@benorgan Cool! I love Χανιά. Restaurant tip: Γλωσσίτσες, on the harbour nearer the lighthouse end, is ace.

Increasingly getting the impression that there’s one slightly deranged guy in Avon Crescent who *hates* cyclists. pic.twitter.com/oB7MXQAEUi
@olebegemann Ah… However, my *other* BlueTooth speaker, a Lumsing, appears to be stuck on ultra-quiet. Damn.

No, *you* just got a bit distracted by prototyping and drew a Kindle. pic.twitter.com/D3jzvMIu74
@brentsimmons Ah well. Worth a look. It was what was stuffing mine the last time.
@brentsimmons Not seeing anything odd (high CPU) with the distnoted process, are you?
@nicoleslaw 👀
@olebegemann Volume change working fine on iOS 10 with Logitech Mini Boom here.
@OpinionatedGeek Damn it. Just checked. You *can* change it, but only to “Amazon” or “Echo”.
@OpinionatedGeek (PS: Already ordered mine!)
@OpinionatedGeek I thought the Echo was the one that *did* let you customise the name?
Current status: debugging dependency issues in a dependency management system.
@RealDramRob Personally, I’m heading for a tuna sandwich at Underfall Yard.

shanghaiist WATCH: Model moon rampages through streets of Fuzhou after being loosed by Typhoon Meranti shst.me/e0z pic.twitter.com/DaTvqrpUSI
@Kavey Polpo have opened up on Whiteladies Road ;)