Matt Gibson (@gothick)

Hotwells, Bristol

The below is an off-site archive of all tweets posted by @gothick ever

April 2010

@tsunimee PNG came along as a free, better alternative to GIF when the patent owners started trying to charge a licence fee for GIF.

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Wow. Boston Globe’s “Big Picture” gives a taste of the scale of the Louisiana oil rig disaster

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When it comes to user interface, Gordon Brown does at least seem the most WYSIWYG of the candidates.

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Thank you, DHL, for letting me know that my parcel left Hatfield at 5:11am. What I’d like, though, is an ETA, even to the nearest day.

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Grr. At what point did I say Tumblr should cross-post to Twitter? Grrrrrr.

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What? Microsoft shot the messenger?

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28 years of CDs, and it’s still utter pain to get booklet out of a jewel case. Unsurprised these people aren’t ready for digital innovation.

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@caffeinebomb @jamesclay I’m not entirely sure I want to know where one sticks pap test stickers…

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@caffeinebomb Some of them will have figured out that happy customers buy more stuff. Who’d’ve thought it?

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@caffeinebomb Yeah, just walk away. Places can define their own rules for what gets plugged in anyway; the regs are just a minimum.

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@caffeinebomb …although the rules are more complicated, and nobody gets them right anyway. Jobsworth = jobsworth, rules notwithstanding.

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@caffeinebomb PAT; it’s the simple “will this thing kill someone?” electrical test for anything in a workplace with a plug on it.

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@caffeinebomb So, next time you see one of those stickers on something, peel it off and stick it on your power supply…

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Yay! My post-pay day shopping indulgence delivery has arrived :)

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@DrHairbear Now that’s a smart solution to my problem.

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Excel can’t open two different docs with the same name at once. “Hi! I’d like to join the Office dev team!” “Sorry, we already have a Matt.”

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Signs you may need to buy a new mug for work, #7: the tannin stains are significantly reducing the liquid capacity.

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Fuck. Reflection in shop window reveals man who may have dressed by having charity shop castoffs dumpster emptied over him.

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The UK is doomed, Greece is doomed, Louisiana’s doomed… This morning’s news, summarised: we’re all doomed, and the world is doomed with us

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@gary8345 Fixed amount of writing you do every morning, preferably without fail……

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@Collingsa I believe we now enter the fine British tradition of Six Days of Gaffes and Spin.

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It appears I have failed to do my Morning Pages. Arse.

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jcroft Awesome: http://www.whatthefucksh…

via Twitter Web Client (retweeted on 1:00 AM, Apr 30th, 2010 via Echofon)

@hayles Ahh. Well, take a camera and play “get the most awful photo of the bride.” :)

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@hayles No; I believe that’s technically known as a “fucking brilliant weekend”.

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@DaveHamilton Oh, hey, I just re-ran Transmit and then restarted automator, and I got Synchnronize, Download and Upload (under Internet).

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@DaveHamilton Well, mine are missing, too, breaking a couple of my existing Automator scripts. So if it’s not just you, maybe it’s @panic.

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@daffodil1979 Wow. Their news has really gone downhill.

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@hayles I have never seen this one before!

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@Kate_Butler Relatively sure that if she wrote it down and posted it in a stamped envelope with “Gordon Brown” on the front it’d get there.

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@tsunimee Yes. JPEG designed specifically for photos, and drops data the eye won’t notice. Ends up as smaller file looking the same.

via Twitter Web Client in reply to tsunimee

@tsunimee It’s a good choice for most things that aren’t actually photos (use JPEG for photos), especially now Internet Explorer 6 is dying.

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@tsunimee No. It’s got far better color handling than GIF. Generally, unless you actually need animation, use PNG.

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@tsunimee PNG is royalty-free, and handles colours and transparency better, too. That’s why it’s now so popular, and GIF is dying off.

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@tsunimee e.g. I wanted to release a free program that created GIFs about 15 years ago, but Unisys would have charged me a royalty per copy.

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I think we need a good name for the ending of privacy. The aprivalypse?

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@Jorence Tell them you mis-heard the instructions and used an ironing fjord.

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@tsunimee smart, slightly crazy women with good smiles. Ish.

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Hmm. Using a stranger’s name as many times as possible in a conversation. Nick Clegg may be my dental hygienist in drag.

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@talkie_tim Yes, well, he’s probably stressed since they confiscated his dumbbell on the way in.

