Matt Gibson (@gothick)

Hotwells, Bristol

The below is an off-site archive of all tweets posted by @gothick ever

February 2014

@theagilmore Follow who you find interesting. Twitter’s for you as well as your followers.

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“NATO secretary-general Anders Fogh Rasmussen used his Twitter account to warn Russia…” Um. Somehow, that seems like the wrong medium.

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sunny_hundal If Russia invades Ukraine, the USA and UK are bound by legal agreement to help. Here’s why

via Twitter Web Client (retweeted on 6:45 PM, Feb 28th, 2014 via Tweetbot for iOS)

@hayles You found the source of the Bristol Hum!

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@RellyAB See also: treble-checking every word, then sending the email from your weird personal email address rather than your company one.

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@TheLikelyLad Don’t let anyone wobble your RAMpack.

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Arse. Just walked into town to use the handy Post Office in the Co-Op on Baldwin Street.

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My head hurts from learning. Lunchtime walk and a change of scene, I think.

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@warriorgrrl …and I love the sound of these things. They’re quite well-separated: roughly equilateral triangle between them and my head.

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@warriorgrrl Mostly as day-to-day computer speakers, but I do do a bit of recording and mixing of my own stuff. Enjoy fooling with audio…

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@warriorgrrl I have a little pair of M-Audio studio monitors on my desk now and I’m *so* much happier :)

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So, it makes a difference to have speakers in front of you as stereo pair, rather than having them both off to one side. Who’d’ve guessed?

via Echofon

@Phooto The last time I tried to get arbitrary podcasts syncing with Apple’s way, I nearly ended up in tears. “Easy” it was not.

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@Phooto I could just spend £500 upgrading the Mini stereo to something that worked well with the phone. But not for < 4,000 miles a year!

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@Phooto Ooop. I meant @marcoarment. (Sorry @marco! You must get that a lot…)

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@Phooto I’m hoping that Overcast, the new podcast app @marco’s developing, might have some nice differentiating features to play with :)

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@Phooto …which is great, but lacks the “play these ten things in my arbitrary order for this journey” I sometimes want.

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@Phooto …but now I’ve not used iTunes syncing for ages, so I don’t know what the current best idea would be. I mostly just use Downcast…

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@Phooto I swapped away from that when I realised the Podcasts app was here to stay, and it stopped you syncing non-smart Podcast playlists.

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@Phooto Playlists in the Music app, or in a different podcast app?

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@Phooto Yeah, but I’m very particular about the order I listen to stuff in on long journeys — no smart playlist solution for that.

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@Phooto …simple functionality. Which was very handy with no stereo controls — I’d just queue up the podcasts I wanted in order.

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@Phooto Since they broke it and moved to that fecking Podcasts app, I’ve tried lots of different alternatives and none of them have that…

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@Phooto Back in the day, iTunes actually let you set up manually-ordered podcast playlists properly that synced with the phone. Sigh.

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@Phooto …but I’d hope the technology had improved somewhat since those early days.

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@Phooto Last time I tried “Navigate to Nicki’s house” using Siri I ended up (a) swearing and (b) using a paper map.

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@Phooto But for the amount I drive it’s not worth upgrading the stereo to something from this decade with Bluetooth (or even an aux in.)

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@Phooto Yeah, I’d go with a phone cradle thingy that stuck to the windscreen; works well enough for the satnav, and swaps between cars.

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@AthanSpod Is it just me, or is fysh down? Ta.

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@Phooto I’m clinging on to mine because the iPod stereo connection in the Mini still needs my phone to be in the glovebox! :)

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joshmillard This Man Invented A Machine To Remotely Electrocute Gullible Clickbait Readers. What Happens Next Will Shock You!

via TweetDeck (retweeted on 6:48 AM, Feb 28th, 2014 via Echofon)

What’s that sound? Is that Warhol, sniggering in his grave?

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Viewing a Warhol piece in a “Visual art encyclopedia”: “Due to copyright law restrictions this image is not available for your country.”

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ScottHoad My postman dreams of doing stand-up, but he still needs to work on his delivery.

via Twitter for iPhone (retweeted on 4:59 PM, Feb 27th, 2014 via Echofon)

Mmm. New speakers for the computer. My sort-of free reward for eBaying a bunch of stuff I decluttered :) *rocks out*

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SimonNRicketts They saw you being naughty: “UK spy agency intercepted webcam images of millions of Yahoo users”

via Twitter for Websites (retweeted on 2:34 PM, Feb 27th, 2014 via Echofon)

Tea and Ruby-learning in the sunshine.

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Gah! Plain-clothes chugger!

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@dave_ja And the great thing is you can implement it with just a random number generator!

