@rabidbee We’ve warned you about using that macro lens in the gents.
RIght. Been up for like, two hours. Probably time to start the Morning Pages, then. Before the morning goes away.
@KaveyF Huh? That’s an hour later than normal, for me…
Just noticed rise is selling CDs by the pound, £1/lb. Interesting bit of marketing, anyway. http://twitpic.com/1ej06h
@ahnlak Don’t know. The marketing didn’t really work on me; I assumed all the music would be shite and didn’t bother going in.
In the window of Boston Tea Party, coding and consuming latte.
Also: word-counted my Morning Pages this morning, and I’m up to 111,000+ words so far this year. http://bit.ly/d2g9xe
…and I’m now just about getting the urge to start making them vaguely interesting and project-related, rather than random wittering.
@Narshada It’s an exercise from Julia Cameron’s “The Artist’s Way”; stream-of-consciousness writing done first thing in the morning.
It’s kind of ironic, getting a timeout when you’re trying to look up PHP’s set_time_limit() function up on the web.
But I can’t make that rhyme, which is why Alanis Morissette makes more money than me.
@Narshada The book’s site looks like it’s here: http://www.theartistsway… but I’ve done everything just using the book.
@jcroft As for inelegance, I can genearally ignore what the
duck’s legs are doing as long as it’s gliding along smoothly enough on top ;)
Gah. Amazon email to say delivery date for something has changed from before my friend’s birthday to after… her _next_ birthday.
@rabidbee Well, it’s the only reason _I’d_ have body language that insecure.
@rabidbee Otherwise, clearly he’d have been all, “All right mate! Got your 10mm lens with you? Otherwise you’ll need to do a panorama!”
Why do so many people follow me who just have quotes for all their tweets? I have a dictionary of quotations for that, thank you very much.
@zinziii Heh: “Your musical compatibility with wretchedfairly is _VERY LOW_”
My new blog theme is not playing well with the “67-year-old men who are my dad” demographic. This is probably a good thing.
@majicDave Well, at least I qualify for ownership on one score.
@ahnlak @Phooto It’s scarily good. Used it for first time on this iMac. Afterwards new mac was just like old one, only bigger and faster.
@ahnlak No, but let me know how it goes. At some point I shall probably upgrade my VirtualBox installation so I can play with Win7.
@jcroft Huh? Echofon already does that, doesn’t it? Or am I misunderstanding “push notifications”?
@jcroft Oh, okay. Seemed fast enough to me. Although I stopped using it because getting notifications disturbed my RunKeeper use.