Matt Gibson (@gothick)

Hotwells, Bristol

The below is an off-site archive of all tweets posted by @gothick ever

April 8th, 2010

@bertpalmer I normally run with it in a pocket at the mo. Still, maybe won’t want the jacket where the sleeves get in the way tonight!

via Echofon in reply to bertpalmer

If I’d wanted to spend so much of my life staring at hourglasses, I’d have taken a career in an antique glassware shop.

via Echofon

@rhodri How do I move? I’m a geek; personally I move seldom, slowly, and usually under protest.

via Echofon in reply to rhodri

@bertpalmer @AndyCarolan I was scared to look at it at work when you said that!

via Echofon in reply to bertpalmer

One day, I will find an online flowcharting tool that wraps text into diamond-shaped decision boxes properly. Is that web 5.0?

via Echofon

@rhodri Yes. As is the lack of understanding of how voting works.

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@zinziii True. But it’s still generally better than the alternatives.

via Echofon in reply to ZinziGraham

@bexxi @lilibaloo @goswoppit We’ll tell you if you tell us what the heck “nulligravida” means? Are we all going to float off into space?

via Echofon in reply to bexxi

Gah. @echofon just crashed while I was in the middle of writing a tweet. Don’t think it’s ever lost data on me before…

via Echofon

@bexxi Goodness. Learn something every day. On the other hand, I know who Sooty and Sweep are, but I’m fairly sure I’ve never given birth :)

via Echofon in reply to bexxi

Hmm. Well, the @Runkeeper target pace feature looks interesing, but how am I going to know when to turn around if I can’t set distance, too?

via Echofon

@csoanes Hey, I hand-craft these for hours. Have you not noticed how each one is also an acrostic _and_ a haibun?

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@bertpalmer I can’t find a way of having a voice prompt for target pace _and_ for “you’ve done 2.5k, so turn around.” Either, but not both.

via Echofon in reply to bertpalmer

@Runkeeper Glad to know it’s coming. Shame most of my runs are 5K with a halfway turnaround, is all!

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@talkie_tim Could do, but all my known landmarks are on the A4, and I want to go down the towpath instead now there’s daylight!

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Ooh. The Big Room has a particularly blue ceiling today.

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@rhodri My theory: high proportion of coders on social media, and they tend to equate law with a computer program & forget human factor.

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Sure the bloke who produced this Radio 4 show about extremists released from prison only did it because “Free Radicals” is such a bad pun.

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@dressjunkie Good decision, I think. Real class beats fake size every time.

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Hmm. Just back from 5K run. I think.

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All I can tell so far is that my GPS has been playing up and that @Runkeeper’s web server runs on Apache and is also playing up.

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@benjohnbarnes Ironically, I had a hard time reading that because the annoying Flash adverts all over it nearly killed my browser.

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@chrisphin Whereas my iMac is the other way around. Either that or our glasses are the other way around :)

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…and I think this one: wins my “favourite photo of the day”.

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@bertpalmer Heh. Also, as I found out this evening, using polarised sunglasses while trying to see the screen in an armband is… hard.

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@bananza I love them, but I have to restrain myself at the Mexican place near here that hands them out after dinner, else I’m awake ‘til 4am

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@KaveyF Yeah, I keep on getting @ahnlak and @Aleksandr_Orlov confused now.

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@KaveyF Unique sentence that, _now_.

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