@hannahnicklin Don’t forget to take your bat.
@paulahillier Yeah. So far, I’ve had six extra hours sleep over normal. Think I must have needed that! :)
@Jorence I think I just about doubled the average age of the user population. Still, easy way to take daily photos :)
@hannahnicklin Well, if you only wear half of them, it’ll probably encourage you to run faster.
@anildash I heard Elvis was writing one.
@ArtistStudios Haven’t used it much in dim light. Gigs are often even darker than you think they are, too…
@Jorence Yup. Morning Pages seem to be good for me.
@parryphernalia yeah, well, that’s teenagers for you.
Despite my initial reservations, I am actually quite enjoying DailyBooth. http://dailybooth.com/go…
@zinziii “wretchedfairy”?!
@zinziii Not sure. It just seems almost terrifyingly cute :)
@talkie_tim What happened?
Cadbury’s Mini-Eggs have no calories if you only consume them in batches of three, right?
And… Kazoo solo! http://twitpic.com/1dfnhq
Really enjoying my new hand-held, touch-interface, larger-sized entertainment device :) http://twitpic.com/1dgup5
@jemimakiss Did you find out what was causing your emails to stick, then?
@paulahillier Yeah; shame, I could do with lounging around in my PJs and dressing gown for another few days, personally.