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petapixel Lice expert says selfies are causing a big increase in lice among teens:

via TweetDeck (retweeted on 8:48 PM, Feb 26th, 2014 via Echofon)

@_pigeons_ Still up for tomorrow? Got somewhere in mind? I’m enjoying coming south of the river at the mo…

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@6sync It seemed to wake back up after an hour or so. Not sure what was going on in the meantime, but it’s working now, thanks.

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@Dru_Marland Cool. I have a hunk of nice tuna and some very fresh bread ;)

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joeldev “Programming language based on the one-liners of Arnold Schwarzenegger.”…

via Tweetbot for Mac (retweeted on 12:46 PM, Feb 26th, 2014 via Tweetbot for iOS)

@Dru_Marland Farmers’ market deffo on.

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rbrwr @gothick I love the fierceness of those unicorns…

via Twitter Web Client (retweeted on 11:17 AM, Feb 26th, 2014 via Tweetbot for iOS)

Email: “Last chance to join our free webinar and help boost your brand recognition”. Gosh, last chance? Really? I’ll get right on that.

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@murtaugh Sadly, mine’s been working for so long I can’t remember how I did it now…

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@AirwolfDoc Glad to know at least one of my childhood memories is accurate :)

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@mhoulden @DoctorRad (Also, if you’re a biker, have you tried @RftS_Bristol yet?)

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DoctorRad Any recommendations for a very late brunch (2pm) in central ?

via Plume for Android (retweeted on 12:10 PM, Feb 25th, 2014 via Echofon)

@mhoulden @DoctorRad But I don’t normally brunch that late, nor in central Bristol. Boston Tea Party a good standby; let me ask the crowd.

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Sunshine. Sunshine. Sunshine. Sunshine. “Hmm. Maybe I’ll nip out to the Post Office.” HAILHAILHAILHAILHAILHAILHAILHAILHAILHAILHAILHAILHAIL

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@jacintuk 12.04 LTS is good until April 2017. I might start worrying about it sometime in January 2017.

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That server upgrade went suspiciously well. *downloads nmap*

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@hayles @C_J_Fox We’ll tell you when you’re older.

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elegsabiff You can tell a lot about a woman from her hands. For instance, if she’s holding a gun, she’s probably angry.

via TweetDeck (retweeted on 7:37 PM, Feb 24th, 2014 via Tweetbot for iOS)

@C_J_Fox I seem to remember hearing Dire Straits first when _Money for Nothing_ played during an episode of _Airwolf_. SO EIGHTIES.

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@C_J_Fox It’s not so much that they’re unashamedly 80s as that they pretty much defined the 80s :D

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@theloop Sorry for the false alarm. I guess most other people’s links aren’t quite that long!

via Echofon in reply to theloop

@theloop Looks like problem with Fever; the link in the item gets truncated to 255 chars. Will raise with @shauninman

via Echofon in reply to theloop

@theloop I’m using Fever; feed is Let me double-check a few things at this end, see if I can figure it out…

via Echofon in reply to theloop

@theloop Is there a problem with links in the RSS feed? Pretty much every link from The Loop feed seems broken, e.g.…

via Echofon

About to upgrade a server from Ubuntu 10.04 to 12.04. Hoping it goes well. It’s a long walk to New York State to whack it with a hammer.

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@davidcaolo The Prisoner: 17 episodes total. Fawlty Towers: 12 total. Sometimes it’s better to quit while you’re ahead.

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Great to see the old tradition’s being followed.

via Instagram

Roight. Time for an afternoon stroll, I reckon.

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@6sync Thanks. Also seeing 0GB on Backup Storage meter in /cloud/vm page, which is a touch concerning…

via Echofon in reply to 6sync

@6sync Not having much luck with the backup interface at the mo. Is it just me? Ta!

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@pocketsupport You seem to be assuming I have some kind of… Erm. What’s the thing called again?

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Just had a slew of new unique sentences arrive on the site :)

via iOS

@_pigeons_ PLAN. Okay, arrange time/place next couple of days? Am imminently heading for bed right now…

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@_pigeons_ Literally the only thing in my calendar for Thurday evening is “Set PVR for Jonathan Creek”. Reckon I can probably multitask :D

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@_pigeons_ Well, in that case, I’ll chance it :)

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@_pigeons_ As long as you’re not going to ask me how much it would be to buy my coffee before I’d finished it.

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@_pigeons_ And you, right, *you* can… *explodes in a puff of rage*

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@Bingo_Little I’m *still* getting people asking. Last one offered me £80 cash when the auction was already at £120… *sigh*

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“YOU RECENTLY VIEWED THIS,” shouts eBay, and invites me to bid on… my own auction.

