@jacintuk 12.04 LTS is good until April 2017. I might start worrying about it sometime in January 2017.
That server upgrade went suspiciously well. *downloads nmap*
elegsabiff You can tell a lot about a woman from her hands. For instance, if she’s holding a gun, she’s probably angry.
@C_J_Fox I seem to remember hearing Dire Straits first when _Money for Nothing_ played during an episode of _Airwolf_. SO EIGHTIES.
@C_J_Fox It’s not so much that they’re unashamedly 80s as that they pretty much defined the 80s :D
@theloop Sorry for the false alarm. I guess most other people’s links aren’t quite that long!
@theloop Looks like problem with Fever; the link in the item pastebin.com/dEySVktm gets truncated to 255 chars. Will raise with @shauninman
@theloop I’m using Fever; feed is loopinsight.com/feed/ Let me double-check a few things at this end, see if I can figure it out…
@theloop Thanks!
@theloop Is there a problem with links in the RSS feed? Pretty much every link from The Loop feed seems broken, e.g. cbc.ca/news/technolog…
About to upgrade a server from Ubuntu 10.04 to 12.04. Hoping it goes well. It’s a long walk to New York State to whack it with a hammer.
@katiesmillie Not for me, there’s not :(
@davidcaolo The Prisoner: 17 episodes total. Fawlty Towers: 12 total. Sometimes it’s better to quit while you’re ahead.
Great to see the old tradition’s being followed. instagram.com/p/kziMUopC-b/
Roight. Time for an afternoon stroll, I reckon.
@6sync Thanks. Also seeing 0GB on Backup Storage meter in /cloud/vm page, which is a touch concerning…

@6sync Not having much luck with the backup interface at the mo. Is it just me? Ta! pic.twitter.com/usZMDU7BON
@pocketsupport You seem to be assuming I have some kind of… Erm. What’s the thing called again?