Matt Gibson (@gothick)

Hotwells, Bristol

The below is an off-site archive of all tweets posted by @gothick ever

April 13th, 2010

Hmm. My @echofon is now crashing just after launch. Fearing the change of switching to a backup client.

via Twitter Web Client

@hannahnicklin To be fair though, it only mentions the word “men” three times, usually within the phrase “men and women”.

via Echofon in reply to hannahnicklin

@hannahnicklin And I had to download the bloody Tory manifesto to put that in context, and now I feel a bit dirty.

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@tsunimee I’ve never heard anyone do that.

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@hannahnicklin Yeah, but then you’d also have to scale for the amount you think each one is lying…

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@tsunimee That’s because we’re very lazy. Why turn it inside out? We’ll only have to turn it the right way round again…

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@tsunimee that’s only because you’ve done it the other way thousands and thousands of times, though.

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@tsunimee Maybe if you wear tighter tops & have boobs the girl’s way is easier ;)

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@tsunimee yeah, I was wondering if kids just use whatever random method they’re shown, then settle on a method when they’re older.

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@bertpalmer @davidpatrick Oh, I’ve got a CAPTCHA on mine. I’m just being annoyed by humans with poor reading comprehension skills.

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So nice to wander home in daylight.

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RT @rstein Where do teenagers shop for fashion in London? The kids at school want Oxford Street - Isn’t that for grown ups?

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@paul_snoop @cr123a Thanks for that! Clearing local cache seems to have done the trick!

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@Phooto presumably you would also send father-in-laws to court martials.

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This evening, I have mostly been fiddling with scripting custom DailyBooth image displays :)

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I’ve just figured out why Steve Jobs wears those black turtlenecks: it’s to stop him reflecting so badly in the screen of his iMac.

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Is there a WordPress contact form plugin that specifically filters out spam from scummy SEO sales morons?

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@bertpalmer Doesn’t, as far as I know, run on contact forms?

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