Taxi Driver: Do you know where the Hope Chapel is, mate? Me: Do you know Hopechapel Hill? TD: Yeah. Me: Well, there’s a reason… TD: Oh, Fu
@Runkeeper Anything up with your web server at the moment? Or is it just me?
@matthew_roach That sucks. What’s Coffee #1 like for that? Best alternative, in my view, if you really like good coffee…
@KaveyF I would have laughed harder, but I have had many moments just as brain-dead as that one.
Is it just me, or is YouTube’s new comment system thing screwed? I get duplicates and errors and other problems all the time…
@ArtistStudios Just a little Kodak Zi6. I hear the Zi8 is the latest version.
@andybeebristol Luckily, though, they’ve just put in more bar-style seating downstairs. Must be popular with loners such as myself :)
My run, yesterday:… . Yes, I’m fat. But that is why I’m running.
…This censorship was brought to you by the 140-character limit.
@Runkeeper Ta! Will do. Probably just some transient problem in the middle somewhere…
@tsunimee My pleasure, squirrel
@tsunimee Not too far from the top, in between /* comment markers */ in a style section. Maybe my source viewer is better.
@tsunimee @KaveyF it’s “Minima Lefty Stretch”, by the way :) #usethesourceluke
@andybeebristol Ah, but which one? I’m heading for Clifton Village.
So, is this a good time for Boston Tea Party because nobody else will be going out in _this_, or will everyone be sheltering there?
@Playleimagery The BBC weathermen can’t hear you, Mark. They’ve all gone to the beach, using the roads they’ve cunningly kept empty.
God, I love aspidistras. They’re so… indestructible. *finally waters plants*
I _was_ planning on going for a run. But: RT @BristolBites: Don’t forget…chocolate festival on Welsh Back tomorrow!
@tsunimee Aww, thanks!
@KaveyF Look how dusty they are: . And that’s after I removed the worst bits in Lightroom :)
Currently digitally cleaning @ahnlak’s glasses. It’s a funny old world.
@hayles I’d gladly go halvsies with you on this one. Assuming that you can track me down and prise it from my cold, dead hands, of course.
Photo from the zoo the other day:
@tsunimee How about “Protector of the Ovoid Joy”?
@tsunimee And please, can we not refer to me as someone who holds the precious purple too often. Ta.
@tsunimee The “Photo Booth” app has a 3-second delay :)
@tsunimee I have improvised.
@KaveyF @tsunimee In the original, I can see “(Thanks to #@tsunimee for suggesting that)”. Wonder if the hash is confusing your clients…
@jacrats Well, from my perspective there was both plenty of Doctor and plenty of totty :)
@tsunimee My preeecious…
@tsunimee Have an emergency egg right here. And my local shops are mostly still open every day, just slightly limited hours.
@tsunimee Yeah, I thought so. Still, there’s always chocolate.
@tsunimee Reminds me of a sad thought I had earlier on. “Why do I never meet any girls my age?” “Because there aren’t any ‘girls’ my age…”
“…terrified of wood!”
Hmm. Tuned in for Doctor Who expecting time travel. Appear to be getting it in the form of It’s A Knockout.
@KaveyF Sadly, no. Bristol 10K is May 9th :)