Matt Gibson (@gothick)

Hotwells, Bristol

The below is an off-site archive of all tweets posted by @gothick ever

September 16th, 2016

@ahnlak Desk calendar/weather display, using that old Kindle 3 that William Gibson signed. Didn’t want to just chuck it!

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@mhoulden This is all my fault. The power and the net are fine; I’ve even bought an under-desk cable-tidy. I just haven’t *done* it…

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(Careful angles and a shallow depth of field can do a lot for a place…)

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And, for @guriben, in the interests of balance, a picture of the shocking mess two feet away from the last picture.

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I didn’t make a request. I wasn’t even playing music. I have a rather impolite request for you now, though, iTunes.

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@porthjess Thanks; you just decided where I’d be shopping this lunchtime.

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@jsnell “I replied to Greg’s message with a sticker with a picture of Skeletor on it.” LOL! (Although I think I’m mostly on Greg’s side!)

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@dangusset Looking forward to the “is this personal literally insane!?” tweets on KonMari.

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