Matt Gibson (@gothick)

Hotwells, Bristol

The below is an off-site archive of all tweets posted by @gothick ever

April 11th, 2010

@ahnlak @Phooto I’m guessing if Microsoft wrote a Migration Assistant, it still wouldn’t play nicely with iTunes :) iTunes on Windows sucks.

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@djelibeybi_meg Yup. They were just there, right in front of me, behind a low wall, at about head height, as I walked around.

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I am tempted to download the DVD I’m trying to watch, because it might start quicker than if I have to wait for these non-skippable ads.

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@andybeebristol Heh. And about 500 yards, by the sound of it, as we ended up in Boston Tea Party.

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This was our favourite bit of the Zoo today:…

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@tsunimee Yes. Yes I did. But it was for charity. And other people joined in. Not in my pyjamas, you understand, but in their own.

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@benjohnbarnes Thinking of adding one of those to my website now. It would just float a box saying “this is an unhelpful box” in big letters

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@philmonger Yes, but it would take me about as long to fiddle about hooking up the iMac to the TV at the moment.

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@Squonk Can you choose a few, throw them up and have a vote? It’s how I settle my “favourite of the month” when I can’t decide.

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@echofon Any reason the Mac client is highlighting mentions of someone else in green, _in addition to_ usual green highlights for replies?

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@echofon e.g. this one, which also shows as a line in the scrollbar, like highlights of replies normally do.

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@Squonk Ah. Can you do some completely OTT processing on them? Something you wouldn’t normally do?

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@ahnlak @Phooto I find pluses and minuses. Changing my hard drive used to be trivial, now I’ve got to take the iMac into a shop!

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@Phooto @ahnlak And I got locked out of my Audible Audiobooks in iTunes. Had to delete some plist file somewhere; was like registry hacking!

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@ahnlak @Phooto Or simply it’s not their primary area of expertise. Plus, if I’d not gone through Migration, would have had to auth new Mac.

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@ahnlak Although actually, not these days, as I don’t think I have any DRMd music left.

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Morning all. My DailyBooth is odder than normal today:…

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@R2UK @ahnlak I don’t have a long enough commute any more! I unsubscribed a while back. Very good when I had the time for it, though!

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Post-jog stretch on Suspension Bridge viewing platform just as Bristol gets its mention in Babyshambles’ _Albion_ on iPod. Today rocks!

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@bananza Saw them live in December. Close enough I had to duck when Pete chucked the mic stand into the crowd :D

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What the feck _have_ Google done to YouTube, anyway? Hardly anything works properly on the damn site now.

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Oooh, good timing. Invited to lunch just before I ate this lunch I bought. That’ll be dinner, now, then.

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Pretty easy to guess where I’m having lunch ;)

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I am now somewhere else not difficult to guess ;)

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@djelibeybi_meg No, it’s Bristol. But I didn’t ask them where they were from.

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@tsunimee Goodness. Well, prepare yourself for some extremely random videos, then :) I was at Yo! Sushi in Cabot Circus, Bristol.

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@hayles Funnily enough, my belt seems surprisingly full now.

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@tsunimee Heh. Yeah, I love my dressing gown. Went to work in it once and people told me I looked like a monk. Must be the hair :)

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@csoanes @ahnlak you are both very silly people.

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