Hacker fight! youtube.com/watch?v=ZTwCtQ… via @YouTube (and an FB friend…)
@SimonLandmine Wasn’t bad :D
This is less a spaghetti bolognese and more a Parmesan delivery platform.
@Bristolvor Apropos of nothing, you know, I’d forgotten how terrible this video was. youtube.com/watch?v=JSAl2-…
@Bristolvor “back”?
@ukscone Yeah. There are some vocab-stretching authors I definitely prefer to read electronically!
@DanRebellato Hang on, though — what the hell did He do after he invented wine?
@shezza_t It was bloody lovely.
@chubbybannister It was bloody lovely. @mockingbirdAlma
@guriben @dangusset Sweet. The Arduino is overkill for the glorified desk calendar I’m building, but solar is a good thought.
Wish my dehydration symptom was thirst, rather than IRRATIONAL IRE WITH ALL THE GITS GETTING IN MY WAY AS I WALK DOWN THE ROAD KILL KILL

Bud. @ Clifton Cathedral Church of St Peter & St Paul instagram.com/p/BKLUHIXgUPi/

Buttermilk biscuit breakfast sandwich with gravy. Gosh. pic.twitter.com/AntduxUJ67

benorgan What the hell?! #tourofbritain #tob2016 pic.twitter.com/grXMNzEjFb

Arnold Palmer. pic.twitter.com/F4H6UdlNsK

Outdoor tellies really have got better and better, haven’t they? pic.twitter.com/CruEaHbDAL

Baby steps. pic.twitter.com/k75ZH5ZgP9