Matt Gibson (@gothick)

Hotwells, Bristol

The below is an off-site archive of all tweets posted by @gothick ever

April 28th, 2010

@bexxi Decking someone didn’t seem to do @johnprescott any harm; sometimes it’s good to see a human side :)

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Hmm. Mildly anxious because I don’t know where my favourite hat is.

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Hurrah! Hat located. May @DavidSGI have the same luck with his scarf.

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@zinziii Heh. Thought it seemed a bit random compared with the other answers! Feeling better?

via Echofon in reply to ZinziGraham

@bananza Skinny latte, normally. Sometimes non-skinny latte. After a really long run, amaretto latte and cake :)

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Cool. Very close to having 234567 views on Flickr :)

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Hmm. By all accounts, it seems that Gordon Brown’s in trouble for calling a bigoted woman a bigoted woman.

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Dear Oracle: you must know which column is ambiguously defined, otherwise it wouldn’t be ambiguous. So why not put it in the error message?

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@pjakobs I think I do both. Take it, then make it, if necessary :)

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Odd. Brace of mounted policemen at bottom of Hopechapel Hill, pulling odd cars over by shouting “Oi! Pull over!” at them.

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@goswoppit Possibly. I should have waited for someone to fail to stop and watched the mounties chase a Fiesta down the A4 with a lassoo.

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Oh dear holy god. NOT safe for work: (via @amandapalmer.)

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Hmm. According to @Runkeeper, my last run burned 1364355 calories, and took me 34888030 hours.

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…which may be a record for the 5K, but not in a good way.

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Thanks, @Runkeeper! Looks better now. Although it seems to suggest I’m still running (streaming), but I guess that’ll clear at some point?

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Has anyone got their race pack for the Bristol 10K yet?

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