…and Mr. Sylvian joins the fairly select list of people I’ve dug out the original CDs for and re-imported into iTunes at a higher bitrate.
@hayles Cool, was worried it might be a bit heavy going. Will bump it up the list.
Damn. How did David Sylvian’s _Orpheus_ make its way into my “Programming” playlist? Now I must sing for five minutes instead of working.
@hayles Ooh, is it good? Candidate for being cycled into my reading list next week…
@daveyp #debill Here, have a technical breach of copyright: http://twitpic.com/1dofhh
@jcagriffin How did you guess? :)
It’s a series of ducts!
@Dan_Christensen …by which I didn’t mean “mixing desk”, of course, but actual DJ decks. Great application for it, anyway…
@Dan_Christensen There _must_ be a mixing desk app for it already, surely?
@archidave that’s spooky.
@majicDave No, it doesn’t ignore it. It wilfully misinterprets it. Guess you’re not using IE6, either, otherwise I’d’ve heard the screams.
If my life were a film, there would be ominous music every morning I had to go back to work after a long weekend.
@librarythingtim I made one that says “I’ve forgotten to set my character encoding.”
@talkie_tim Ahhh. So, you’ve been away with the Famous Five. Gotcha.