@djelibeybi_meg I have spent all day tidying and cleaning. Am now going to sit in my tidy chair and read a tidy book tidily.
@Shonette Well, you have a pin and a piece of paper… Can you fashion a blindfold from a napkin!?
@Bristolvor Or, just thinking wild random thoughts here, some kind of government-supplied lockable dispatch box. Perhaps in red…
@dangusset I can believe perfect pitch more than a change from major to minor!
@dangusset Wouldn’t you need at least two streams to be either major or minor?
Gin lovers more likely to be psychopaths… stylist.co.uk/life/Gin-psych… via @StylistMagazine
@guriben Maybe I need an antigothick Twitter account where I post photos taken at 180° to my highly-edited normal view…
@guriben The reason for this pic is that I’ve spent all bloody day tidying because someone’s coming to value it tomorrow!

Comfort corner. pic.twitter.com/hvOg5o9Lei
@felixsanzm @rem So it would only fail for names like Mary Sue, or Jean-Claude? That’s okay, then!