@Lillput Browser testing. First time for me, too.
@asic69 Glossy boxes swarm/
Hiding every useful thing/
Windows 8 sucks goat
*Nukes Windows* *Sighs*
On Monday, I used a Microsoft install image to put Windows 8.1 into VirtualBox. Today, I started the image and it’s already got a virus.
@ahnlak I maybeify your assertion.
Romany is industriously cupcaking in the Galley ;) instagram.com/p/kpNHm4JC43/
Square instagram.com/p/kpIawcpCyk/
How real is this earthquake, on a scale of 1-to-crocodile? #bristol
Yak shaving.
@marklesuk @ahnlak Well, I’ve heard you should compress your CSS, but that might be taking it a little too far.

@BandQ …plus clicking on items in search results give me: pic.twitter.com/4iWAMfwfJC

@BandQ Um. Well, this is your homepage for me (in three different browsers, on mobile and desktop): pic.twitter.com/QmLeME6Xu0
@BandQ Any idea when your website will be working again? Ta!