I’m curious about the current Microsoft event, but I also have to be up in the morning. Night all…
@parryphernalia I’m either, but my plan tomorrow is just to get out there and do a tiny short run along the Portway, just for habit’s sake.
@parryphernalia Nice one. I have my first run for *ages* planned for tomorrow. Need to get back into it.
@hayles Why, what’s wrong with it this evening? *Scans tworizon*
@Mouse_House Night night, sleepimouse.
b_wildered Idiot. twitpic.com/9xzrzm
@tsunimee Yes, what @ahnlak said. Though I’d probably have counted black and white and called it 256. So the answer’s not black and white :D
@MsMottram @liveindetail @BlackDogDays Sounds good to me.
@grahamspiller Ta :)
Oatmeal Charles Carreon is officially suing me and the charities I’m raising money for is.gd/MeAPR9
@mattgemmell You should write them and complain.
@lilythepurr Sounds like a win, overall.
@polly_lop28 @Portishead75 They’d moved it in Clifton store last week; I nearly had a middle-class heart attack when I couldn’t find any :)
RT @Jorence: Ummm… instagr.am/p/MBf0X7NnU1/ <— Well, that’ll put hair on your chest, laddie. And probably some other places, too.
@polly_lop28 Yeah, that’s a bit rubbish, considering the Clifton one has a whole little charcuterie stand full of stuff :( Good luck!
@polly_lop28 Bought one in the Waitrose on the Triangle the other day, if that helps…
emmafurious Lost cat in East Central #Bristol long black & white fur. Not used to being outside. Name Merlin. My little boy really misses him please rt
@Bristol52 You were quicker with the camera than I was last time :D flic.kr/p/af25Bx
@ghostfinder (I can’t actually remember the track name. I just think of it as SHUT UP WHINYFACE)

@ghostfinder Hah! So glad it’s not just me :) pic.twitter.com/g3XnAl5E
@hayles People keep on mentioning this Angelberry place. That looks lush. I have never had froyo. #sadmatt
@chubbybannister Nalbandian Kerfuffle? #bandname
@hayles There’s a league and everything, apparently.
@KeithGough1 No coffee shop for me today. Knuckling down at home.
@andybeebristol Huzzah!
@maggiefairy I think volume 4’s out now, isn’t it? I think that’s what reminded me to order 3! #brainlikeasieve
YAY MOAR JUNKIES. #morningpost instagr.am/p/MA0SLYpC_5/
@liveindetail A 5D and something from the L series?
@liveindetail Yeah, it wasn’t affecting my image quality. Seems odd, though, on such a quality lens.
@liveindetail And there is also no dust inside now. Which is a known problem with the 17-55; mine was certainly filling up.
@liveindetail Repair, though don’t know how much of the insides were replaced. Not much detail on what they did, but it certainly works now!
@liveindetail I should write about that, actually. Executive summary: Jessop’s extended warranties — worth every penny. All fixed.
@chubbybannister And I thought *my* morning wasn’t going that well.
Here’s my snaps from Bristol’s Biggest Bike Ride yesterday. flickr.com/photos/matt_gi… #bbbr #bristol
@KaveyF Yes, next time. And you can take me, too, it sounds ace :D
As soon as I invented the tandem unicycle in my head just then, I knew that someone would already have done it. google.co.uk/search?q=tande…
@mattgemmell How’s Freecycle up there? My massive heavy sofa was carted off by a gang of grateful students about three hours after posting.
Taking “be safe, be seen” to impressive levels: flic.kr/p/cggWm9
faerietalefoody Random question…Can any restaurants/cafes/kitchens give me an idea of how much they spend on cleaning/sanitising products per year? Pls RT
@hayles Hah! As you were posting that, I was looking at this: flickr.com/photos/2206584… I feel extra-loved.
Finally got around to that coffee. Hurrah! Might have another one.
@MsMottram Oof. *sympathy*
@MsMottram It’s not nice, is it? Glad mine was only an 8-week contract.
@danfairs Would that help? I could probably find a duck to clean.
@stephenmaudsley Ta, yep, that seems to be the consensus. Just want to be careful as we nearly went to Avebury a day early for winter one!
First: coffee :D Then there will be tidying and plan-making and the general clearing of decks. Then lunch. Then work. Hopefully.
So, this week I’m rebuilding my freelance working-from-home routine after eight weeks of “normal” office work and a holiday.