@BlackDogDays Yes, she is.
@ahnlak There are standard styles?
Through Emily’s window. instagr.am/p/Lx7f5ApC8r/
@hayles It’s a shame my oldest friend isn’t still their European Sales Manager. I’m still getting through my freebies!
@stillawake Literally that. Game over. @ShabbyBean knows more than I do.
@Bristolvor Definitely worth a try. Go in through fabric shop entrance to St. Nicks, and they’re down on the right opposite florist.
@Bristolvor Head for St. Nicks and @SourdoughCafe, then? Good coffee, just not so great for working :)
@Bristolvor So I’m told.
@Bristolvor Starbucks at Bristol Bridge.
@robjmills Rumour is it’s the constant hassles with the upstairs neighbours.
@robjmills Apparently so.
Nice lunchtime catchup in #Bristol Bridge Starbucks with @ShabbyBean and our friend Mike. Didn’t realise “the ‘bucks” was closing on Friday!
@ShabbyBean Were you tweeting in the lift? Speedy!
gklyne HTTP “451 Unavailable For Legal Reasons” - tools.ietf.org/html/draft-tbr… - the example and Ray Bradbury credit made me smile.
Queue overflow. @ Baristas Coffee Collective instagr.am/p/LxCUsYJC82/
@tsunimee Me too. Let’s make a nest on the M6.
@benjohnbarnes @chris_j_hughes That, and the way it’s harder to select things at edges of document, because bars fade in over top of target.