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@laverneshow Probably trying to head-butt the TV screen. Still: awwww.

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@canofpopcom But how much of that is because it’s cold and pissing down, I wonder?

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@tsunimee Will you stop talking about voluptuous women? This leaders’ debate is too easy to get distracted from without that.

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@kayliemansfield Yeah, but that’s because of all the bloody kids roaming the streets. Oh, hang on a mo…

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@DrHairbear I think last week’s was only fun because I was with a live audience down the road. Would’ve nodded off otherwise.

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RichNeville Cameron wants 200,000 apprentices. That’s insane. Alan Sugar would be dead before he could fire that many.

via Twitter Web Client (retweeted on 1:00 AM, Apr 29th, 2010 via Twitter Web Client)

@Lillput Yeah, I was more worried about the possibility of the lack of it indicating I’m not registered. Sure I remember doing it online.

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@hayles Guilty. My excuse was that I wanted to get home before it rained, but I admit that was probably purely an excuse.

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@hayles Well, to be fair, today I was going up Park Streeet in the passenger seat of an MX5, and I didn’t see you until the last minute :)

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I suppose I should worry more about a voting card than a race pack. Still, as Labour phoned me up t’other day, I’m probably on the register.

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Bristol 10K race pack just arrived :)

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Feeling particularly fat today. Which is odd, considering I’m empirically the lightest I’ve been for years.

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@zinziii *tcha*. Youngsters. When you get to my age, that’ll just be a great reason to have another cup of tea.

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@zinziii Can you not plug your camera straight in to a USB port?

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Need a good book recommendation for someone who takes on too much stuff and never gives herself a break. Suggestions?

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@gary8345 To be fair, she’s a rare exception on the morning ferry; most people are generally quite cheerful.

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Has anyone got their race pack for the Bristol 10K yet?

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Thanks, @Runkeeper! Looks better now. Although it seems to suggest I’m still running (streaming), but I guess that’ll clear at some point?

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…which may be a record for the 5K, but not in a good way.

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Hmm. According to @Runkeeper, my last run burned 1364355 calories, and took me 34888030 hours.

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Oh dear holy god. NOT safe for work: (via @amandapalmer.)

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@goswoppit Possibly. I should have waited for someone to fail to stop and watched the mounties chase a Fiesta down the A4 with a lassoo.

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Odd. Brace of mounted policemen at bottom of Hopechapel Hill, pulling odd cars over by shouting “Oi! Pull over!” at them.

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@bexxi Decking someone didn’t seem to do @johnprescott any harm; sometimes it’s good to see a human side :)

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@pjakobs I think I do both. Take it, then make it, if necessary :)

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Dear Oracle: you must know which column is ambiguously defined, otherwise it wouldn’t be ambiguous. So why not put it in the error message?

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Hmm. By all accounts, it seems that Gordon Brown’s in trouble for calling a bigoted woman a bigoted woman.

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Cool. Very close to having 234567 views on Flickr :)

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@bananza Skinny latte, normally. Sometimes non-skinny latte. After a really long run, amaretto latte and cake :)

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@zinziii Heh. Thought it seemed a bit random compared with the other answers! Feeling better?

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Hurrah! Hat located. May @DavidSGI have the same luck with his scarf.

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Hmm. Mildly anxious because I don’t know where my favourite hat is.

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It’s amazing how much time I’ve saved by keeping the recycling box next to the front door in the run-up to the election

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@benjohnbarnes This month’s .net mag suggests and

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@xabl That was fantastic. An interviewer who ask the same question I’m screaming at my radio in annoyance is always a plus :)

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@benjohnbarnes Hmm. I’d guess either mammoform or mastiform.

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@bexxi With that start, surely it _has_ to be uphill?

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@KaveyF Aren’t there normally a few earthquakes around that magnitude in any given week?

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@fadesdog Believe me, it was an absolute pleasure!

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Cool, @SimonPeevers completed the London Marathon! Nice one!…

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Hang on, _Idris Elba_ is in this Luther thing? *sets video*

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@simonindelicate I would suggest choosing Extra Strong Mints if you make that deal.

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What? Monday’s a Bank Holiday? *blink* Hurrah!

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@paulahillier Yeah, save it for an after-dentist treat and wash it down with coffee.

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@csoanes Actually, now I come to think of it, I don’t put quite so much “W” on it. Erm. HEWristic, only don’t use your lips on the W. Ish.

