Matt Gibson (@gothick)

Hotwells, Bristol

The below is an off-site archive of all tweets posted by @gothick ever

September 2016

@rustyshelf Good to know. (I watched _The Prisoner_ at an impressionable age, which is how they became an…rH

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@rustyshelf Are those chairs comfy? I’ve always wanted one.

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In more calming news, just mentioning Ringworld to @_pigeons_ seems to have started me on a re-reading marathon.

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Can I pay extra for a non-professional version of Evernote with all this extra clutter gone?

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@Kavey Happy birthday to you, happy birthday to you, happy BIRTHDAY dear Kavey, happy not-doing-much birthday to yooooo.

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Yeah. Possible I used to plan a little bit too much.

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And you deserve us, Leviathan.

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@petedrinks My nose can’t pin it down, apart from thinking it’s not Laphroaig. But it’s very good for the money.

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@petedrinks Any idea where this is from*?

*Yes, I will punch you if you say “Aldi”.

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JonCG Hmm, so this is what I’ll be doing next time I’m in New York…!

via Echofon (retweeted on 4:51 PM, Sep 29th, 2016 via Tweetbot for iΟS)

@wordsfromluke So far just standalone, though I’ve only had it a day… Might consider Philips Hue stuff (if I come into some money!)

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@robot_tiger Yeah, I’ve had meetings like that, too.

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@jakem @downcastapp I’m also finding this. Have to kill & restart to get full list back.

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@aallan Well, if Trump gets in, we’ll need another planet quicker than we expected.

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@EffBeeee I would advise against doing this alone.

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Possibly the best photo of Paul Darrow I’ve ever seen.…

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Why class won’t go away | Lynsey Hanley…

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stevesilberman Wonderful sign from Berkeley Zen Center.

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@hayles It’s really very pleasant. I know watch aficionados who aren’t that sold on it, but compared to other smart watches it’s excellent.

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Bloggity: The Withings Activité Steel.…

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@_pigeons_ @Gethin76 I think they lost count somewhere around 440.

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@chubbybannister My distant recollections involve Coffee Castle and a model village.

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@_pigeons_ It’s not as old as I thought it was. Looks like I first saw it in August

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_pigeons_ .@gothick, sheltering

via Twitter for iPhone (retweeted on 4:43 PM, Sep 25th, 2016 via Tweetbot for iΟS)

You can see all the way to Whales from here! @ Bishops Knoll

via Instagram from Bristol, England

Traffic fun in Hotwells as Irene waits for a bridge swing, but bridge is full because of Portway closure…

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@Ihnatko *clanking chains* WooOoooOOOoooo! iiiiiiiiiiDiiiiissssk WoooOOOOoooo *other haunting noises*

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@simonindelicate Well, that was an interesting way of hearing the result.

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Within ten minutes of leaving the flat this morning, drunk lads were already demanding photos. Always find that…Bd

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One from the archives. Spirit of Portsmouth has now been polished up a tad. @_pigeons_

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First they came for the clowns, and we did nothing because we quietly hoped the mimes would be next.…

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MooseAllain tortoise: beer?
turtle: just tea, thanks
tortoise: wine?
turtle: no, tea please
tortoise: sure?
turtle: yes I’m [turns to camera] Tea Turtle

via Twitter for iPad (retweeted on 8:54 PM, Sep 22nd, 2016 via Tweetbot for Mac)

Back when I first read them, John Brunner’s dystopias didn’t seem so depressingly likely.

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Grain Barge playing much Blondie. Might have to stay for another.

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_pigeons_ Bristol, with @gothick

via Twitter for iPhone (retweeted on 6:12 PM, Sep 22nd, 2016 via Tweetbot for iΟS)

ahnlak @gothick I got one to an account that has *never tweeted*

via MetroTwit (retweeted on 12:14 PM, Sep 22nd, 2016 via Tweetbot for iΟS)

I’d be more taken in by this email if Twitter hadn’t also sent it to an account that hadn’t been updated in 132…BQ

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@psidnell Are they that bad? I use Bluetooth speakers all day long without much problem.

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Literally all I did was turn the thing on and run Windows Update. Fuck you, Windows.