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Factory Girl: despite the reviews, I enjoyed this film. Always been fascinated by Warhol & the Factory.

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@OpinionatedGeek No worries. Give me a prod when it’s up :)

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@OpinionatedGeek …I wish I’d gone through it with an app I didn’t care so much about before I had to do it with an important one!

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@OpinionatedGeek Assuming you’ve nothing in the store yet already, I’d stick it in the store just so you get familiar with the process…

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@hayles But it works well without that kind of trickery, too :)

via Echofon in reply to hayles

@hayles …I took this shot against it, then inverted the colours so it turned pure white :)…

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@hayles Yeah, it’s very unreflective, especially if you can put it further back and blur it with depth of field…

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@wordpressdotcom …as a phishing scam. Is there something odd going on, or is it some kind of false positive? Definitely looks suspicious!

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@wordpressdotcom The subscription management page’s “Log In” link is @opendns detects…

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Right. Film night commences.

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DarmonRichter Urban Exploration: London’s Dark Satanic Mills [The Bohemian Blog]…

via Twitter for Websites (retweeted on 8:29 PM, Feb 23rd, 2014 via Echofon)

ohhelloface Getting in or around Bristol and need a Makeup Artist? please retweet! x

via Twitter Web Client (retweeted on 7:52 PM, Feb 23rd, 2014 via Echofon)

@danvesma My guess: because @ruskin147 is off skiing :)

via Echofon

@tsunimee I loved the original series. Portmeirion, the original setting, is real, in Wales, and totally quirktastic.

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matt_fwyalchen I’ve just been startled by a behoodied boy racer screeching his tyres while playing John Denver at full blast. I love Aberystwyth.

via Twitter for iPhone (retweeted on 6:21 PM, Feb 23rd, 2014 via Tweetbot for iOS)

“Those are some nice-looking little packets you’ve got there. Be a shame if anything… happened to them.six

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WSJ Breaking: Netflix has agreed to pay Comcast to ensure movies and TV shows stream smoothly to Comcast customers.

via (retweeted on 6:13 PM, Feb 23rd, 2014 via Tweetbot for iOS)

@boagworld You’ve gone to the country that invented chips to eat pizza?

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@chubbybannister Oh, was I doing my blind thing? Sorry. Yes, didn’t fancy the queue for wildlife photog.

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@talkie_tim I guess that’s good for them, but bad for us. Though I can normally go on a week-day morning when I actually notice it’s on!

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This kind of space just attracts Capris, it seems.…

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@talkie_tim I didn’t know it had moved. At the City Museum I could hardly miss it, so I didn’t bother looking out for it specially…

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Sometimes, seems to define “random”.

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This bench could be better- placed, view-wise.

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@charlie_cat_esq I’ve done it a couple of times but not systematic enough to have sourced bags yet!

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Damn. Last day of Wildlife Photographer of the Year at M-Shed, but I’m not in the mood for a queue that long.

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The Favourites of the Emperor Honorius

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@pocketsupport My apologies. That was meant to be accompanied by a screenshot:

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@hayles Not with anything *else* I’ve ordered recently…

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Are all UK web-based photo framing services run by the elderly? I learned centimetres at school, and I’m *41*. Why inches everywhere?

via Echofon

@hayles Nice. Needs a teensy bit more right margin on the words, for me, but it looks good.

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swombat Evil Troll Idea: Build a web spider to repeatedly crawl your competitors’ websites using IE6 browser identification strings.

via Tweetbot for Mac (retweeted on 8:13 PM, Feb 22nd, 2014 via Tweetbot for iOS)

Floppy Proof that it’s possible to build a Lego spaceship out of anything:

via Tweetbot for iOS (retweeted on 5:04 PM, Feb 22nd, 2014 via Echofon)

@skeddy @Dru_Marland There’s probably good tax breaks to be had, too.

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…specific sound. And that she sent me a detuned guitar in the post so I could join in. *awaits postie expectantly*

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Last night I dreamed that @missmcq started a “slack” band that deliberately tuned their guitars and basses down several steps for a…

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@Dru_Marland You could barely see it when you were inside it. No windows and they often didn’t turn most of the lights on. Odd place.

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MacSparky The Mysterious Character Viewer.…

via Tweetbot for Mac (retweeted on 8:16 AM, Feb 22nd, 2014 via Echofon)

hughlaurie 2003 called. It wants this joke format back.

via Twitter for iPhone (retweeted on 10:44 PM, Feb 21st, 2014 via Tweetbot for iOS)

Well, it did always feel like The Smiths That Time Forgot.

via iOS

@Lillput Browser testing. First time for me, too.

