Boarders. pic.twitter.com/zN8iA6gMsn

ThereSheRides Here’s the Staffs Uni contribution to #LiteracyDay pic.twitter.com/mRu3o71LBz
Oooh. Withings Steel HR announced. withings.com/uk/en/products…

Hopefully today’s photo of the day will be shot on the Yashica. pic.twitter.com/m5vaxhMXdd
@justan0therdave Are you watching it time-shifted?
(Unfortunately, it’s a McCoy-era script.)
This clown thing has “first act of a Doctor Who story” written all over it. huffingtonpost.co.uk/entry/creepy-c…

LDLDN Hey! Anyone wanna buy a 6 bed house in Leytonstone for £1.2m? Looks nice, needs a bit of TLC and WOAH WHAT iS THAT?? pic.twitter.com/b6kFkbuIJm
@mattwritescode Democracy? The global financial system? Noel Edmonds?