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Anyone? —> Do you know of a good integrated social media search? Facebook, Twitter, blogs and stuff. /via @benjohnbarnes

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@benjohnbarnes Sadly, a relatively common occurrence for large bodies of water in the middle of cities.

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Harbour Master’s boat/
The police with no siren/
Death on the water

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@KellyJanner @Squonk I’m lucky: I have little fear of traffic and our office has a couple of shower/changing rooms.

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@Squonk Yeah, mine’s only about 3 miles. 4.5 miles should be a nice little workout on a bike.

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@Squonk Sounds like the right choice. I live a good walking distance from work, but it’s a bit short to bike! Over too fast!

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@Squonk Thanks! Momentum is the important thing, I think. Haven’t blogged today’s run yet, but it wasn’t very interesting :)

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@DrHairbear It says it’s a “polygraphic” shirt. Do you reckon they grow if you lie?

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@Squonk Ta! Sure the 10K will be fine — did 15 last Sunday for a laugh. More scared of the half-marathon in September!

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Where’s the internet shopping I was promised on Tomorrow’s World, where I could upload a laser scan of my figure and put the shirts on it!

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@Squonk @mhoulden Thanks for the tips, folks. I have now Shopped. We’ll see if anything fits in a few days’ time :)

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@Squonk I’d just been looking at that one. It also is one of the few that doesn’t say “close fit”…

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I dunno. There’s something about this T-shirt picture that doesn’t make me think “men’s”.

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@Squonk Not a dumb question! Will add them to the list.

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@mhoulden Nope, will have a look, ta. Not keen on internet buying as I’ve found “XL” varies from “about right” to “ludicrously small”…

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@rabidbee I quite enjoyed the last half-marathon, where a gorilla was chasing a banana :)

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@TheLloydClan Hey, I just missed .

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Normally I’d just run in a scrappy old T-shirt, but it’s the Bristol 10K in two weeks time and I’d like to look a bit better for that. Sigh.

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@Squonk I found TK Maxx good for stuff like that, but can’t find technical, breathey running tops there :(

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@rbrwr Not entirely sure how the embarrassment of going outside to run in clothes a size too small encourages anyone to start exercising…

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Buggering hell. Why is it so hard to buy running tops for lardy people like me? Skintight is _not_ a good look on a fat bloke.

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@hayles It was the feature where the browser says “Hey! I don’t recognise that. Let’s stick ‘.com’ on the end and go there!” that got me.

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Note to self: When going to, don’t assume the browser will autocomplete after you’ve typed the first four characters.

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@KaveyF You should know better than to try to listen to music I like by now.

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@mattgemmell Joking aside, that really is one if my major concerns about buying one.

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I went out last night and came back with a huge pocketful of change. Bearing in mind I DON’T DRINK, how did _that_ happen?

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Overheard: MAN IN FRIESIAN COW COSTUME: Scrub, Jeremy! MAN NOT IN COW COSTUME: I’ve scrubbed as hard as I can, but it won’t come off!

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Ah. That feels better now it’s not upside down. I suppose that’s generally true, but in this case I’m talking contact lenses.

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@archidave Just tried one myself. They make me think harder about composition. Can’t be a bad thing.

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JasonJHunter Tram network extension dug up the national fibre optic cable by mistake. Oopsie.

via Twitter Web Client (retweeted on 1:00 AM, Apr 24th, 2010 via Twitter Web Client)

@majicDave I believe that says, “Please help me. I am a Norwegian but my iPad is stuck in Icelandic keyboard mode.”

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@zinziii Feeling better?

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@hayles Mature. Experienced. Complex. *pokes tongue out*. @fluffybex Ah, a fellow connoisseur of Danish goodness!

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@fluffybex @hayles Pah! Undereducated, underappreciative and underage! Sandi Toksvig is a national — no! An _international_ treasure :)

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@Phooto It’s podcast anyway, it’ll just appear in my iTunes :)

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Aww. Sandi Toksvig just spoke my name in a national broadcast medium. This is a accolade I’ve been dreaming of since Number 73!

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danielpunkass Look, I’m not going to tell you how to use Twitter … who am I kidding, of course I am. Elements Of Twitter Style:

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Yay! My Toksvig trance remix made the edit of tonight’s News Quiz on Radio 4 :)

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@jbrownridge And he’s saying it along with “in Europe, not run by Europe,” which is what Hague soundbit me to death with last time round!

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@archidave I believe “spide” is the closest Norn Iron equivalent.

