Matt Gibson (@gothick)

Hotwells, Bristol

The below is an off-site archive of all tweets posted by @gothick ever

April 26th, 2010

@DrHairbear It says it’s a “polygraphic” shirt. Do you reckon they grow if you lie?

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Note to self: When going to, don’t assume the browser will autocomplete after you’ve typed the first four characters.

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@hayles It was the feature where the browser says “Hey! I don’t recognise that. Let’s stick ‘.com’ on the end and go there!” that got me.

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Buggering hell. Why is it so hard to buy running tops for lardy people like me? Skintight is _not_ a good look on a fat bloke.

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@rbrwr Not entirely sure how the embarrassment of going outside to run in clothes a size too small encourages anyone to start exercising…

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@Squonk I found TK Maxx good for stuff like that, but can’t find technical, breathey running tops there :(

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Normally I’d just run in a scrappy old T-shirt, but it’s the Bristol 10K in two weeks time and I’d like to look a bit better for that. Sigh.

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@TheLloydClan Hey, I just missed .

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@rabidbee I quite enjoyed the last half-marathon, where a gorilla was chasing a banana :)

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@mhoulden Nope, will have a look, ta. Not keen on internet buying as I’ve found “XL” varies from “about right” to “ludicrously small”…

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@Squonk Not a dumb question! Will add them to the list.

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I dunno. There’s something about this T-shirt picture that doesn’t make me think “men’s”.

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@Squonk I’d just been looking at that one. It also is one of the few that doesn’t say “close fit”…

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@Squonk @mhoulden Thanks for the tips, folks. I have now Shopped. We’ll see if anything fits in a few days’ time :)

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Where’s the internet shopping I was promised on Tomorrow’s World, where I could upload a laser scan of my figure and put the shirts on it!

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@Squonk Ta! Sure the 10K will be fine — did 15 last Sunday for a laugh. More scared of the half-marathon in September!

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@KaveyF Aren’t there normally a few earthquakes around that magnitude in any given week?

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@Squonk Thanks! Momentum is the important thing, I think. Haven’t blogged today’s run yet, but it wasn’t very interesting :)

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@Squonk Sounds like the right choice. I live a good walking distance from work, but it’s a bit short to bike! Over too fast!

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@Squonk Yeah, mine’s only about 3 miles. 4.5 miles should be a nice little workout on a bike.

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@KellyJanner @Squonk I’m lucky: I have little fear of traffic and our office has a couple of shower/changing rooms.

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Harbour Master’s boat/
The police with no siren/
Death on the water

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@benjohnbarnes Sadly, a relatively common occurrence for large bodies of water in the middle of cities.

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Anyone? —> Do you know of a good integrated social media search? Facebook, Twitter, blogs and stuff. /via @benjohnbarnes

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@csoanes Actually, now I come to think of it, I don’t put quite so much “W” on it. Erm. HEWristic, only don’t use your lips on the W. Ish.

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@paulahillier Yeah, save it for an after-dentist treat and wash it down with coffee.

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What? Monday’s a Bank Holiday? *blink* Hurrah!

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@simonindelicate I would suggest choosing Extra Strong Mints if you make that deal.

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Hang on, _Idris Elba_ is in this Luther thing? *sets video*

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Cool, @SimonPeevers completed the London Marathon! Nice one!…

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@fadesdog Believe me, it was an absolute pleasure!

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