Matt Gibson (@gothick)

Hotwells, Bristol

The below is an off-site archive of all tweets posted by @gothick ever

May 2010

@csoanes Heh. Well, the street in question does offer other products:

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Ah, good, it’s not my Dad’s birthday today. I can call him tomorrow. (It wasn’t the birthday I forgot, it was the number of days in May!)

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You either love this window display in Clifton Village, or you hate it :)

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@bananza that’s my feeling, too. I don’t feel too bad about that, either.

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@canofpopcom Nah. Just don’t show shadows on Chrome specifically. Eventually it’ll get better and you can turn them back on.

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@djelibeybi_meg I’ve done naff all so far this morning. Besides, only supposed to have cake after jogging at the moment…

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@djelibeybi_meg Too much cake at Saturday’s barbecue :)

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Looks like a nice day, though. Once I’ve done the Morning Pages, I may go do more of this:

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Bleh. Headache.

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Back in from a 5K run. Had to do _some_ running before the end of the weekend. Anyway. Here is a snap from my route:

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Is it still down for you? Because it’s up over here…

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Ugh. Tired, and not in the mood for a run.

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@hayles Hint: Put the hammer down when you can no longer pronounce “bookshelf construction” without slurring.

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Chookooloonks Hysterical. And so clever. RT @georgiap: BP logo redesign contest!

via TweetDeck (retweeted on 1:00 AM, May 31st, 2010 via Echofon)

@canofpopcom But surely it would be better if they could start both parts of a two-part episode at the same bloody time?

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@canofpopcom I think I may be rewiring some things. Can probably get HDMI to the telly and hook the sound up. *grumble*

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@canofpopcom Not when I can’t easily connect it to my TV it’s not. Grr.

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Gah! _Where_ is my Doctor Who, and what is this Weakest Link shite? Stop moving things, you BBC bastards!

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Caption competition, anyone?

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Right. Back from seeing many friends in a couple of different counties. Anything happen in Bristol while I was gone?

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@Jorence Well, getting one without the other does seem foolhardy.

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Sunshine. Downs. Coffee. _Black Static_. Birdsong. Breeze. Yeah.

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Just passed a man with a clipboard and a set of dowsing rods. Yup, I’m in Avebury again.

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@dressjunkie Lucky. Damn stuff didn’t do a thing for me.

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Also: Buoy oh buoy! (sorry, had to get that out of my system.)

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@Jorence @stillawake Deciding to call them both The Mall has done nothing but bloody confuse people.

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@hayles @emargee that tweet was probably all the better for not being able to see the one it was in reply to.

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A blurry minute of my morning: the new lock gates being closed.…

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@mattgemmell I’d have thought an SD or CF card pouch would do nicely.

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@rabidbee Cocoadamol? Some kind of sleeping tablet?

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@talkie_tim @hayles It’s a good job I have a mature attitude to personal observations. You git.

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Oop. Had breakfast. Then got reminder for team breakfast at the pub.

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@hayles hmm. Without irony? Probably about 9.

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@rabidbee I need more room and a view. But I’d have to move out of Hotwells to get that. Hmm. Or, you know, _work_ more. Hmm.

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@rabidbee (but would you trust an estate agent who can’t spell “accommodation”?)

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@rabidbee Mmm. Looks good, and I like that area. And a view! I want a view.

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A photo from my commute to work: and one from my way back home:

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@Jorence Nice. I work around the corner. Fancied taking the long way round on the boat today!

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@Narshada @chrisspooner Yup! Also, Little Snapper has a preference for “include cursor” when snapping full-screen screenshots.

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@hannahnicklin So, you just passed the Kobayashi Maru test? Cool.

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@moon Summer was last weekend. Did nobody send you a London calendar?

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@hayles No, but I did spontaneously transform into a steaming pile of…


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EHILL: Hill overflow. CPU overheat. Core dumped.

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Walking to work this morning. It looks like this.

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@stillawake Erm. Struggling to figure out where the link to the article on Sasquatch Jerky fits in, logically…

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Article in today’s Times suggests that Twitter is undermining my social skills. This is clearly all _your_ fault, people.