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@Phooto Oooh, Telegraph, eh? Nice. I won’t be sure mine’s going out until it goes out. They’re recording now, editing this afternoon.

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@hayles I think I shall head for mine, soon. Getting a bit dark for snapping.

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Well, the adoring masses are a good start, but I haven’t trained them to curtsey yet.

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I recommend watching this with a large live audience who are allowed to clap and jeer.

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Judging by the bike escort, I was just passed by a leader on the Hotwell Road.

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I watched the News at One this afternoon. Didn’t even need to bother with a TV, either.

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It would explain a lot if PMs always have a helicopter circling them. It’s only day two for me, and I already want to invade somewhere.

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@canofpopcom Damn! Couldn’t you have asked that fifteen minutes _before_ the bank closed? I’ll never remember to pay this stupid thing in.

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Haven’t seen many politicians, though apparently Gordon Brown has recently turned up. Lots to snap though, Bristol ‘togs!

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@bristwestival I wouldn’t recognise them. Thus is the down side of getting all my news from The Today Programme.

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@Swishrelic I don’t actually know much about Montpelier.

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Simple domestic act or a political decision?

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@mhoulden Nope, it was running all day like normal, far as I could tell.

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@KaveyF He shall now be known forever in my mind as the “Not Very PC”.

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Photo: Custody (by gothick_matt) Tonight, I have mostly been hanging around outside the Leaders’ Debate in……

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Oop, “two favourite photo” doesn’t make much sense; I changed my mind mid-tweet. Here’s the other one I liked:

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I was channeling @teacherdude this evening :)

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Probably my two favourite photo from tonight’s action in Bristol:

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Sky say “Leader’s Debate”. Telegraph say “Leaders’ Debate”. BBC say “Leader Debate”. Any opinions?

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Just sending Radio 4 a legal clearance form — apparently they may use my Eyjafjallajökull dance remix on tomorrow night’s News Quiz! :)

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@Jorence Oh, you said “Carmen”. I mis-read that as “Cameron” for a minute; thought you were at the debate!

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@dottyteakettle I imagine they’ll close a road or two, but I’m not sure how much chaos it’ll actually cause.

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@thomasvenables I have a sneaking suspicion you’re right. But surely MI5 already know I’m not organised enough to be an anarchist.

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@hayles Which is something I may, er, or may not, be planning to do. *whistles innocently*

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@hayles Yeah, but then I won’t be able to take pictures with a big lens as I pootle past at close range.

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Hmm. Wonder if I’ll be able to get the boat to work tomorrow, or if there’ll be an exclusion zone around the Arnolfini?

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@hayles Caught it on Sky News openly talking about the Arnolfini and showing the inside of the studio, so I guess it got declassified.

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@mikedunn @hayles Sorry. Shouldn’t have drawn your attention to it!

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@shezza_t No, but he will be tomorrow. Er, he _is_ one of the three people we want running the country, right?

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@archidave Moat-like is all very well, but if your moat is well-stocked with boats, you can get quite close :)

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@hannahnicklin Is the old standard of shoving a wire coat-hanger into it feasible?

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@rabidbee Yeah. And if you had Sky News on you could watch it from both angles.

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@DrHairbear @tweeny4 Sophisticated my arse. Saw one reading the Daily Mail the other day.

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Hmm. Vans, helicopter, mounted police, and I’d guess the only beggar I’ve seen is probably Special Branch.

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@teacherdude Arr! Though I think a more traditional approach from the other side of the temporary fencing would probably be best.

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@teacherdude Heh. Think I surprised them a bit by floating past in a boat with a big camera ;). Might swing by again later.

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See the Arnolfini’s all fenced off & surrounded with stage lighting and security guys. That’ll be the leadership debate, then?

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RT @chrysaora: Global Frequency 88.1FM on noooowwww! Just played @gothick’s Eyjafjallajokull remix. <— MIT campus radio? Cool!

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@rabidbee …and would therefore _obviously_ go for Jean-Luc in a black turtleneck.

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@rabidbee Pretty much identical demographic, I’d guess. *ducks*

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@KaveyF Yes, indeed, it’s Andy Hamilton. I just got the names mixed up last night; really shouldn’t do this stuff at 1am!

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@chrysaora I’ve added a direct link to the Tumblr post, or try this: . Let me know if it works :)

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@reacharounds_uk Yup, absolutely. Consider them licensed to The Reacharounds for any purpose.

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