@chris_j_hughes No, I didn’t know. First time I saw him was in a Knorr ad that didn’t say who he was; I just thought he was random actor.
@BlackDogDays I have never heard “chebs” before, so at least Upfest is being educational for me…
Marco Pierre White would probably impress me more in adverts if I’d seen him in anything other than adverts.

ScottFilmCritic This is the best picture of a surprised building you’ll see all day. pic.twitter.com/dyDuCjX6
@KirstyHigginson GAH!
@KirstyHigginson (And maybe include a sachet of the red wine, while you’re there…)
@KirstyHigginson Guylian? Damn it. Post one to me, will you?
@Mouse_House Good. It is a little bit like magic. Be careful if you take any photos you would *not* want to appear on other devices! :D
@Mouse_House No, it’s a thing called Photo Stream. You need an iCloud account. apple.com/icloud/feature…
@Mouse_House Well, it’s nice to know I’m not alone. :)
@Mouse_House Yeah. Which is annoying, yes? #friendzone
@Mouse_House Was checking out amazing girl on Hotwell Road t’other day. She then chucked empty fag packet on pavement. Instant ugliness.
@Mouse_House (To some degree, at least…)
@Mouse_House Well, I find some people more attractive than others, but that can definitely be “recalibrated” by getting to know them.
@Mouse_House Just depends on the person, for me. Some people seem to suit it more than others.
@Mouse_House Hrm. I heard about that. Not sure I’d want to see it. Though my last girlfriend was a self-styled “BBW”, mind…
@Mouse_House Good my decision to watch NCIS has been validated :)
@Mouse_House I haven’t seen any yet. Luckily being away for a week and a bit has piled up non-Jubilee stuff to watch on the digital box :)

sunny_hundal HAH! RT @Lefty_lisa: RT @fionalaird: Hahahaha RT @shutteritch: Jubilee photo of the day? pic.twitter.com/ZXBqy3oZ
@Mouse_House @mattpoo ‘S’all right for some. I’m still struggling by with just this elderly phone…
@spyou Good. Because this weekend, the punishment is being buntinged, of course…
@tsunimee Vraiment? Okay, I’ll eliminate you from our enquiries :D
@Adamy323 Oh, yeah, I’d forgotten that cute anglepoise one they did!

I think there may be a French contingent in Royal York Crescent. pic.twitter.com/uIYpHWNW
Clouds over #bristol instagr.am/p/Lau-f0pC7f/
Wandering Cliftonwards. Bunting: westerly, rising.
@MissEmmeline “Come Away With Me”, right?
@hayles Personally, I’m in a period of heightened insecurity.
@sowerbyandluff “What letter does your last name begin with? Oh! Great! It’s your turn in the boats next week…”
@Mouse_House I haven’t got one, so I can’t tell you much more. But it’s not like they’re going to run out of ‘em if you don’t get one today!
@Mouse_House Generally, I would say yes. Though John Lewis might be worth a check, think they do a 2-year guarantee for free.

Lamps like lovers. pic.twitter.com/3l29C8zq
@MissEmmeline Thanks :)
My snaps from @Upfest yesterday #bristol flickr.com/photos/matt_gi…
MitchBenn Flotilla my ass, that’s an evacuation. What aren’t they telling us?!
Processing photos and listening to The National.
@Jorence @theshinythings Hurrah! *deploys fleece pompoms* *does victory cheer dance*
newsmary Live bunting map by @JonathanEx: Tweet #ukbunting, the first half of your postcode and a rating out of 10 jonathancresswell.co.uk/ukbunting/
Small square of tissue stuck above top lip after a shaving accident. I look like the world’s least effective Hitler impersonator.
@hayles I sometimes do it on planes because I hate being on planes so much I’ll consider anything that might improve the experience.
@MissEmmeline No, she ran out yesterday. Shall I come collect you to a cafe, distressed damsel?
Go @theshinythings! *Unholsters emergency pom-poms*
Having coffee. And toast. Then, I *really* need a shave. Then, maybe some work. Hrm.
@Thehappyfatgirl Mornin’.
“You must be somewhere in London/You must be loving your life in the rain…” Now playing: The National: _England_.