desktop? Could be wrong.)

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(Who was it who was looking for good veggie ready meals the other day. Was it @talkie_tim?)

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@OpinionatedGeek I can certainly buy things. At the moment, though, I’m attempting to sell something :D

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@MissEmmeline Poor love. Can I come round for soup tomorrow? Hopefully we’ll both be feeling better.

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Fiddling with the Google Play store. *fiddles some more*

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PaulAnnett I had no idea they were building a cable car over the Thames! It’s now open, and you can pay by Oyster card:…

via Twitter for iPhone (retweeted on 4:31 PM, Jun 28th, 2012 via Echofon)

Wow. Basically an engineer’s kettle ;)

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Tired. Lacking in drugs. Bit ill. Perfect time to go to Cribbs Causeway. Wish me luck.

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@Thehappyfatgirl Your cards didn’t get taken down again, did they?

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mattgemmell “Google to sell tablet and glasses”. Headline makes them sound like a downmarket seaside tourist shop in Scotland.

via Twitter for Mac (retweeted on 12:23 PM, Jun 28th, 2012 via Echofon)

benhorsleyco It’s so humid outside that Starbucks are topping lattes with suncream, and Kevin Costner is sailing through cities battling outlaws.

via Twitter Web Client (retweeted on 10:57 AM, Jun 28th, 2012 via Tweetbot for iOS)

@ahnlak I’m sure @KaveyF would do that, if she didn’t have to nip out for a deep tissue massage right now.

via Echofon in reply to ahnlak

@KaveyF Have you considered getting one of those “smart phone” things? I hear they have calendars, and everything? *ducks*

via Echofon in reply to Kavey

@coffeenumber1 I do. Please arrange for your Clifton Village branch to be moved down the hill to Hotwells this morning. Thanks.

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My contact lens checkup is in Clifton Village at 11:05. I therefore predict the forthcoming Bristol thunderstorm at 10:55.

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@R2UK @floyduk @perrygascoine …it’s quite basic, and you need really good setup. Final Cut Pro’s chroma is lot better and more adjustable.

via Echofon in reply to therutharnold

@R2UK @floyduk @perrygascoine (As someone who’s moved from one to the other) Yes, iMovie does chromakeying, but…

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Just felt really guilty about procrastinating, before I realised I was doing exactly what I was meant to be doing. Not used to enjoying it!

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Hrm. @MailChimp’s security questions involve high school mascots and third grade teachers. This would be easier if I were American…

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Animated GIF: What @ahnlak looks like when he’s given a box of beer :D…

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@hayles Yup. Not feeling that bad, but I’d rather go out for lunch on a day when I can properly enjoy it :D

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@hayles Yes. When I’m feeling a bit better. Not going out today :(

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@hayles I had ribeye at the Cowshed on Monday and it was awesome. Just thought that knowing that would help you :D

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@Thehappyfatgirl @liveindetail @Ninja_lynneja No; I’d be too scared of fraternising with anyone important enough to have her own office…

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@Thehappyfatgirl You have. But you called me gorgeous, so I’ll forgive you for anything right now. x

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@simonblackwell @julesmattsson spotted some at Waterloo last week. Worrying that it’s now becoming routine.…

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@Thehappyfatgirl I have a cup of coffee. I think that makes us even.

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@jamesakadamingo So far, I’ve only done the having Scotch bit.

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@Indiechops Yes. Drugs. Not a bad idea. *raids medicine cabinet*

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@Thehappyfatgirl Thank you, darling. Keep them virtual. Wouldn’t want you to catch this.

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RT @KaveyF: I spoke to @waiyeehong so now I know they ain’t an alien AI or a ghost. Real person alert! <— Sentient bricks. Scary.

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Ugh. Sufficiently convinced that I’m going down with a cold that I have bought honey, lemon, ginger and whisky.

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Mmmm. Mark’s Bread. @ Mark’s Bread

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Very fresh Southville Hop :D @ Bristol Beer Factory

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@sstarr That is not a particularly high bar, believe me :)

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Hmmm. Should I watch The Wire, episode 2? Episode 1 just introduced a bunch of people I neither understood nor cared about. @MissEmmeline

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RT @KaveyF: Just got into bed to read and enjoy the changing colours of the Bristol sky: <— Sky TV!

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@tsunimee SMELL OF MAN. That’s the new one from Yves St. Laurent, right?

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@BlackDogDays CAKEZEN. My favourite zen.

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@BlackDogDays @stillawake The lunchtime ones were good. The ones I just had at the Cowshed were fab. Please do not hold this against me. X

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What? A post-ribeye Maker’s Mark? Don’t mind if I do.

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@waiyeehong The Cowshed, Whiteladies Road. The duck was lush, as was the ribeye ;)

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At t’Cowshed with @KaveyF and @ahnlak :D

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Wandering through Clifton to meet @KaveyF and @ahnlak.

