Tonight I’ve mostly been eating good food, drinking red wine, and watching _Midnight in Paris_ with @MissEmmeline. Though she fell asleep ;)
@BenPark @ITGuyMark Not that productive. I’ve mostly been watching a Woody Allen movie and eating chocolate, to be fair.
@BenPark <— this, and everything below it (apart from forum), WP, but with no blog. Just pages.
@Jorence @stillawake Just because we’re enjoying it doesn’t mean it’s not good for you. *slap*
@BenPark (It used to be a static site, but we’re going multi-lingual at some point, so a CMS seemed sensible…)
@BenPark …it’s not that risky, as this is mostly WP used as a CMS. No comments, no blog.
@BenPark Well, this is a commercial site, so test and live environments are pretty much a must. But…
@Jorence I think you may be hysterical, dear. *slap*
@BenPark It’ll be fine. I have test install and backups six ways from Sunday :D
@Jorence I tend to overapply my work philosophy to my hobby life :)
@Jorence Shouldn’t need it. I have a test area and a live area. #doingitproperly
Upgrading t’WordPress.
@andybeebristol That was the prospect facing me when I got back from holiday, but luckily it turned out I’d miscalculated by two weeks.
@hayles It’s pretty amazing. On many levels. #leatherette #companylogo #crapcalculator #velcro
@guriben No. Brains can be like that. *sympathy*
Mmm. Just got home and popped @MissEmmeline’s prepared tagine in the oven. The flat already smells awesome, and I only just turned it on :D
@benjohnbarnes I was just wondering the other day how many people banks had killed, compared to missiles.
Folio case with a built-in calculator. It doesn’t get much better than this.
BBCBreaking Argyll & Bute council drops its “ban” on #neverseconds school dinners blog, after Twitter campaign via @BBCRadio4 #wato
@guriben :( That sucks when it’s a necessity rather than a choice.
@stillawake Yep, it’s good. Just had some very nice cannelloni. Risotto also good.
Just posted a photo @ Marco’s Olive Branch
@hayles *Raises lonely hand*
@BlackDogDays *waves like a Mexican*
krishgm 9-Year-Old Who Changed School Lunches Silenced By Politicians | Wired Science |…
@BlackDogDays Hurrah for Percy.
@hayles They don’t have drivers. There’s just a massive central catapult in Wolverhampton.
@hayles That’s why you should do it first. And then enjoy the rest of your day rather than feeling guilty about not getting on with it.
@hayles Do. It. First.
Getting a morning green tea in Baristas. I will miss being here every day now I’m not working in the office down the road.
@liveindetail No, but I give you ten bonus office points.
Walking in to my last day on my current contract. Back to working from home on Get Running for Android next week :) Releasing soon!
@stillawake Morning :)