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A friend wants to know if there’s decent coffee to be had in Fishponds, Bristol folk? I don’t get out that way much…

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@MatthewBeige @Bristolvor DON’T DO IT! (Have you been recently? It’s got EVEN WORSE. And I didn’t think that was possible.)

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@danvesma On the plus side, I fell quite smug about lining up replacements for cheap on the last Amazon Prime day.

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@RellyAB Is there anyone who could give you and your bike a lift there or back the first time, so you can try it one way only?

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@RellyAB Mmm. As a pedestrian cyclist I once did 20 miles, and needed quite a lie down the next day. And that was fairly flat.

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@ToM_BaL I’m still not sure about them. Like the transparency, but not the folding, maybe.

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Yeah, LinkedIn, I’m *really sure* this is my last chance.

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📷 Is everything okay? Grain House, YHA, Bristol.

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And as I walk home with the podcast playing in my left ear only, I become more convinced that a lack of unreliable wires is the future.

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@Bristolvor (Also playing about with Scrivener on mobile, which I normally use on a grown-up computer. See if it syncs reliably, etc…)

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@Bristolvor Some thoughts on the Withings Activité, that may eventually become a blog post.

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📷 Cove Cafe, Weston-super-Mare.

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Fujifilm_UK This is Medium-format re-invented!

via Twitter Web Client (retweeted on 7:35 PM, Sep 19th, 2016 via Tweetbot for iΟS)

bristol247 Does Bristol still need the Post Office?…

via Twitter Web Client (retweeted on 11:57 AM, Sep 19th, 2016 via Tweetbot for iΟS)

@Bristolvor @chubbybannister I’m glad it exists because of seaside childhood memories. As an adult, Bangor or Clevedon piers appeal more

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Still enjoying the random domestic scenes of my “have I got a card in?” test shots.

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@emmachampion6 @porthjess This could have been avoided if I’d actually read the weather display right. Tonight’s moon is *waning* gibbous.

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@porthjess Have you *seen* my back? They’d charge double.

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@OpinionatedGeek This is why I just bought a cheap laptop for when I need Windows. Less cross-contamination!

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@OpinionatedGeek Some may consider that the ultimate Windows Update.

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Another cunningly-hidden Amazon delivery.

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hatsandbikes When a balloon crash lands in Redland

via OS X (retweeted on 11:20 AM, Sep 18th, 2016 via Tweetbot for iΟS)

@shezza_t Why did they stop? *saves a few, just in case*

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@ahnlak Am not sure, actually. Reset & jailbroken, it still seems to have the default books on it & are readable. Haven’t looked further.

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Christ. They weren’t kidding on the “full” bit.

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@skeddy This came out a cashpoint in Weston!

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Hashtag monopolymoney.

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Also: bloody hell, it’s see-through.

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The future has arrived (in my wallet.) As with all innovation I am deeply suspicious.

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Olympus OM-10. I think it may have some sand in the mechanism.

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@chubbybannister Yeah. The Cabot Court. May need to hunt down fish & chips in a bit.

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@chubbybannister Am watching sun set in beer garden in Weston. Brewdog extra bonus. 🍺 🍻

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@ahnlak (Very nearly all the work is being done on a (PHP) server producing 800x600 image; the Kindle’s just blatting it on the screen.)

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@aallan Hah. Just scored a Dead Pony Club from this Wetherspoons in Weston and had a very similar thought!

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@ahnlak Yeah; the wire’s only there so I can ssh in to it. Apart from the somewhat blinky/hacky screen update it’s all working pretty well.

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Chef, Festival of Sand Sculpture(!)

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scorpioattackb7 During filming, Gareth Thomas made Paul Darrow corpse using a small teddy. Don’t ask.

via Twitter Web Client (retweeted on 11:01 AM, Sep 17th, 2016 via Tweetbot for iΟS)

@ahnlak Desk calendar/weather display, using that old Kindle 3 that William Gibson signed. Didn’t want to just chuck it!

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@mhoulden This is all my fault. The power and the net are fine; I’ve even bought an under-desk cable-tidy. I just haven’t *done* it…

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(Careful angles and a shallow depth of field can do a lot for a place…)

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And, for @guriben, in the interests of balance, a picture of the shocking mess two feet away from the last picture.

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I didn’t make a request. I wasn’t even playing music. I have a rather impolite request for you now, though, iTunes.

