@tsunimee Erm. No, no and yes. In that order.
@hayles Awesome! And a really good way of making sure you know where they keys go back. I’m always too messy with mine!
@hayles (See? http://www.flickr.com/ph… )
@hayles Think I did. But I still seem to remember having problems. Maybe I was just having a dumb day. Or some of the keys are too similar.
@jamesclay @markpower Yes. I predict that the first pretty Twitter client with a regexp killfile will be very popular with geeks.
@Lillput Well, it’s be a pain to take with you.
@KaveyF Looked at Nigella recipe and got put off by the complexity. I now have date and cranberry ones from Waitrose’s “Pretentious” range.
@hayles If I set off anywhere at 2am I’m pretty sure I’d be limiting myself to 1mph. Which would be 3mph minus stopping for coffee.
@hayles The reason I generally avoid public transport is that it often seems to involve standing up and travelling at walking speed.
@hayles …so I don’t really see why I need to pay for that.
@bexxi No, you may surmise that Waitrose didn’t have any normal buns left :)
@bexxi @ahnlak @archidave said he bought hot cross bagels the other day. Apparently this was not a good thing.
@archidave Careful, though, that weather can turn on a sixpence. Glad I’m back from my run.
Well, I know I’ve been a bit lax recently, but it turns out I have 4,725 unrated photos in Lightroom. Arse.
@Jorence I’m also going to be more merciless from now on when it comes to deleting the bad ones, as inspired by @chrismarquardt recently.
Right. I am eschewing TV’s rubbish choices and settling down to watch Star Wars. The original, un-fucked-up version.
Good morning all. I have now slept for nine straight hours, and am feeling far less crabby.
While shopping for new routers to buy, my current router is interpreting this as an attack and refusing to load their images. #skynetishere
Hmm. You know, it might be time to start Actually Doing Stuff™.
@zinziii Huh? Don’t you just use the normal copy & paste keys? Don’t think I’m with you.
Post-run stretching. It’s a bit muddy out there! http://twitpic.com/1cmh26
@zinziii Yeah. Go into Develop mode itself (hit D), then the normal copy and paste keys do that. Ctrl-(or Cmd-)-C/V.
@zinziii Also, in Develop mode, that’s what “Sync Settings” does at the bottom of the Develop sidebar.