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@asic69 Glossy boxes swarm/
Hiding every useful thing/
Windows 8 sucks goat

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*Nukes Windows* *Sighs*

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On Monday, I used a Microsoft install image to put Windows 8.1 into VirtualBox. Today, I started the image and it’s already got a virus.

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Romany is industriously cupcaking in the Galley ;)

via Instagram

How real is this earthquake, on a scale of 1-to-crocodile?

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mhoulden Reports of a earthquake near Bristol. What weird app is @gothick working on now?

via TweetCaster for Android (retweeted on 2:44 PM, Feb 20th, 2014 via Tweetbot for iOS)

@marklesuk @ahnlak Well, I’ve heard you should compress your CSS, but that might be taking it a little too far.

via Echofon in reply to marklesuk

So, is the @BandQ homepage *only* broken for me?

via Echofon

@BandQ …plus clicking on items in search results give me:

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@BandQ Um. Well, this is your homepage for me (in three different browsers, on mobile and desktop):

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@BandQ Any idea when your website will be working again? Ta!

via Echofon

Ihnatko So guess what: you kids who ran away to WhatsApp will wind up using your parents’ social network anyway.…

via TweetDeck (retweeted on 10:29 PM, Feb 19th, 2014 via Tweetbot for iOS)

@jchristopher Yeah, but also that thing where it might get bumped and languish for three years.

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mySpacecraft Apply today to join us as a paid .com summer student Space Internship Network

via Twitter Web Client (retweeted on 6:40 PM, Feb 19th, 2014 via Echofon)

@ahnlak Well\Its\Not\Bad\But\Doesnt\All\The\Typing\Drive\You\Mad\Sometimes?

via Echofon

@ahnlak Best way of playing with Rails deployments for free without having to learn All Of The Complicated Things at once.

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I wonder if this beard will ever grow out of the “awkward middle length” stage.

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Ah, okay, heroku isn’t actually that slow. Should probably have chosen an image smaller than 4MB to test my uploads.

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@mhoulden @OpinionatedGeek I haven’t found the start button yet.

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Things I have learned today: How to shut down Windows 8. Had to Google it to figure it out. Sigh.

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Doing some slightly odd work for an app idea I’m playing with.

via Instagram

Two Windows VMs, Eclipse, and both iOS and Android simulators running. Glad I’ve got 16GB of memory on this thing.

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So, Internet Explorer 8, we meet again. *draws sword*

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@culturedcode Please tell me Things 3 will have “undo”!

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@shezza_t Hrm. I knew the history, but the inverted version’s been used as a reclaimed pride symbol since I was at uni, at least.

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ThePoke Nice one Google (via @freethestones)

via TweetDeck (retweeted on 8:34 PM, Feb 17th, 2014 via Echofon)

@FreelanceCynic It’s pretty cool, though. Especially when you can start pronouncing “γ” and “χ” vaguely close to how they should be :)

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@FreelanceCynic Good luck. I took a couple of years’ worth of evening classes, but I’m pretty rusty now (my parents live in Crete.)

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@FreelanceCynic Is this just so you can add “greeky” to your Twitter bio? :)

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@FreelanceCynic At least it’s phonetic. So I can pronounce what you just said, even if I don’t understand what it means :D

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*So* glad the beginner drummer lives at the other end of the street. Can hear them from here, can’t be fun to be next door.

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@benjohnbarnes Up to eight now. Thank Christ for TextExpander.

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HudsonBar Your feedback is important to us.

via Twitter for iPhone (retweeted on 7:53 PM, Feb 17th, 2014 via Echofon)

@Bingo_Little …for significantly more than you can buy a new one.

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@Bingo_Little Apple TV mk 2 — they can be jailbroken, and the new ones can’t, so oddly, you can sell the old ones secondhand…

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@Phooto Indeed. And no, I’ve pretty much just been using it as a Netflix box. Not felt any jailbreaking desires.

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@Phooto Been putting it off for ages, but I figured if I could get the new model and make sure it worked with my telly first, why not…

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@Phooto I just bought reconditioned mk 3 from Apple online for £75. Already had two people wanting to pay more than that for old one!

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@Phooto On the plus side, it seems Apple TV mk 2s haven’t lost their desirability to jailbreakers.

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*turns off notifications*

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Christ. The auction’s been going less than an hour and that’s the fifth “Buy it now?” email. It’s going to be a long seven days.

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@xabl I think I may make “.foc” the shortcut for the TextExpander macro I’m now writing. Three in the first half-hour. FFS.

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Those people who email you on a non-“Buy It Now” eBay auction to ask you how much the “Buy It Now” price is. Hrm.

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