@murtaugh Sadly, mine’s been working for so long I can’t remember how I did it now…
@AirwolfDoc Glad to know at least one of my childhood memories is accurate :)
@mhoulden @DoctorRad (Also, if you’re a biker, have you tried @RftS_Bristol yet?)
@mhoulden @DoctorRad But I don’t normally brunch that late, nor in central Bristol. Boston Tea Party a good standby; let me ask the crowd.
Sunshine. Sunshine. Sunshine. Sunshine. “Hmm. Maybe I’ll nip out to the Post Office.” HAILHAILHAILHAILHAILHAILHAILHAILHAILHAILHAILHAILHAIL

Strapline irony. pic.twitter.com/2c8If0Rwm9