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…and then you look at the rest. *sigh*

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Just the first picture is heartbreaking.…

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@csoanes I’m now thinking less Tony Hawk, and more Compo, Foggy & Clegg.

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@csoanes You’re sizing it up for going down a mountain, aren’t you?

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Ahh, Transvision Vamp’s _Honey Honey_. Glad I ripped this off the 7”.

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It’s odd how indistinguishable some of The Damned’s stuff is from some of Pulp’s stuff.

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Hmm. There should’ve been an apostrophe in there, shouldn’t there? Oh well.

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Incidentally, ploughmans at Riverside == good.

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*sings* “Yellowing classics, canons at dawn, coffee wallahs, pith helmets, an English sun…” [Yes, I’m singing a lot today. Ner.]

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@tyronem Scary. I actually thought “two coffee machines” before I clicked on that link.

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@talkie_tim Is that the heaviest impact Orwell has had on the area?

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@hayles To be fair, I have someone I do that with. But at least we take it in turns.

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@hayles Guess it depends if there’s a steep hill nearby.

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@hayles Tell her to turn that frown upside down! *runs*

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What’s wrong with this picture?

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There is an undercurrent of uncaring in even the most dedicated employee of an outsourced café.

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Right. I am going Outside. There may be a popping sound and a small column of smoke.

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@DrHairbear Well, there’s a long tradition of prison blues. However.

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Right. Off to have lunch at the garden centre.

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*sings* “U Don’t Dance 2 Tekno Anymore…” *sings*

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@jamesclay Hmm. Got any stylesheet overrides in place, or any greasekit userscripts, or wotnot?

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@Playleimagery Also, there are more Mac-like alternatives like Pixelmator and Acorn in the same niche on the Mac, so it’s harder to choose.

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@Playleimagery I’ve got Elements, but waited ages for the Mac version to catch up with the PC version, so haven’t really used it much yet.

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@stillawake Like I said, lucky. It’s hard to take an unusable photo of a professional model who jumps up and down for you :)

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@Playleimagery Ahh, but it’s fiddly. And the colour depth isn’t there, right? Most of the alternatives are awkward in some way.

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@stillawake You can get interesting shots if very luckly, though. This is still my most popular photo on Flickr:

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@stillawake If it’s anything like it was next to our office the other day, the pictures will mostly be of very bored people standing around.

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Every time I look at buying Photoshop or Illustrator, I think, “or I could get myself a really nice new digital SLR”, and stop looking.

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Morning all!

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This screengrab will mean something only to those of you with a taste for the finest films.

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@bertpalmer Yeah, just my usual Sunday stroll.

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@bertpalmer Speedy! If I ever run with you, remind me to tie your laces together first.

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@OpinionatedGeek Suit card characters here, in Echofon on a Mac. TweetDeck’s always been crap at character encodings.

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Just went through several steps of audio software troubleshooting before realising I’d pulled a jack plug out when moving the printer.

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@dottyteakettle Babyshambles album version. Got the chords, got the words, it’s just putting them together with conviction now…

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Still learning _Albion_. Disappointing that at my best, I still can’t sing as well as a drug-addled Peter Doherty.

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@Jorence Good good. Definitely going back at some point; only had twenty minutes or so before physio appointment yesterday…

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It’s getting increasingly difficult to separate my RSS feeds into “work safe” and “if this pops up on my screen I’ll be fired immediately.”

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@talkie_tim For extra value, run 7K around midday first. Makes it even better. Honest.

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@RichNeville Hmm. Can’t actually see that photo. But on the assumption that it’s the London Olympics logo, two words: Lisa Simpson.

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Okay, the next time it’s going to be 24C at midday, remind me to go running _early_. Nearly died doing 7K just now.

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@Jorence Hope you enjoy it. If nothing else, it’s nice and cool in there

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@thomasvenables …and it’s better now. Still probably the best vector alternative to Illustrator.

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@thomasvenables Inkscape good, but again was rather crashy under many OSX releases. Spent some time reporting bugs to the Mac X11 team…

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@Playleimagery I’m Safari on Mac, Firefox on Windows/Linux.

