Matt Gibson (@gothick)

Hotwells, Bristol

The below is an off-site archive of all tweets posted by @gothick ever

June 19th, 2012

@ahnlak My attorney filed the application with his mind using my time machine just before you mentioned it, anyway.

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@ahnlak I thought it sounded like a familiar idea… Just doing weekly review, and found this in my inbox, from May:

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@ShabbyBean It was kinda expected. Still, working hard on things today, and we’ll just have to see how I do…

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@ShabbyBean Did I arse. Helping a friend move house over the weekend, plus general life-admin, has pushed things back a bit!

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@ahnlak I would die in a parcels-and-bankruptcy related injury the morning after they turned that on.

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@tweeny4 Looks amazing. Just my kind of place. They don’t want to swap for a basement flat in the city, do they?

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@ahnlak If they can, the Amazon just billed you £30,000 for your new tablet.

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@ahnlak It may be a while before tactile projection keyboard technology comes around…

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@ahnlak Fuck projection keyboards. You still have to look at the things. And they can’t cope with fast typists.

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@ahnlak Well, indeed. And let’s face it, as far as can be done in the Apple world, that’s exactly what I did :D

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@ahnlak But I’d rather have a “fat” client that didn’t have to be reliant on a net connection to do useful stuff.

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@ahnlak I like the look of the Surface, in fact. Especially with the “real” keyboard.

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@hayles Also, you probably know the route.

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@hayles I’m not sure you could get annoyed and sweary enough at people who don’t have the exact change to be a proper bus driver.

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isaach well played, internet.

via Twitter for iPhone (retweeted on 5:15 PM, Jun 19th, 2012 via Echofon)

@hayles Second best. I prefer the left-hand side, so you can stare down curiously on the new people getting on, too.

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@julesmattsson Yes. For me, it’s the fact someone thinks we have enough *need* for that that makes me uneasy. Whether they’re right or not.

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LegalWeasel Does anybody know the current price/capacity sweet spot for 3.5” hard discs?

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@LegalWeasel Erm. Last I checked I’d have said it was around 2TB. But it’s been a while.

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@tweeny4 Wow, that’s lovely. Where is it?

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@bertpalmer No worries. If I were buying at the moment, I’d look into this:…

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@bertpalmer But, when I looked, you had to spend almost double to get a better burr grinder.

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@bertpalmer Downsides: sensitive safeties mean you have to be careful to close hopper/tray well. Can clog on very fine grinds.

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@bertpalmer Yup, I own it, and it’s still working after several years. I feed the aeropress with it and it does well.

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@bertpalmer It’s okay, basically. Which for £40 is good :) Also heard good things about Starbucks one you can get from their bigger shops.

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Hmm. Started getting spam with my actual name in. Wonder if this is a result of the LinkedIn hack.

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Lunch. Bench. Sunshine. Sorted. @benjohnbarnes maybe later for stand up? :)

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Declaring lunchtime. It better still be sunny outside.

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@headfirstonly For this job, it would need a working gas mask, though :)

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National Trust just sent me copy of their new Chedworth Roman Villa guidebook. Forgot they’d asked to use one of my photos! Must go back…

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@ahnlak I wouldn’t like making the decision, but it’d be nice to be in a position where I got to choose a tax option between 10% and 60% :)

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@ahnlak Yes, fair point. The bit I hate is mostly the form-filling and knowing all the little rules.

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@ahnlak Yeah, but then you’re in the game of hiring an expert and telling them what to do, which just seems a bit arse-backwards. Hrm.

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@parryphernalia Wasn’t bad, but I wouldn’t have like to have been running in the open. Towpath is nice and shady :D

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@ahnlak …and say “make it so.”

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@ahnlak Well, so have I. But if my finances were as complex as Jimmy Carr’s, say, I’d probably just hand the lot over to accountant…

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I’m not sure where I stand on the tax avoidance stuff. It’s not like my accountant has an “ethical” dial I can set.

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@Thehappyfatgirl It’s like one hand clapping, only quieter.

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@parryphernalia Stand down the nagging! I have been for a run :D

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Also: wonder if I can buy a military surplus NBC suit for the next time that job needs doing?

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Just cleaned two food recycling bins that were *very* overdue for it. Still, makes the rest of the jobs on today’s to-do list look pleasant.

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IncrediblyRich My boss told me “Dress for the job you want, not the job you have”
Am now sat in a disciplinary meeting wearing my Batman costume.

via Twitter for iPhone (retweeted on 10:53 AM, Jun 19th, 2012 via Tweetbot for iOS)

@KirstyHigginson Booths is the only supermarket I’ve been into where you can grind your own coffee from the shelf, though. Loved that!

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@DavidJNoble @benjohnbarnes Mmm. Sleeeeep. I could use me some of that.

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@motherventing @mcquinny Yeah, it’s nice living so close to this route. Love running alongside the river.

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Reasons to get back in the jogging habit, #1: scenery.

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@hayles Ah. @EssexEating was having 3G issues, but turning phone on and off seems to have resolved them. Might be worth a go?

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@hayles You’re not the first person to mention 3G in my timeline. Hang on a mo.

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@shezza_t Is that where your life is ruled by a ruthless schedule?

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tkingdot I always found Candle in the Wind annoyingly presumptious. It seems to ME, Mr John, that you lived *your* life like a tomato in a hat shop.

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RT @libbymiller: Lovely morning in Bristol - and quite a few hot air balloons about <— Excellent :)

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