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@porthjess Thanks; you just decided where I’d be shopping this lunchtime.

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@jsnell “I replied to Greg’s message with a sticker with a picture of Skeletor on it.” LOL! (Although I think I’m mostly on Greg’s side!)

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@dangusset Looking forward to the “is this personal literally insane!?” tweets on KonMari.

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@benorgan Cool! I love Χανιά. Restaurant tip: Γλωσσίτσες, on the harbour nearer the lighthouse end, is ace.

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Increasingly getting the impression that there’s one slightly deranged guy in Avon Crescent who *hates* cyclists.

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@olebegemann Ah… However, my *other* BlueTooth speaker, a Lumsing, appears to be stuck on ultra-quiet. Damn.

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No, *you* just got a bit distracted by prototyping and drew a Kindle.

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@brentsimmons Ah well. Worth a look. It was what was stuffing mine the last time.

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@brentsimmons Not seeing anything odd (high CPU) with the distnoted process, are you?

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@olebegemann Volume change working fine on iOS 10 with Logitech Mini Boom here.

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@OpinionatedGeek Damn it. Just checked. You *can* change it, but only to “Amazon” or “Echo”.

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@OpinionatedGeek I thought the Echo was the one that *did* let you customise the name?

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Current status: debugging dependency issues in a dependency management system.

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@RealDramRob Personally, I’m heading for a tuna sandwich at Underfall Yard.

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shanghaiist WATCH: Model moon rampages through streets of Fuzhou after being loosed by Typhoon Meranti

via Twitter Web Client (retweeted on 11:52 AM, Sep 15th, 2016 via Tweetbot for Mac)

@Kavey Polpo have opened up on Whiteladies Road ;)

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@chris_coys Well, er, yeah. And frankly, I’m glad. The food was very good indeed but going to London for it would be expensive.

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Very much enjoying King Gizzard and the Lizard Wizard. (Thanks @garycasamojo!)

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@mcelhearn I’ve heard so many good things about it that I ordered it as soon as I saw your tweet. And I don’t get along with Siri.

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📷 Jars, Mokoko, Bristol.

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meemalee I ❤️ Mel Giedroyc: random search after today’s news led me to this gem from @WILTY_TV

via Twitter for iPhone (retweeted on 6:55 PM, Sep 13th, 2016 via Tweetbot for iΟS)

The Man *Who* Sold the Moon, damn it.

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Odd how tap v. bottle makes such difference. Having Southville Hop at GB that tastes like its opposite on the @BrisBeerFactory spectrum.

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Does *anyone* *ever* say yes to this bullshit?

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@Bristolvor And today I learn what an oxter is. I think they’re exuding a healthy, manly miasma rather than being downright objectionable.

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@ttscoff @film_girl @mward @ovrtrd Is this a trick to make me go back and listen?

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Just looked up from my work to find I am the only customer on the Grain Barge. Was it something I said?

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I am very too hot. Quick pint on the Grain Barge then home to my nice cool flat for me.

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When a Star Trek character retires and buys a canal boat.

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People look a little askance at the original @lukejerram artwork I have in my hall. Maybe it’s time to recycle.

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@SpikyZebra Yeah. Think I’ve changed my mind on heading for the Post Office.

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*Turns all the lights on*

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@hayles As in, you don’t want any yet, or you didn’t hear that massive peal of thunder?

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Apparently, it was a little sunnier in Bristol this day last year.

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petapixel All the ads in this London tube station were just replaced with cat photos:…

via TweetDeck (retweeted on 8:38 AM, Sep 13th, 2016 via Tweetbot for Mac)

@psidnell I may have let the magic smoke out on a couple.

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@oliverburkeman I got my third from some debt collection outsourcing place. “Chrissy” will *never* touch my base.

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Is my electronics section meagre because I was more ruthless than I remember last clear-out, or are they hiding?

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@talkie_tim (I thought about going for the ham licence a long, long time ago, and I never throw a Penfold away :D )

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I don’t really have what you’d call a system for my books.

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@uliwitness Scared is okay, I think, as long as you’re enjoying it. I was scared of Ruby; turned out I also hated it…

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Just got a parking ticket. And, hopefully successfully, managed to get the warden to take it back off again. That’s a first.

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