Matt Gibson (@gothick)

Hotwells, Bristol

The below is an off-site archive of all tweets posted by @gothick ever

June 9th, 2012

Having one of those happy little bits of my life where I play @theagilmore’s _You Tell Me_ over and over while singing (badly) along to it.

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@hatsandbikes That’s what we went for (the first 46, not the second!)

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@crookedfootball Same as me exactly, then. Sorry, no import issues.

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benhorsleyco The best thing about drinking a pint in the shower is that it never seems to run out.

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Erm. Interesting numbering system. @ Shanghai Restaurant

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@stillawake @hayles Mine turned out to be a combination of Race for Life peeps heading home and a broken down bus on the Centre.

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Well, I *was* going to Swindon. Still on Hotwell Road. Bristol appears to be broken. Arse.

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@BlackDogDays @stillawake I have no idea what AngelBerry is, though it sounds lush. But I’m off to Swindon for a birthday party, I’m afraid.

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@guriben (Thanks for the pointer, by the way.)

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Nice brunch this morning at The TownHouse on Whiteladies. Shame it was a bit too windy to sit outside, though!

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@stillawake @BlackDogDays CHIPS! We should have a chip-based get-together.

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@Mouse_House Sounds like a good opportunity to get to know the new one…

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@Mouse_House I think you should go and describe everything you can think of and see what they say. (But I have really good GP, which helps.)

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@Mouse_House Now, in my case, they didn’t find anything, but they definitely took me seriously and tested for stuff, at least.

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@Mouse_House I basically went to a doc and said I was fat and tired all the time, and they ordered a fair barrage of tests.

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ChristinaMcMc “Fire crews called to remove sex aid from 69-year-old man after 36-hour struggle”. YOU STAY CLASSY NORTH MANCHESTER

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Pirate bunting! Aaaaaargh! @ Sourdough Cafe

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