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@Playleimagery Yeah, and it’s still under active development. And it’s gorgeous. Think it may be the right bandwagon for me.

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@Playleimagery I’m using VirtualBox. But only for testing websites in Internet “oh god, it’s annoying” Explorer so far :)

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@Playleimagery Think I will probably try to learn Pixelmator. Looks like it’s in, or nearly in, the right place for me.

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@Playleimagery Nah. Everything looks so _ugly_ in there! Besides, bet you a tenner the tablet pressure won’t get passed through properly.

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@thomasvenables Tried it for years, on Windows LInux and Mac, and it’s always ended up hoovering up my time with technical issues, sadly.

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@thomasvenables One of those tools that I love on principle, but spend too much of my time fixing, and not enough time creating stuff with.

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@thomasvenables Painfully unstable at times with OSX, plus always an utter pain to get tablet (with pressure sensitivity) working with it.

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@Playleimagery Also, it’s been painfully unstable with some OS X releases.

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@Playleimagery I really like Gimp, but always have extreme pain getting my Wacom tablet and a mouse to work together sensibly with it.

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@hayles You should see all three of its heads. And it’s big, too. Have you been to the exhibition? It’s great.

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@RellyAB Ah, Fuck Me to the Moon, a Sinatra classic.

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I actually may have to post a pageful of Tumblr just so this scary thing isn’t at the top and staring at me any more.

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@hayles Clearly you should change your name in protest. Hayley Youthinkyou’refunnybutyou’renot Constantine?

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Learning the chords for _Albion_.

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@Narshada Funnily enough, Instapaper is one of two places where the note to check out “Clips” may be :)

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@Narshada Ah, it’s probably on my “to check out” list. Somewhere. It’s a long list.

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@hayles Indeed. Staying in my burrow. OK, it’s a basement flat. But I do bear some resemblance to a hobbit.

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@hayles I had to go out. Physio appointment. Too hot. Grump.

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Wow, and I thought that It’s A Knockout clone before was awful, it’s got nothing on . Frightening.

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I am still constantly amazed by the applicability of “Have you tried turning it off an on again?” to any technical problem.

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@Mister_Roy I nearly gave up on Ashes to Ashes after first episode. Last episode was best TV I’ve watched in ages.

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caitlinmoran I’m not being funny, but you really won’t ever read a better interview with Lady Gaga than mine:

via TweetDeck (retweeted on 1:00 AM, May 22nd, 2010 via Echofon)

@chrismarquardt Is that a manly way of saying you’re knitting?

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Odd things in the Art From the New World exhibition #297: Swarovski Cerberus.

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Yes, it’s sunny in Bristol today. But I feel the sombrero may be an overreaction.

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Art from the New World exhibition at the city museum is fantastic.

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Trying to catch up on my unprocessed photos. It scares me that they stretch back to May last year…

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Now _that_ was one of the best pieces of television I’ve seen in ages.

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@kshack22 This one that’s shaped to my buttocks now is probably enough.

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The Whole Nine Metres

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@rabidbee Yup. Oh, _fuck_, it makes noise? That’s NOT RIGHT, GOOGLE.

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Uncle Tom’s Garden Shed

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@philsherry Ah. Yes, even more annoying when it could be one’s own fault.

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The Sofa is Not Enough

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@Jorence One stays indoors, with the blinds closed. And if one has to venture outside, one travels slowly, preferably with a punka wallah.

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@chrismarquardt The English version — “2-4-6-8- Motorway” — is not quite the same.

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I now have a significant amount of DailyBooth. <— Experimental web code; may look odd.

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@matthew_roach Ooop. Sorry, must’ve missed each other. I was outside.

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@philsherry Twitpic? That’s what’s giving me mine…

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@tyronem @tsunimee “That’s what _she_ said!”. Sorry. Couldn’t resist.

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@tsunimee I don’t use Tweetdeck. Too complicated for my needs, and I don’t like the way it looks. Does it do British English spelling yet?

