Matt Gibson (@gothick)

Hotwells, Bristol

The below is an off-site archive of all tweets posted by @gothick ever

September 18th, 2016

@Bristolvor @chubbybannister I’m glad it exists because of seaside childhood memories. As an adult, Bangor or Clevedon piers appeal more

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Still enjoying the random domestic scenes of my “have I got a card in?” test shots.

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@emmachampion6 @porthjess This could have been avoided if I’d actually read the weather display right. Tonight’s moon is *waning* gibbous.

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@porthjess Have you *seen* my back? They’d charge double.

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@OpinionatedGeek This is why I just bought a cheap laptop for when I need Windows. Less cross-contamination!

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@OpinionatedGeek Some may consider that the ultimate Windows Update.

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Another cunningly-hidden Amazon delivery.

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hatsandbikes When a balloon crash lands in Redland

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@shezza_t Why did they stop? *saves a few, just in case*

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@ahnlak Am not sure, actually. Reset & jailbroken, it still seems to have the default books on it & are readable. Haven’t looked further.

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Christ. They weren’t kidding on the “full” bit.

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