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RT @FishDerekDick:… The hands of Fish update. <— Goodness. Another of my heroes has Dupuytren’s. @guriben

via Echofon

@CoreStrengthUK @hayles And if you want a really cheap place to escape work, it’s near the Westherspoons, of course :D

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@hayles (Street next to Hippodrome, between optician and Mainline recruitment, as-was, just a little way down on left. Food & drink good.)

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@hayles Next time, try Espirito, but I don’t know if it’s that great a location for a sunny day.

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@hayles …but never found anywhere that awesome. Used to have to go further afield, St. Nick’s, etc.

via Echofon in reply to hayles

@hayles Me and @MissEmmeline tried to find a really good place when we were working Victoria Street/Queen Square ourselves…

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@hayles Never liked Cafe on the Square. The Gusto’s actually not bad. I’d also cross Centre to get to Espirito; depends how far you’d go.

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@petedrinks Fentimans style. Was just nattering about it to someone t’other day and got curious about making it myself.

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@BlackDogDays @stillawake :( Well, I’m probably free next week, too…

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@stillawake Just left on the ferry. Have to be at t’buttery :)

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@BlackDogDays @stillawake Aww. Soz to hear that. I’ll be working at Watershed this morning, so still up for cross-harbour chips, Jo?

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@petedrinks Got any ginger beer recipes?

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@parryphernalia kid wrangling has replaced running somewhat. Run tomorrow, because I can.

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I am being used as a climbing frame.

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liveindetail My dream Sunday would be… Sitting in a comfortable leather chair, listening to Tom Baker read excerpts from the Ford Capri Haynes Manual

via Twitter for Android (retweeted on 10:46 AM, Jun 24th, 2012 via Tweetbot for iOS)

@stillawake Fridge safe! I need one that I can’t open when I’m pissed.

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Whew! First bike ride in months. That was quite pleasant.

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Peoplewatching in Corn Street with my friend Tarapops :)

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@liveindetail @stillawake Ten whole years? I’m surprised the picture was in colour.

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Dru_Marland @liveindetail @gothick what heppened to the slo-mo footage of BMW cutting across roundabout and hitting cyclist?

via Twitter Web Client (retweeted on 9:05 AM, Jun 23rd, 2012 via Echofon)

@stillawake I’m guessing that there’s normally a really good driver or two hanging around the salt flats area :)

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(But it’s the water balloons that are the loveliest part of that video, I think.)

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BMW Canada drive a car through a giant glass apple in slow motion. Mostly because they can, I think.… (via @petapixel)

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B247Martin See No Evil announces return to Nelson Street, and plans for launch party with musicians from Portishead & Goldfrapp:…

via Microsoft (retweeted on 8:39 AM, Jun 23rd, 2012 via Echofon)

Morning Twitter. I still appear to be full of sushi. Perhaps I’ll skip breakfast. At least the beer’s worn off.

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@chubbybannister You have my […]. That can’t be […]. […].

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@Juggzy Oh. Goodness. Sorry to hear about Seven. X

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Mmm. Full of Yo! Sushi sushi and Cornubia beer. And got a bonus lift home :D

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@shezza_t It was my pleasure. Though possibly not my upstairs neighbours’.

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Paper_Polly Just had a message saying someone’s posted something for me on Google+. They’ve left it with a neighbour as I’m never there.

via Twitter Web Client (retweeted on 4:31 PM, Jun 22nd, 2012 via Echofon)

@computermuseum @talkie_tim I hear the sound of incoming beam lasers and the whine of a shield running hot. *targets a missile*

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computermuseum Thanks to @DavidBraben for the RT - look what we have on display today Mr. Elite !! :-)

via Twitter for iPhone (retweeted on 3:44 PM, Jun 22nd, 2012 via Echofon)

iamdanw “Quadcopter drone group held in London airport on suspicion of terrorism”… (Southend counts as a London airport?)

via Twitter Web Client (retweeted on 3:16 PM, Jun 22nd, 2012 via Echofon)

@BlackDogDays @stillawake You could be right. Anyway. That’s corrected now. Midday. Chips. Buttery. Monday. Good.

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@BlackDogDays @stillawake Yes! Though I just put it in my calendar as “Chips! Buggery!” by mistake. Oops.

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@benjohnbarnes ‘K. Let me know when you’re less broody. Want to discuss Play Store account setup, etc.

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@claireellent @DaveGorman I already heard the results of *that* experiment. I don’t think it needs independent validation!

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@claireellent I couldn’t help it. I just bought Sugar Puffs. This is all @DaveGorman’s fault.

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Looking forward to YO! Sushi this evening. (I wonder if they have a branch in Westward Ho!? I! would, if I! were THEM!)

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@benjohnbarnes You around this afternoon for a quick sit-down?

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helenlewis “The EU may as well have put a lipstick on a string, and filmed 18 year old models doing a belly crawl after it”…

via Twitter Web Client (retweeted on 1:14 PM, Jun 22nd, 2012 via Echofon)

There’s more tweets in this month! Go up and select a date to see more ↑