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At Boston Tea Party. Current guest coffee really nice.

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Okay. Lots of stuff done this morning. Boston Tea Party time.

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@caffeinebomb You appear to be halfway between my work and my home :)

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@6inchstilettos Well, it centres it for me. I’ve only tried in Firefox and Safari. Might give gyp in Internet Explorer. But what doesn’t?

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@6inchstilettos @tsunimee Hmm… Try changing the width of -wrapper to 1170px. But test in different browsers, that code’s a bit mad!

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@twitttles Ta! Nope, virtually all my stuff is Creative Commons (non-commercial) licensed these days. Feel free!

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Oh, hallelujah, Google actually does something new I might like and enjoy for once.

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My bit of Bristol was looking particularly nice this evening, on the way back from my jog:

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@benparkatbjs Won’t be long before there’s a TV recorder that records Twitter too and plays it back at the same time :)

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“Wenlock and Mandeville… perfectly match the Olympics logo in terms of tendentious artery-hardening crapness.”

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Finally got around to reporting some nasty graffiti to the council. Street art, fine, swastikas, NO.

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@benparkatbjs Every weekend? Heh. This stuff can be a pain to manage, especially if you interest is a lot bigger than your time. :(

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@benparkatbjs Maybe all you need is a two-hour appointment with yourself at the weekend to go through all the faves!

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@benparkatbjs I know what you mean, though. Sometimes I just want to save a link-less tweet. In emergencies, I email it to Instapaper!

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@benparkatbjs In Tweetie for iPhone, it’ll save the text of the tweet, and the username.

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@benparkatbjs Ah, okay. Erm. First suggestion: use Instapaper instead. Tweetie for iPhone lets you instapaper something; does the Mac one?

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@benparkatbjs Hmm. Not quite sure what you need, but maybe try

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D’oh. Something tells me that my iPhone didn’t get much of a GPS lock during that last run.

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@BradleyLaw @bertpalmer That’s not easy; you’d need to monitor for iTunes launch. Google “Linked Applications Launcher”; free & works, FWIR.

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@ahnlak 123-reg have them for pre-order. Which is good news for my music shop,

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@ahnlak Unfortunately both that, and my potential decorating firm at are already gone.

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@ahnlak Unfortunately, yes. As was my first choice,

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Also: very tempted by

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ScrivenerApp … join our ‘Scrivener for Windows’ newsletter: We *may* have some news sooner rather than later for recipients! ;-)

via Twitter Web Client (retweeted on 1:00 AM, May 19th, 2010 via Echofon)

@jukesie Well, yeah. But;! I mean, how cool would the web app you’d have to invent for that be!

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Oooh, a new TLD. And isn’t taken yet. Tempting…

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My upside-down photos seem popular. Maybe I should learn to work the camera the other way up; it’d save time in post-processing.

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Happy birthday @bexxi!

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Holy crap, the new coffee beans are dark. And I misjudged quantity once ground. This may be a Very Strong Coffee.

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@nyssapod Mmm, I guess live studio audience stuff has to be. Drama shoots appear to be all hi-vis jackets, sandwiches and waiting.

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Although I think my favourite photo from today is a more mundane scene: The greedy feathered buggers.

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A snap from today’s “Mistresses” filming in Bristol:

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@hayles …it’d serve me right.

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@hayles “Dear waste of carbon,”…

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Bleh. Just had one of those “you’ve not done anything with this domain for a whole year” emails I was ranting about t’other day.

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@archidave Ask them. If lost, they’ll move. If British they’ll get flustered. If foreign, they’ll answer you in perfect English.

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Honestly, I feel like David Lightman. “The OLAP engine is processing my dimensions!” “What’s that mean?” “I don’t know, but it’s _great_!”

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Ah, Analysis Services, how I love the computery gobbledegook that streams past when I process a cube.

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Oooh, fake car crashes and smoke and all sorts. Cool. More interesting now.

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@benjohnbarnes Yeah, sadly, looks like it’s died in the UK. Oh well, I did Lima expect it after all their troubles.

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TV filming is one of the most boring spectator experiences in the world.

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